
Teacher Chiron wants to chase a person away!

[T/N: picture of Jason's Magic Staff uploaded by the original Author, I forgot to do it in the last chapter.]

No matter how long has passed, some characteristics of some people will never change.

One of these is Jason's cautiousness.

Those familiar with Jason are also aware of this saying

But, in the eyes of Chiron and others familiar with Jason, this characteristic in Jason is constantly getting worse.

In fact, it is not exactly the case, it is not that Jason has become more cautious or even paranoid, but as he is learning and understanding more things, he will naturally discover more things he needs to pay attention to and new methods to deal with previously difficult problems.

Just like now, he has stunned those centaur robbers and destroyed their bodies, but he took care to not destroy their souls and let them go to Underworld.

Because destroying corpses is a common part of traveling in Ancient forests to avoid being traced but unquenchable can't be directly used for this as it will also destroy the souls and souls going to the Underworld after death is the natural order of the world here.

Looking at the silent Asclepius in front of him, Jason couldn't help but look at the sword of Apollo, God of Light, hanging on his waist.

Because although Jason has just pretended that he didn't hear anything, he has obviously heard everything.

So, Jason has also heard that just now Asclepius called Apollo 'that guy' but he respectfully called Athena 'Goddess', which clearly shows that he is not a person who is disrespectful to every God.

Moreover, Jason also knows that he is a demigod, and his father is actually Apollo, the God of Light!

And Jason is also aware that Asclepius will have an extremely resounding title in the future, God of Medicine, and his snake-entwined staff will become the symbol of Medicine in the future.

In the Mythological stories Jason has heard, Asclepius will eventually die at the hands of God King Zeus because in the future he will use the blood of Gorgon given to him by Athena along with the divine power of gods like Athena and Artemis, to create a magical medicine that can bring the dead back to life.

But this action of Asclepius seriously disrupted the natural order of the world, then Hades blamed Asclepius for stealing his subjects and Zeus killed him in fear that Asclepius would teach the art of making this medicine to other humans as well.

And from the way that Asclepius has just referred to Apollo, Jason can easily understand he does not like Apollo, and Jason also knows the reason behind it is that Apollo has killed Asclepius's mother with his own hands.

Therefore, till now, Asclepius was raised by Chiron.

So, in the beginning, when Jason found out that this Asclepius is the same one that in the future will make the legendary resurrection medicine; after Heracles, Asclepius became the second person Jason has spent most effort in building a friendly relationship.

[T/N: For those who might have forgotten, Charon is the name of the ferryman of Styx in Underworld, similar name but different from Chiron, the Centaur Sage.]

Although Jason, who in Charon's words every day takes a stroll in Underworld as his backyard garden, seems to have no need for especially befriending Asclepius, the identity of the son of Apollo that is really liked by Apollo is obviously enough for Jason.

After all, Jason knows that in the Mythology, Zeus's act of killing Asclepius has angered Apollo who in turn killed the Cyclopes who have made the weapon Thunderbolts for Zeus.

Moreover, Jason has never given up on being a socialite, because he believes that in this dangerous world, having one more friendly hero is obviously better.

"Okay, let's go back."

Since Asclepius has gathered all the medicinal materials he needed, both left the medicinal field.

But before leaving, Jason used his Magic Staff to start the spell engraved under the medicinal field, and the medicinal field was immediately hidden by a barrier with very little defensive capabilities in itself.

"Actually, this way of handling this field is rather crude."

And seeing this, Asclepius couldn't help but speak, after all, he has personally seen just how many expensive and rare magical herbs are planted in this field!

"It's fine." Jason replied in a matter of factly tone: "If someone finds this and destroys it, then I find another place to create a similar field."

With the help of the golden wheatear given to him by his godmother Demeter and sister Persephone, Jason really doesn't care too much about this field of medicine.

Moreover, in addition to this field, he has already created two more on Mount Pelion, and three more in the forest surrounding the Piliwen Cave.

Then two soon returned and although Asclepius did not want to tell Chiron what has just happened, Chiron, with his perceptive eyes, easily noticed his obedient student Asclepius' hesitation and asked.

So after learning what just happened, Chiron immediately made Jason stand in front of him, then with an angry face, he began reprimanding him.

"Teacher Chiron, I don't think I did anything wrong."

Jason innocently looked at Chiron and explained eloquently: "You also know, magic is the ability I have learned from Teacher Hecate, it is a power I have acquired through hard work and serious studies."

"So why can't I use the power I have gained through my own efforts, and be a little more cautious and careful in dealing with my enemies?"

Chiron became speechless upon hearing this.

And on the other side, Asclepius has already sat down nearby after watching them for a while and expecting a similar outcome.

Because even Asclepius doesn't know just how many times he had watched a scene like this play in front of him.

In fact, at first, all of the students here thought that this scene is very novel and it is very interesting to see Teacher Chiron admitting defeat.

But after watching it happen so many times, they have already become numb.

"Come here..."

"Teacher Chiron, I'm no longer a child."

Jason said helpless, but he still obediently walked in front of Chiron, who after roughly patting his head for a while, to vent out his frustration, let him go.

After all, Chiron really can't think of anything to say and refute Jason's words.

Chiron surely knows that Jason really does have more than enough power to crush all those centaur robbers in a frontal fight.

But he still can't really say that Jason has done something wrong.

Chiron also doesn't think that it is really wrong to first use stealth magic, then use flash bombs before knocking out all of them at the fastest speed, and finally destroy their bodies without hurting their soul so that they can go to Underworld.

After all, Chiron also agrees that those centaurs were clearly robbers, and there is nothing wrong with killing enemies while being careful.

At best, Chiron can only say that Jason's method is not heroic.

And this is exactly why Chiron didn't know what to say because he knows that upon saying this Jason would definitely answer: 'Not heroic? Isn't this just the right method for me, because, in the first place, I will never become a hero!'

'...Oh, it is so tiring.'

"Jason, how long has it been since you have left the temple of Goddess Demeter and again began studying from me?"

"Well...it's been more than three years."

Jason thought for a few moments and replied.

"Three years... Jason, you should go out for a walk."

Chiron has now decided to try out the saying: out of sight, out of mind.

Chiron still has some hope in his heart, a very, very little hope, but it is there that once Jason experiences it on his own, he may, possibly, might, somehow change his mind.

So for the first time in the history of the Greek Pantheon, the always gentle and elegant Chiron has given rise to the idea of ​​chasing away one of his students!

"Go out? I won't!" Jason immediately refused.

"It's time for you to go out." Chiron said helplessly: "In the past three years, your sleepless efforts have allowed you to complete your transformation."

"In today's world, ordinary beasts and monsters can't pose a threat to you, so it's time for you to go down the mountain. "

"I won't, Teacher Chiron, I'm still young, only sixteen years old!"

"You have just said that you are not a child... then how can you be for leaving the mountain; moreover, you also know that no matter how I teach you now, your progress has become minimal"

Chiron covered his forehead and felt a headache while giving an obvious explanation both are aware of.

"It's minimal but you are still making me grow stronger." Jason said to Chiron with a sincere smile: "I have confidence in you, Teacher Chiron; as for when I will leave the mountain... Well, as long as I can beat brother Heracles or Theseus, I will go out of the mountain!"

"Win two of them..." A few more black lines appeared on Chiron's face.

Even Asclepius sitting on the side gave Jason a look of exasperation.

After all, one of them is Heracles, the son of God King Zeus, the future strongest hero of Greece with an uncountable number of myths.

And the other is Theseus, he is now the student with the second strongest combat capabilities among all students taught by Chiron.

The third will be Achilles, who isn't born yet.

Theseus is the future king of Athens, the most brilliant task done in his life was to unravel the labyrinth of Minos and defeat the Minotaur.

Moreover, in the future, he has almost succeeded in kidnapping the Queen of Underworld Persephone.

Although there are many versions of who his real parents are, among these versions there are also many in which he is the son of the King of Sea, God Poseidon, or another strong God.

And now Jason, who has been studying for three years literally without sleep, can be said to be the best among the many disciples under Chiron, except Hercules and Theseus.

Almost none of the students can beat him now, even in frontal combat.

Because Heracles and Theseus have both left the mountain a year ago.

So now, Jason is almost the strongest student studying under Chiron at this moment.

However, after three years of literally sleepless hard work, coupled with the fact that he is actually a top talent in combat along with invulnerability to most weapons and a few other factors, it is not surprising that Jason has achieved this step.

Finally, Chiron looked at Jason, who is still sincerely smiling at him, then turned around while feeling a headache, and left after releasing a sigh.

"Sooner or later, Teacher will become ill because of getting angry at you."

Asclepius, the future God of Medicine, helplessly looked at Jason.

"How could that be?" Jason replied smoothly: "Our teacher is a God; moreover... aren't you also here, how can there be something you can't cure, after all, your medical skills are even better than our teacher!"

"That's just because I have that guy's blood." Asklepios said lightly: "And there is really a disease that I can't cure... worries."

After speaking this, Asclepius also turned around to leave.

Jason speechlessly looked at his back, then curled his lips, and said: "What do you mean, then aren't you also ill for worrying about Teacher Chiron?!"

As soon as Jason finished speaking, Asclepius, who has taken just two steps, suddenly came back.

Naturally, Asclepius is too lazy to argue with Jason, he reached out to Jason and said: "Oh right, I have used up the sleepless potion, so give me a dozen more bottles."

"A dozen... Asclepius, you should relax a little."

Although Jason took out a few bottles of sleepless potion to give him, he instructed: "You are different from me, because my soul and body have been tempered by Styx, unquenchable flame, and divine power of God Hades, so I can just keep using these."

"But in your case... once you exceed the limit of half a month, this potion will start affecting your body and soul! "

"I know."

Asclepius waved impatiently, then left.

Jason watched him leave, then looked at the sky, thinking that it is getting late, he walked to the stables nearby.

"Brother Pegasus, missed me? Was this week fine?"

When Pegasus, who was leisurely swinging his tail, saw Jason, who is smiling and walking towards him, he unconsciously shivered inside out, then he neighed loudly and took a few steps back while vigilantly looking at him.

Along with making progress in potions, Jason has also progressed from finding Pegasus just for experimentation to the point where he will sometimes even take Pegasus's hair, tears, feathers, and other similar things.

Due to this, Pegasus has currently developed a little psychological shadow over Jason.

If it wasn't for Hestia and Poseidon's order, it would have really run away long, long ago.

In the end, Jason still managed to get what he wanted from Pegasus.

After he walked out of the stable, pleased while looking at a bottle of Pegasus' blood as well as a few Pegasus' feathers, Jason again looked up at the sky.

Although it is not completely dark, at this moment, the shadow of the moon has appeared in the evening sky.

So Jason came to a shadow nearby and took out his Magic Staff.

Then, Jason lightly tapped the ground with his Magic Staff, and one of the spells engraved by Hecate on the Staff appeared under Jason's feet.

Finally, with the support of ghost butterflies flying out of the magic circle, Jason disappeared from the land and reached Underworld.

Do you know, although Chiron has taught many Greek Heroes, Chiron himself was taught all his skills by Apollo and Artemis.

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