
Three years pass.

[T/N: A few have asked me why Jason crossed Hestia's name in the last chapter: original Author gives a reason for this quite later on so, although a small spoiler, I will mention it here.

Because Jason feels Hestia's good impression of him is because of certain misunderstandings, but with Athena, it is a straightforward exchange, Jason needs to complete some tasks and Athena will give rewards in return.]

'This... what's this situation?'

Persephone looked in puzzlement at her mother, who is holding Jason and Medea in front of her but throwing a disgusted look at her.

'I feel like I have entered the wrong temple, is this really my mother?'

'The Goddess of Harvest, Demeter, who made the earth wither in anger just because I left her?!'

Persephone had thought about many possible meetings with her mother, but clearly, such a meeting was definitely not in her imagination!

And watching this scene, many Nymphs gathered around here couldn't help but cover their mouths while chuckling secretly.

So, when Persephone was still standing at the entrance in puzzlement, Jason, who has somehow managed to escape from Demeter's arms, came to Persephone.

"Sister Persephone, long time no see."

"Yes, okay..."

After replying stiffly, Persephone looked at Jason in front of her and noticed that in half a year, Jason has grown taller, even the tenderness on his face was slowly fading and in place is becoming more and more handsome.

After observing Jason a few more times, Persephone looked at Demeter, who is feeding Medea fruits personally grown fruits and clearly showing that she doesn't want to pay attention to Persephone.

She couldn't help but grab Jason and walk to the side, then ask in a low voice: "Jason... what's going on here?"

"Sister Persephone, don't worry, it is not that Goddess Demeter really doesn't want to see you. In fact, last night, upon learning that you were coming back today, she was so excited that she couldn't sleep at all..."

While speaking of this, a helpless expression appeared on Jason's face.

Because Demeter was unable to fall asleep last night, Jason and Medea were the ones who had to deal with it.

After all, Medea has already gone to sleep with Demeter once, so how could Jason be able to escape forever?

Therefore, although Demeter soon fell asleep after hugging Jason and Medea tightly, Jason, who was still in the tight hold of the arms of a beautiful and caring Goddess overflowing with maternal love, found it hard to do so.

'Couldn't sleep?'

Persephone looked in doubt at Demeter, who is ignoring her and doting on Medea, obviously suspecting the authenticity of this statement.

Given a chance, Jason would not be willing to interfere in the family disputes of Greek Gods, but here, he just can't be assured that Persephone, and possibly even Demeter, won't direct their anger, because of the likely stiff relationship between them, at him and Medea.

"Sister Persephone, in fact, Goddess Demeter really regretted her actions after you left. Do you know why she had made me stay for the last six months? Because I am a student of Goddess Hecate, and she can get to know how you are in the underworld through my words."

"Now that things have come to this point, Goddess Demeter will not imprison you again, but sister, you do not want your relationship with Goddess Demeter to remain so rigid, right?"

Jason also knows that most Greek Gods and Goddesses are just too prideful and arrogant to ever admit they are wrong to others, no matter what kind of relationship they are in.

Therefore, Jason had to give the explanation first and then suggest that Persephone should do so.

"Cough." Jason coughed lightly, and whispered to Persephone: "Sister Persephone, shouldn't you do one thing first after coming back? For example... apologize to Goddess Demeter or something?"

Hearing what Jason said, Persephone fell silent.

Although Persephone was indeed angry with Demeter at first, after half a year of calm and happy life living in the Underworld, Persephone has also recognized the fact that Demeter locked her in the temple mainly because of her deep love for Persephone.

Although Persephone feels that Demeter's love for her is a little hard to bear, she also knows that, at the end of the day, this is her mother's love.

"Then, you all are..."

"Cough, that..." Jason peeked at Demeter, and then again whispered to Persephone: "Goddess Demeter is also feeling a little grumpy."

When Jason said this, Persephone, who has been stunned for a while, immediately understood that this scene in front of her is deliberately created to make her see!

After realizing this, Persephone, who couldn't help but feel amused, hesitated only for a moment, then made up her mind and walked over to Demeter.

In fact, although Demeter seems to be doting on Medea while looking very calm, she is actually quite flustered in her heart.

'By doing as little Jason has said, can my daughter and I really be reconciled?' ...Demeter is thinking like this.

Just then, Persephone stopped in front of her.

After greeting Demeter, Persephone said softly to Demeter: "Mother, I... your daughter, Persephone i...is back."

'Sister Persephone, do you really want your relationship with Goddess Demeter to become this stiff, and never see her again?' ...Even to this day, Persephone clearly remembers the question Jason has asked her before leaving Underworld half a year ago.

Persephone has been thinking about this for the last half a year, so she made a quick decision today that apologizing is nothing compared to reconciling her relationship with her mother, Demeter.

So, with such a beginning to their reconciliation, the next steps became much smoother.

Therefore, soon, Medea returned to Jason's side.

Jason looked at the mother and daughter not far away, interacting with each other while having happy smiles on their faces after many years, and whispered to Medea: "Okay, Medea, we should also go back."

"Okay." Medea nodded obediently.

Then, followed Jason to leave the temple and walk to the stables.

Jason came to Pegasus, touched his white hair, then said to him with a smile: "Brother Pegasus, we should go... I'm sorry, I made you wait half a year for me."

Pegasus softly neighed twice and motioned Jason to look towards the side.

Jason looked over in confusion, and when he saw the familiar Golden-Horned Deer, his face couldn't help showing surprise, then he hurriedly walked over and said: "Sister Deer... It's really you Sister Deer!"

The golden-horned deer intimately rubbed against Jason and bleated softly.

Pegasus doubtfully looked at the golden-horned deer.

'I still remember just how many times a certain little b*stard has done experiments on me while promising that he would introduce the beautiful Sister Deer to me!'

After a brief interaction, Jason and Medea walked out of the area of Demeter's temple with Pegasus and Golden Horned Deer.

But as soon as they walked out, Jason and Medea found that Persephone and Demeter are already waiting for them.

"You two are leaving now, and before leaving you didn't even think of notifying mother?" Demeter complained to the two of them, but Jason didn't get a chance to answer.

"It was Brother Jason who told me to follow him." Medea, who has been with Jason for half a year, has already learned that in situations like this the one who answers first gets a clear advantage.

"That, Goddess Demeter, sister Persephone, I mainly think that we will definitely meet in the future..."

After glaring at Medea, Jason has no choice but to bear the staring gazes of the two goddesses without being able to defend himself.

"And Goddess Demeter, you are meeting Sister Persephone in half a year, we don't want to disturb you."

"You call Persephone sister." Demeter faintly looked at Jason and continued: "And I have tried for half a year, and you didn't let go of the honorific title while calling me."

Jason looked embarrassed upon hearing this, but Persephone smiled and said in a slightly teasing tone while emphasizing the word brother: "Well, mother, don't be too hard on my brother, we should give the gifts."

After saying this, Persephone handed the two golden ears of wheat to Jason and Medea.

"I'm sorry that the gifts I have promised in Underworld had been delayed until now. These wheatears contain the powers of me and my mother in them. With these, you can make any plant grow."

"Also, with the help of these, you can sow seeds anywhere... Brother Jason, Medea, we will see you in half a year."

After handing over wheatears to Jason and Medas, Persephone squatted down and kissed both of them on the cheeks.

Then Demeter walked over and after instructing them a few words, she also kissed both of them on the cheeks.

Then, this time, Medea and Jason set off on their return journey for real, with one sitting on Pegasus and the other sitting on Golden-Horned Deer.

"Suddenly, I am feeling anticipations."

Persephone looked at the back of the two leaving, especially Jason's back, and suddenly said.

"What anticipations?"

"Looking forward to the day when my brother really grows up."

"That child... let alone you." Demeter smiled and said: "Everyone, we all are looking forward to it."


So on the first night of their journey home.

In a forest pavilion under the full moon, Jason and Medea met Artemis and Hecate, who have been waiting for them for a long time.

After a few short conversations, Medea followed Hecate back to Underworld and Golden Horned Deer also followed the Goddess of Moon Artemis to leave.

The next day, Jason, riding a Pegasus, came to the beach and called out to Poseidon, the King of Sea, but Poseidon did not respond.

So, Jason was going to leave behind Pegasus and let him go back to Poseidon on his own, but Pegasus didn't go back, rather, he bit Jason's clothes and followed him.

This made Jason understand what Poseidon wants him to do, so he thanked Poseidon again and again... Although compared to gratitude, there was more panic in his heart.

But Jason eventually rode away on Pegasus.

On the third day, on a sunny afternoon, Jason heard the moving sound of strings again.

This time, although Jason still had the urge to turn around and run, he obviously knows that it is impossible to run away... So, Jason can only curse himself for not running away faster the first time.

So Jason once again arrived in front of Apollo, the God of Light, dressed in luxurious clothes, handsome in appearance, and with long blond hair hanging on his shoulders.

Jason originally thought that Apollo has come to meet him this time to ask him to return Apollo's sword that had been on him for a while now.

Although this sword has really helped Jason a lot, Jason is very happy to return it, because it has the positioning of Apollo, the God of Light...

So Jason sat down in front of Apollo, who is playing the lyre, but he noticed that this time there are no other creatures around, so he understood that it means Apollo is playing this music only for him.

After Jason alone listened to Apollo playing his lyre, Apollo did not mention returning the sword, rather...

"Next time I see you, I hope I can hear you play a sound for me." Just smiling after leaving this sentence to Jason, Apollo turned around and walked into the light and disappeared in front of Jason.

Jason felt helpless, but could only continue to fly away on the Pegasus.

On the fourth day, Jason originally thought that he would meet the goddess who he has met first after starting the journey for Persephone, but no... Athena did not appear.

Because Athena believes that now is not the time for her to appear.

But what Jason doesn't know is that on the same night, Athena actually came to him, when he was sleeping, and told Pegasus to remain silent.

After touching Jason's head, she accompanied him for the whole night.

Actually, it is because of these Gods and Goddesses being here, that even if Hera has learned about Jason's departure, she couldn't do anything at all.

So on the fifth day, Jason, riding a Pegasus, returned to the place he is very familiar with.

Mount Pelion, the school of Chiron, the Centaur Sage.

Jason has arrived here to obviously meet his other teacher; after all, even if he has become Hecate's student, Jason didn't stop calling Chiron his teacher, and Chiron also agreed to it.

"Why did you come back this time?"

Under the shade of a tree, Chiron asked Jason with a smile.

Jason greeted Chiron and replied earnestly: "I came to see you this time, first is to apologize to you, teacher."

"I hope the teacher will forgive my naivety so far."

"And the second is make a request for learning."

"I hope the teacher can teach me the powerful combat arts!"

"Really, so you finally want to be a hero?" Chiron's eyes immediately lit up.

"No!" But Jason also gave an immediate reply and continued: "It is for protecting myself, and now I must become stronger, because only by becoming stronger can I get a chance to finally obtain the Divine Flame of Olympus and turn myself into a God!"

"As for being a hero...sorry teacher, it's absolutely impossible! "

In front of Chiron, for a while, Jason has hardly hidden his thoughts.

Chiron speechlessly looked at Jason, and then said helplessly: "You don't need to panic, isn't it good to make your teacher feel happy once; okay, I agree."

"But what about Goddess Hecate, aren't you going to learn magic from her? "

"Of course, I have to learn over there too, so..."

So, from that day on, every night a young man dressed in white will pass through the gate of Underworld and cross the river Styx to enter the temple of Hecate.

Then, along with Medea, learn magic and potion configuration from Hecate.

But, just after sunrise, he will alone leave the temple and return to Mount Pelion.

Then learn combat arts from Chiron.

After three years of back and forth.

Time passed

Jason also turned sixteen years old.

Do you know about the rather tragic fate of Hecate's mother, Titaness Asteria in Greek Mythology; although Asteria was married to Perses, she was targetted by Zeus after he imp*egnated Leto, her sister.

So after escaping for long while, upon learning about pr*gnant Leto being cursed by Hera, she transformed herself into the floating island of Delos where Apollo and Artemis were born.

But, Zeus was silent only for the time Leto was giving birth, and again chased Asteria.

So, Asteria escaped into the sea, where Poseidon instead took up the chase.

Eventually, to escape from all this, she transformed herself into the desert island of Delos, then with the help of her nephew Apollo, she eternally rooted herself there.

GlaiveIriscreators' thoughts
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