

The two souls were lost in an endless void, reliving their last memories in a hopeless loop. They couldn't recall their identities or how they came to be trapped in this dark abyss. Nothing surrounded them but an endless expanse of blackness, and they felt a profound sense of emptiness that threatened to consume them entirely.

Suddenly, a brilliant golden light burst forth from nowhere, and a powerful arm snatched them up, hurling them through the darkness with tremendous force. They were drawn into the light and everything around them vanished. They felt weightless and disoriented as they hurtled through space and time.

Eventually, the force subsided and the two souls found themselves standing before a majestic figure. Its form was shapeless, but it took on the appearance of their past selves. They couldn't take their eyes off the being standing before them, radiating an aura of awe-inspiring power. It was either a god or a devil, and they were filled with a sense of smallness and insignificance.

After a brief moment, the two souls noticed each other beside them, and they glanced to the side to get a clearer view of the figure.

"You!" they both exclaimed in annoyance at the same time.

Suddenly, their forms froze, and their attention was fixed solely on the figure before them. The god spoke in a voice that boomed like thunder, "Welcome to the realm of the divine."

The two souls looked at each other, confused.

"In your past lives or should I say lives, both of you strayed from the path of righteousness," the god continued. "Brothers who killed each other for fame, power, and the throne. It's all too common."

"What do you want?" the red soul shouted in a fit of rage.

"You're still as arrogant as ever. Be quiet and let him continue," the blue soul interjected.

"I see... even in death, you two can't get along. Once you were twins. How amusing," the god chuckled.

"Whatever!" the red soul muttered.

"In every one of your past lives, over a hundred in total, you two were the cause of each other's destruction. But enough is enough. This must come to an end in your next life."

Both souls looked at the frustrated figure before them.

"And how do you propose we do that? If it has been happening for a hundred lives, what difference will another one make?" the blue soul asked.

"The Council of Gods has devised a solution. Either you two will reconcile in your next life or destroy each other."

"Huh! We won't remember any of this ever happening, old man. There's no way it's going to work," the red soul said with squinted eyes.

"We will grant you powers and memories. Either learn to get along or kill each other. The loser will spend eternity in the void, never to reincarnate again. If you learn to get along, then all will be at peace."

"I like it!" the red soul said.

"Hmmm..." the blue soul pondered, considering the offer.

"The Council of Gods has decided to send you to the world of One-Piece. You both loved the show as children. It will be familiar ground. As for powers, you will each receive devil fruit abilities. You will have to discover which ones you possess and how to use them. Good luck, gentlemen!"

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning struck the area on the right, and the figure of Thor from Record of Ragnarok appeared before them. At the same time, a wave of high-pressure water flooded the left side, and the figure of Poseidon from Record of Ragnarok appeared before them.

Thor had long, flowing hair that fell in golden waves around his face. His piercing blue eyes seemed to glow with an inner light, giving him an aura of immense power. He wielded his signature hammer, Mjolnir, a massive weapon crackling with lightning on his shoulder.

Poseidon's skin was a deep oceanic blue-green, and his hair was a wild tangle of dark blue-green strands that flowed freely around his face and down his back. He wielded a trident, a powerful weapon that allowed him to control the seas.

"We have granted you your favourite characters from the show as gifts. You may request an exchange if you wish," the god said.

"No complaints here!" the red soul said.

Thor's body began to disintegrate, and red fragments of energy were absorbed into the red soul's being, transforming him into Thor.

"You, the older brother, have made your choice. And what about you?" the god asked the blue soul.

"I will take Poseidon. Water symbolizes calmness. And it will be favourite versus favourite, just like when we were children and got along for once," the blue soul replied with a light smile.

Poseidon's body began to dissolve, and blue fragments of energy were absorbed into the blue soul's being, transforming him into Poseidon.

The two souls were suddenly engulfed in red and blue light, and they felt a surge of new memories and powers flooding their minds.

"Good luck on your journey, Think where you wish to be born, and you will be. You will get your powers through Devil fruits. And as for them, they will be there when you reach the age of five."

Both of them nodded, looking at each other. The Red soul had a smirk on him, while the blue soul simply smiled.

'Wano, Son of Kaido.' Red Soul thought.

'Grandson of Garp, Dragon's Son.' Blue Soul thought.

"Let's see, How this goes."

Note: This is Poseidon's POV, Poseidon as the Main character.

Other Novel:

Check the other out, Poseidon as the Main character, name: "Twopiece: Thor POV"

Both novels' stories are connected.

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