
Hera: What? I did all that???

[T/N: 2.5 x Chapter, this chapter was a little longer, so no second chapter for today.]

On the same day.

In an extremely magnificent temple on Mount Olympus.

Two well-dressed, graceful, and beautiful Goddess are sitting in the garden of the temple and chatting softly, with many beautiful Nymphs waiting beside them to serve at any time.

"Who is it?!"

Suddenly, one of the two beautiful Goddesses paused slightly, as if she has sensed something.

Then this Goddess immediately stood up and tilted her head, so her beautiful eyes began looking at the land of mortals with anger.

"Who dared to break the curse that I had put on Poseidon's daughter Lamia!"

Obviously, this beautiful goddess is Hera, the noble Queen of Gods.

Just when the Nymphs were trembling with fear while looking at Hera observing the world with visible deep anger on her face.

"Hera... Sit down." The beautiful Goddess in front of Hera softly gave an order.

Hera turned her head to look at the Goddess in front of her, and under the gaze of the beautiful Goddess's amethyst-like eyes, finally, Hera unhappily sat down.

The one sitting in front of Hera is a noble-looking Goddess wearing a dark purple dress woven by Athena herself.

This Goddess has beautiful amethyst eyes and dazzling golden hair.

She also possesses a face that is somewhat similar to both Hera and Hephaestus.

And her name is Rhea.

Rhea is the daughter of the Goddess of Earth Gaia and the God of Sky Uranus.

Rhea is also the wife of her brother Cronus.

So indeed, Rhea is the mother of Hera, Hestia, Demeter, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades.

Therefore, Rhea was also the previous Queen of Gods.

Moreover, even among all Gods of Olympus, after her eldest daughter Hestia, Rhea is considered to be the most sacred and peace-loving goddess.

Furthermore, in the fall of the previous God-King Cronus, Rhea had contributed the most, after the previous Goddess of Wisdom, Athena's mother, Metis; and Rhea had done this not because of power but because she wanted her children to survive.

"Hera, I've told you many times."

While patiently looking at Hera unhappily sitting in front of her, the noble and beautiful Goddess Rhea said: "You are the wife of my child Zeus, the current God-King, and you hold the title of the Queen of Gods, so you have the responsibility of paying attention to your image and setting an example for your brothers and sisters..."

"But mother!" Hera said anxiously: "I am the goddess of marriage and family, in charge of all marriages and families, but even my own marriage and family..."

"I know." Rhea sighed, then stepped forward and while hugging Hera in her arms to soothe Hera's emotions, Rhea said softly: "But the more serious situation you are facing, the more carefully you have to deal with the situation, you also know this, right?"

"In this regard, you should really learn from Themis."

Hearing Rhea talking about Themis, Hera, who had just opened her mouth to retort, finally said nothing and looked at Rhea with a sulking face.

After all, Themis, Goddess of Law and Justice, is the sister of Hera's mother, Rhea.

Moreover, Themis is also the Goddess most respected by Hera.

Because even the very law of marriage and even the concept of the family were formulated by Themis, which, later on, Hera decided to become the goddess of.

And the biggest reason behind Themis designing these laws along with many others is that after witnessing the scene of Zeus devouring Metis, Athena's mother, she wanted to put some restraints on Zeus to stop him from turning into someone like Crorus or Uranus.

Because Themis is the Goddess of Law and Justice, the very symbol of law, order, and justice in the whole of Greece as well as its creator and guardian at the same time.

And also, because of the same reason, Themis had helped Cronus in overthrowing the rule of Uranus, and then, once Cronus became similar to Uranus, she had helped Zeus in overthrowing the rule of Cronus.

Currently, Themis also resides on Mount Olympus, and although is not one of the twelve Olympians, she is obviously a god of Olympus, or to be more precise, she is a Titan who has joined Olympus as one of the Gods.

Meanwhile, even among the Gods, Themis has the reputation of being a rather beautiful-looking Goddess, but at the same time, she also has the reputation of being a selfless and strict goddess, who puts law and order above everything else and usually wears a white robe with a golden crown along with holding a scale in her left hand and a sword in her right hand.


While gently comforting Hera, the sulking queen in front of her, Rhea instructed the Nymphs beside them.

Therefore, soon, Hermes, the Messenger of Gods, arrived in front of Rhea.

"Do you have any task for me? The noble Queen of Gods Hera, Goddess Rhea."

"I'm asking you, Hermes." Hera stood up, then looked in distance at the place where the temple of God-King Zeus is located and asked: "Zeus, where is he now? What is he doing?!"

"Well..." Obviously, Hermes became visibly hesitant to answer.

"Speak." But seeing this, Rhea ordered softly.

So, Hermes finally nodded and said to Hera, "The Great God-King Zeus has now turned into an eagle and is traveling the land while overlooking his people."

"I knew it!" Hearing this, Hera's eyes immediately showed anger, then she gritted her teeth and said: "He actually chose to oppose me because of that bi*ch...cough, because of that mistress! "

"Hera, calm down, I think... this might not really be the case."

"How could it not be?!" Hera aggrievedly looked at Rhea and continued: "Mother, you have also heard, then tell me, mother, can there be anything else?"

Rhea didn't immediately say anything to Hera, but looked at Hermes and asked him to say the following.

Because Rhea believes that her child, Zeus, will definitely not directly oppose Hera just because of Lamia.

"Goddess Rhea has guessed right honored queen Hera, great God-King Zeus isn't the one who has removed Lamia's curse."

Therefore, due to Rhea hinting at him to continue, Hermes spoke: "The one who has dispelled the curse you have put on Lamia is Goddess of Paths Hecate."

"Hecate? ... Is it again Hecate?!"

Hera was stunned for a moment, but then she became even angrier, with her beautiful eyes starting to show even stronger unrestrained hatred and jealousy.

"Hecate, so it's you, it's again you!" Hera said angrily: "I haven't settled accounts with you for the act of stealing by believer Jason."

"Now, you are actually getting involved in my and Zeus's matters, do you really think that I can't do anything to you?!"

"I, I... mother, now you..."

"Wait, wait a moment." Rhea covered her forehead, then looked at Hermes and said: "Was it Hecate? ... That child can indeed break Hera's curse."

"But I also know, that child, even in the battle against Titans, she has played a major role, but only because we have asked her to, doesn't she usually ignore these things? "

"Well, yes." Hermes nodded and replied: "Naturally, Hecate will not pay attention to this matter, this time's inference, is actually completely accidental."

"It was a hero who had brought Lamia to Underworld, where Hecate had met them."

"And Hecate had dispelled the curse on Lamia only after the hero had killed Lamia, so I don't think Hecate has any intention of going against you, Queen Hera. "

"Moreover..." While speaking this, Hermes suddenly looked at Hera with a very strange gaze: "Now the people of the Libyan Kingdom are singing the praises of Goddess Hera, the Queen of Gods, to thank you for your kindness."


Hera tilted her head and blinked at Hermes in puzzlement.

"Because now everyone is saying and believing that it was Queen of Gods Hera, the benevolent Goddess, who had sent a hero to find and deal with Lamia."

"And that hero, after subduing Lamia, under your directions had taken Lamia to apologize to everyone, then he had taken her to Underworld, where she, after apologizing even to the dead souls, had given up on her own life to atone for everything."

Then, without changing his expression, Hermes said to Hera with a blank face: "Because the hero, who is being praised now, is named - Heracles!"

"...Huh?" Hera was a little stunned and said: "Heracles? Isn't he still with the Kingdom of Thebes, I'm soon about to torture him..."

"And it's not just the people on the Libyan side who are praising you, Goddess Hera, even the people on the side of the Lycian kingdom are also praising the honored Queen of Gods Hera!"

Hermes did not wait for Hera to finish, and continued: "Because in the Lycian kingdom, there used to be a monster Chimera with a head and body of the lion, head of the goat, and a tail that ends in a snakehead."

"It had turned numerous villages into desolate lands."

"But it is said that, just when people were feeling desperate against it, Goddess Hestia had sent a hero, who believes in Hera, to kill Chimera!

"Great Queen Hera, I believe, if you listen to them, you will be able to hear it."

"Even now, those people are sincerely thanking you and singing your praises due to the gratitude they are feeling towards you!"

When Hera heard this, she naturally subconsciously tried listening to the voices of humans on the land of the Lycian and Lybian kingdoms.

Therefore, Hera indeed found that, just as Hermes had said, even at this moment, in both kingdoms, ceremonial festivals are going on to thank her for sending her Hero to deal with Chimera and Lamia.

However, Hera obviously, discovered that, along with her, those people are also praising a great hero named Heracles.

Upon noticing this, naturally, once again, Hera subconsciously tilted her head and turned her eyes to look at the real Heracles.

'But this ba*tard, who had drank my milk due to Athena's tricks, I haven't discovered him accomplishing those two things.'

'Even now, as expected, just like I have seen before, he is still in the kingdom of Thebes and is even preparing to marry the princess of the kingdom of Thebes!'


'So, what is going on here?'

But just when Hera was feeling confused and puzzled while thinking this.

Reha, who has obviously discovered Hermes using tricks, and even his divine power, knowing her daughter well enough decided to support Hermes for the time being.

"Hera, did you do all this?"

"Ah, no, mother, this is..."

But before Hera finished speaking, Rhea nodded with a smile and said with satisfaction: "Well done!"


"Continuously exerting pressure won't bring good results, in fact, sometimes, taking a few steps back is the best choice."

"Hera, you have finally understood this, as your mother, I am very pleased."

"As you can see, now humans are praising your kindness and virtuousness for handling this very beautifully, even if Themis learned of this, she will definitely be happy and proud of you. "

Hearing this, Hera was silent for a few moments.

But then, immediately, Hera raised her head and said with a serious face: "Well, yes, indeed, I have done all this, it was indeed me who had told that child to solve all this, yes, it was me!"

Under Rhea's loving gaze, even after Hera 'calmly' confessed, ultimately, she was finally unable to bear Rhea's praises and hurriedly left.

But even after she left, Hera was still feeling puzzled by the situation in front of her.

However, this did not prevent Hera from feeling joyful in her heart due to her getting praised by her mother, Rhea.

And due to the same, she even slightly relaxed a few recent plans of dealing with Heracles...


But on the other side, seeing Hera hurriedly leaving, just when Hermes was about to quietly slip away...

"That child Hera has gone quite far." Rhea looked at Hermes and said with a smile: "So Hermes, shouldn't you now tell me the truth?"

"Eh?" Hermes blinked, then smiled and said, "Sure enough, it can't be hidden from you, the wise Goddess Rhea."

"Hera, that child... most of the time, she is actually very pure."

Rhea sighed softly and said: "Actually, she doesn't have many requirements... But she is the Queen of Gods, and the wife of Zeus, the King of Gods."

Upon hearing just the first part, Hermes had already quietly lowered his head and didn't say anything in reply.

Or rather, Hermes really doesn't dare to say anything regarding this.

"Now, let's talk." Then Rhea smiled and asked Hermes in a soft voice: "Who is that child named Heracles?... You have been clearly trying to protect him just now."

"You have even used your divine power to deliberately sway Hera's judgment. "

"Goddess Rhea, you had already sensed that..." Hermes smiled dryly.

"Of course, I just didn't say it."

After all, Rhea is obviously quite familiar with Hera's character, so she decided to let Hera feel happy because of this rather than feeling angry, although she also knows that it is only temporary.

Then, Rhea paused a few moments before continuing: "And, even if you don't say it, I can guess who is that child... After all, during these last few days, I have been listening to all of you discussing him every day, and rarely, all of you have decided to work together to hide this from Hera."

"That child is Hecate's student, and simultaneously, previously Hera's believer... Jason, right?"

Hermes nodded, then looked at Rhea curiously, and asked: "Goddess Rhea, do you also know about Jason?"

"Now, in the entire Mount Olympus, except for Hera and Ares, who doesn't know about his deeds." Rhea chuckled: "And, let alone me, even Themis was attracted by Jason's tribute to that child, Artemis."

"A romantic tribute... So, I'm obviously feeling very tempted by it."

"Moreover, recently, that child Artemis has been praising the tribute she had received and showing it off to everyone, even I had seen and heard about it from her so many times, I am starting to feel a little jealous."

Then, after speaking this, Rhea thought for a moment, then continued: "What's more, recently, that child had given Hephaestus her favorite tribute - a tribute of companionship."

"This time, Themis had directly praised the child quite a bit and had also mentioned that she also will go to meet that child in person whenever she managed to make time. "

Hearing this, knowing how Jason would react to this, Hermes wasn't able to think of anything to say for a while.

"By the way, why did that child suddenly decide to use the name Heracles? Is he planning on reconciling with Hera?"

"I think...it is probably not the case."

Hermes hesitated for a moment, but then replied: "That child, he is a bit different, he doesn't want to become a hero, and he doesn't want people to sing or praise his name."

"So I think, he had chosen the name Heracles as his second name, just because... he has a very good friendship with Heracles."

"Friendship?" Rhea blinked.

"Yeah." Hermes nodded and said: "Athena had also said that Jason probably just thought that even if in future Heracles learned about Jason using the name Heracles, he will just let it be with a helpless smile."

As a matter of fact, this is precisely what happened when Heracles about this.


After hearing this, Rhea blinked, then said to Hermes: "Then tell me, Hermes, how did that child, this time... deal with Lamia's matters."

Therefore, under the narration of Hermes, Rhea completely understood what Jason had done to deal with Lamia's matters.

So, after Rhea finished listening, a rather unusual look appeared in Rhea's eyes.

"This child...is indeed very interesting."

Rhea couldn't help smiling while saying: "No wonder you all care so much about him, and even that child, Athena recently has been only focusing on him.

"Well... by the way, he's next going to offer a tribute to Apollo, right?" Hermes nodded.

Rhea, having already decided something, stood up then said to Hermes: "Well then... Hermes, go to Athena and tell her that she doesn't need to prepare the next oracle for Jason."

After saying this, under the surprised eyes of Hermes, Rhea, who has almost never appeared in front of humans since the fall of the previous God-King, at this moment, left Mount Olympus and walked toward the land to appear in front of a human.

Obviously, Rhea does have some resentment against Jason because she believes that he had betrayed Hera, even if she purposefully didn't mention this to Hermes, so what type of trial she is going to give Jason, this Titan goddess decided that she will be thinking about it after meeting Jason.

Do you know, in Greek Mythology, it was castr*ted Uranus who had originally advised Zeus to swallow pregnant Metis to avoid being overthrown.

GlaiveIriscreators' thoughts
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