
As long as it is related to a god, it is troublesome

[T/N: 3 x Chapter]

Facing the curious gaze of Queen of Sea Amphitrite.

Jason wasn't able to help himself from showing a slightly embarrassed expression.

And even Pegasus, who is standing on the side, let out a short neigh, but Jason clearly understood that Pegasus is laughing at him.

Obviously, Jason had guessed why Pegasus is laughing at him.

After all, Pegasus naturally knows that Jason has been using so many tricks and even a false name mainly to hide from the eyes of the Gods.

However, gods are obviously not fools, so even if Jason had found a pseudonym for himself, just his description in rumors as a hero dressed in white, with blond hair and emerald eyes, and especially riding a white Pegasus, are more than enough to recognize him.

And now, a Goddess is asking Jason why he has been using the name Heracles, but due to being in front of a Goddess, he can't speak anything other than the truth, and he also just can't say to the face of a Goddess that he had been using the name Heracles to hide from the Gods and Goddess.

As Jason was pondering about the ways to resolve this issue, suddenly, as if he has thought of something, he subconsciously looked down at the silver bracelet he is wearing in his hand.

This silver bracelet is the artifact that Athena had commissioned Hephaestus to build for shielding the perception of Queen of Gods Hera.

But now, Jason could help but think: 'Even the Queen of Sea Amphitrite, who is far away from the land, in the sea, had heard a few things about me and had even recognized me from that much information, so... even without directly sensing me, has Hera also...'

Thinking of this, Jason subconsciously shivered while feeling goosebumps on the back of his neck.

"What's wrong, child?" But noticing this, Amphitrite softly said to Jason: "Are you feeling cold?"

"No, it is not..." After speaking this, under Amphitrite's beautiful blue eyes, Jason lowered his head and looked away.

Because other than being silent, Jason isn't able to think of any other way for answering why he has been using the name Heracles.

Amphitrite blinked while looking at Jason, who is avoiding eye contact, and thought: 'Sure enough, this child does have some kind of relationship with Hera, but why is he not willing to say it?...'

[T/N: For those who might not remember, Heracles means Hera's pride.]

Although Amphitrite didn't get an answer, she vaguely perceived that matters related to Jason are looking to be more interesting than she had initially expected, and after concluding this, the corners of her mouth rose slightly in anticipation.

Now, undoubtedly, Amphitrite wants to know more about Jason, but she is not in a hurry and doesn't want to end it all at once, because she feels like doing it slowly, like waves of the sea eroding rocks, will be way more interesting.

So, showing her cheerful and delighted mood, Amphitrite's pristine and beautiful hands again began playing the sea-blue harp, then she looked at Jason and asked with a smile: "So, child, what do you feel about my proposal?"

Obviously, Amphitrite is talking about learning the art of playing harp from her and getting her help for giving the red-brown cattle of Geryon to Apollo.

So, after thinking only for a few moments, finally, Jason saluted Amphitrite and said: "Then, I will be troubling you, Goddess Amphitrite, the Queen of Sea."

But, Jason thought while feeling a little helpless in his heart: 'The more I resist, the more likely it is for her to feel excited, let alone, there is always a chance of her feeling offended because of my refusal.'

'So, it is better for me to go with the flow and then slowly take control!

'Moreover, it is also not like her proposal is completely useless to me, after all, if I can really improve my skills with the harp and if she is right about Apollo liking those red-brown cattle, it will only be beneficial for me.'

On the other side, seeing Jason agree to her proposal, Amphitrite nodded in satisfaction.

After all, this era is the Age of Gods in Greece.

An era and place where Gods do not need too many reasons for helping a human, rather, more often than not, they do so just because they find it interesting at the first glance, and even the things they ask in return, most of the time is nothing more than something to make the matter more interesting.

And this is especially true for Gods and Goddesses like Amphitrite, who have been living in this world for a long time.


So, from this day on, Jason began accompanying Amphitrite by her side to learn the skills of playing the harp.

But, while learning under Amphitrite, Jason doesn't know that both the previous Queen of Gods and the current Queen of Gods are looking for him all over the land.

One of them is naturally the Goddess who has stopped Athena from giving the next oracle, one of the few Titan Goddesses of Olympus, the mother of Hera, Demeter, Hestia, Zeus, Hades, and Poseidon, the previous Queen of Gods - Rhea.

Actually, because Amphitrite hasn't interacted with a human in a very long time, and that too a human who she believes had been and is involved in very interesting matters, so, to not get disturbed and guessing from Jason's stories that many Gods should be paying attention to him, Amphitrite used her authority over the sea to cover up Jason and Pegasus's tracks in the range of sea.

But, being obviously unaware of this, Rhea, who is wandering on the land in search of Jason, even contacted Hades to know if Jason had gone to Underworld, but, in the end, obviously, she was still unable to find any clue about the current location of Jason.

And on the other side, Hera had also sent a certain someone to find the hero 'Heracles' who is said to be dressed in white, with emerald eyes and blonde hair, and rides a white Pegasus.

After all, due to many of the main Gods on Mount Olympus working together to hide it, Hera is obviously still unaware of the fact that Jason and 'Heracles', who rides Pegasus, are one and the same.

And, due to the same reason, Hera still subconsciously believes that Jason is still hiding near Hecate or Chiron.

Also, the certain someone, who has been sent by Hera to look for this 'Heracles' is Ares, God of war.


Soon, a week had passed since Jason began learning under Amphitrite.

At morning.

Jason, dressed in white, is playing the beautiful looking sea blue harp in his hand while sitting on the coast of a beautiful island.

And on the same coast, near Jason, many marvelous mythical creatures also sitting and their appearance is half like a bird, half like a woman - Sirens.

Although Jason had heard about Sirens in his previous life, except for knowing that they possess beautiful and enchanting singing voices that can lure the sailors to travel way off-course and cause shipwreck, he had not learned much about them.

But through Amphitrite, Jason now knows that Sirens are the daughters of the God of River Achelous, and to be more precise, they are the spirits born from his blood.

Amphitrite has also told Jason that because Sirens had once lost to the Muses, Goddesses of Literature, Music, and Arts, in a music competition, as a punishment, their wings were plucked by the Muses which had rendered them being unable to fly since then.

However, in order to not affect Jason's music learning and daily music competition against Siren, Amphitrite hadn't told Jason about the fact that what these Sirens usually hunt and eat by using their singing are humans, who have wandered to them due to being attracted by their singing, and the few small islands on which they live are covered with the bones of those victims

Although, Amphitrite had indeed warned Sirnes to not harm Jason in any way and had allowed them to compete against Jason in the music competition.

Even at this moment, these Sirens, with half body that of a beautiful woman and half body that of a bird, are singing an appealing and beautiful melody while staring at the blond and emerald-eyed young man sitting beside them and playing a sea blue harp to compete against them.

And Jason, who was initially much worse than Sirens, whose singing can even charm the winds, is now confronting Sirens on equal grounds.

Therefore, as a result of their confrontation, creatures in the sea, island, and sky felt like wind and water are rhythmically beating and cheering on both sides.

This kind of confrontation lasted for a while.

"Okay, this is good."

Amphitrite, the noble-looking Goddess, dressed in light blue clothes, who had returned to the island at some point, clapped her hands at the end of the musical confrontation and walked to Jason, and her presence also stopped Sirens, who were about to ask Jason for one more confrontation.

Then, Amphitrite gracefully stretched out her hand and traced Jason's blond hair, as if she is praising him.

And, with a soft smile on her face, Amphitrite said softly to Jason: "Child, you are much better than I had initially expected, although I had a hunch that in a week's time, you will learn enough to skillfully pluck the strings of my harp..."

"But I really didn't expect that you will be able to suppress siren's singing just by relying on the sound of a harp."

Hearing Amphitrite's words, Sirens felt very unconvinced, but they naturally know that the noble-looking goddess in front of them is the Queen of Sea and the one who had originally warmed them against harming Jason in any way, so they obviously didn't dare to let out any opposition.

"It's all thanks to your excellent guidance, Goddess Amphitrite."

While holding the harp in his arms, Jason expressed his honest gratitude to Amphitrite.

While looking at Jason in front of her with a smile, Amphitrite lovingly stroked his cheek, but then, she sighed softly and said: "Never in my life, I have ever felt that the time can pass so fast... Child, if I hadn't recently made a special trip to the land and had been discovered by her, I would have really loved to keep you in my Temple as a guest, for just a while longer..."

After speaking this, Amphitrite again sighed with a regretful expression on her face and said to Jason: "We should leave, child."

"After being able to pluck the strings of my harp and overwhelm the singing of Sirens, even if the God of Music Apollo hears it, he will recognize your skill."

"But this alone is not enough for you to get Apollo's return gift."

Obviously, Amphitrite has learned about Jason's current journey from the Goddess, who had found her when she had gone to the land this time.

"Follow me, I'll take you to Eritzia, where the red-brown cattle are kept and that will make Apollo happy."

So, finally, after a week, Jason again got ready to continue his journey.

But, before leaving, Jason deliberately walked to the group of Sirens, who are still feeling unconvinced about their defeat and are looking at Jason, and thanked them for their help during this time.

After all, from the perspective of Jason, who still doesn't know that Sirens also prey on humans, these Sirens have really helped him by regularly confronting him in the music contest.

Although, Jason does feel that these Sirens are just too enthusiastic about music, so much so, that Jason even feels that, if not for Amphitrite's presence, they might have even attacked him due to losing against him.

But when these Sirens received Jason's thanks, they showed a clearly surprised expression, and after looking at each other, all of their negative feelings slowly disappeared and they looked like they are feeling very overwhelmed.

However, by this time, Jason, who had returned to Amphitrite after thanking the Sirens, had already sat on Pegasus along with Amphitrite and risen up to the blue sky.

But watching Jason leaving, from the group of Sirens, who were looking at each other, after a very short silence, one of the Sirens took the lead to sing a beautiful and pleasant song.

And this Siren was soon joined by the remaining Sirens to sing the beautiful song.

Although this song also has magic power in it, this time Sirens haven't used the magic power with the intention of charming the mind of other creatures, rather, they have used the magic to make the listener feel comfortable and bless the one who had competed against them till now.

Just like it is said, kindness and sincerity return the same, facing Jason's sincere gratitude, Sirens decided to respond by singing their blessings to him.

"To be blessed by the Sirens' song... child, you should be the first one to ever accomplish this."

After saying this with a smile, Amphitrite wrapped her arms around Jason's waist and leaned closely at his back.

And sensing this, Jason, who had already experienced this many times during the last week, still wasn't able to stop himself from becoming stiff for a few moments.

"Child, do you know who else I have met when I had gone to the land this time for the purpose of meeting Artemis?"

"She was looking for you everywhere, but unfortunately for her, I had erased your traces over the sea, if not for me not expecting you to even attract her, I believe she would have been looking for you for much longer."

While saying this, Amphitrite put one of her hands over her mouth and giggled gracefully in amusement.

But hearing this, Jason couldn't help feeling a little helpless.

After all, although Jason doesn't know who Amphitrite is talking about, Amphitrite is not the first one to show such a reaction in front of Jason, as he had already seen such a reaction in other Goddesses, especially Athena.

Therefore, Jason thought the same thing that his teacher, Hecate, had thought a few weeks ago and complained in his heart: 'Sure enough, these fellows.... must be really too ideal, right?'

"Speaking of which, child, when I went to see Artemis... Do you know, I found that because of the tribute you have given her, that child had gone to the three Goddesses of Fate and had spent a lot of effort in getting a Flower of Time from them."

"Flower of Time?" Jason asked curiously while trying to mentally ignore the slender and soft body that is now sticking even more strongly to his back.

"Well, that is a flower that can record what had happened in a certain period of time, but it is very precious and rare, even the three Goddesses of Fate have only a few of them... Can you guess, what that child Artemis had recorded in that Flower of Time?"

While saying this with clear excitement in her voice, Amphitrite rolled up the light blue hair that was blown due to the wind by her ear.

But on the other side, hearing this, Jason immediately felt a bad omen in his heart...

"Hey, child, I've been really helpful to you during this time, haven't I?"

Immediately, Amphitrite pressed her exquisite body even closer to Jason's back and moved her mouth closer to Jason's ear, then, as expected by Jason, said softly: "Then, why don't you give me a tribute too... it is just that, mine shouldn't be any worse than that child Artemis's!"

'A romantic tribute to the wife of moody God Poseidon...'

At this moment, while thinking of this, Jason felt like he is almost about to start crying in his heart.

Obviously, Jason had guessed that the scene recorded in Artemis's Flower of Time is of the time when Jason presented the tribute to her on that day.

And Jason also understood the reason why Artemis had recently suddenly become quiet and what she might have been possibly doing during the last few weeks...

'Thinking back to how satisfied Artemis had been with the tribute, that she had even given me a divine artifact in return, it is very likely for her to follow Athena's example of showing off to other Goddesses...'

"Little Jason, this time, when I went to see Artemis, I was really shocked and had given an ugly performance."

While saying this, Amphitrite reached out to stroke Jason's cheek, then she slightly puffed up her mouth, like Demeter, and said: "So, my tribute must not be any worse than that of the child Artemis, alright?"

"And if you can satisfy me, I can introduce you to the most beautiful Goddess in the whole of Greece, even if it is my sister's daughter."

"Goddess Amphitrite, it is not needed..." Jason replied stiffly.

"Oh, it seems that you really don't care about this type of thing." Amphitrite continued: "Everyone on that side has been saying that Hephaestus had given you the mountain of gold, a room full of artifacts, and hundreds of handy dolls, but you weren't interested in any of it… "

"But you also don't look like a person who has no desires or needs..."

"Well... Forget it, my sister's daughter is really very cute and beautiful, are you sure you don't want to meet her?"

"Well, this..."

Under Amphitrite's expectant gaze, just when Jason was racking his brains to figure out a way of dealing with this...

While letting out a neigh, Pegasus stopped in the sky above a small island, and indirectly helped Jason in getting a way out.

"Ah, Goddess Amphitrite, here we are, we have reached our destination!"

While feeling ecstatic, Jason hurriedly diverted Amphitrite's attention and gratefully looked at Pegasus.

Then, Jason's lips moved slightly, as he conveyed a silent message to Pegasus: "Brother Pegasus, thank you for helping me, you can eat all the grass cakes you want in today's dinner!"

Although Jason's small movements were not hidden from Amphitrite's sight, she just amusedly shook her head, then she followed Jason's intent and did not continue forcing it.

However, as Jason has written in Jason's Law of Survival, the more he resists, the more excited gods may feel.

Because, Jason is indeed right, as long as Gods have become interested in him, unless their interest is at least slightly satisfied, they won't let him go, and before the interest is completely dissipated, they will be looking for chances to satisfy their feelings.

In simple words, no matter what Jason chooses, there really isn't an easy way out of it.

This is why Jason avoids meeting and interacting with gods and usually says in his heart: 'Because as long as it is related to a god, it is going to be troublesome.'

Do you know, in Greek Mythology, Sirens are daughters of one of the Muse Goddesses, but Hera, Queen of Gods, persuaded the Sirens to enter a singing contest with the Muses.

However, the Muses won the competition and then, as a punishment, plucked out all of the sirens' feathers and made crowns out of them.

GlaiveIriscreators' thoughts
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