
Chapter 7. Celestial Dragons

'Once upon a time when the world was still so young and grounds and waters were virgin, the 4 true pure souls were born in the Earthland. Those had absolute essence: divine wisdom, sincerity and all-encompassing love. Apart from ordinary humans, thanks to their pristine nature the souls weren't affected by material energies which make you suffer from constant desire to obtain matter things like money and power. Therefore, they were chosen by God to live, bring the light and knowledge to the rest of the world. The souls could travel through time and space and appear in different guises anywhere in the whole creation and carry their post guiding and directing those who had lost their hope and faith in themselves. The legend tells that by mutual agreement between the nations the 4 pure souls were chosen to reign in the Earthland. It was the time when 4 known to you sacred kingdoms were formed. And because of its purity and boundless powers those creatures were called as 4 celestial Dragons: Ina the fire, Wai the water, Maa the Earth and Eau the air.

'So not by chance, our miracles are called after them, Mommy?'

'Yes, my dear! The Dragons had shared their knowledge with the people of Earthland. They helped us to understand the wisdom of this power. They granted us with Miracles and taught us how to use it.'

'This is amazing! I love the Dragons so much! You know, Mommy, one day I'm gonna be like them - I am going to help everyone in the world!'

'Listen to me carefully, Anna! Mirioki is a gift verily! It connects us to each other: to the earth, animals, plants or other human beings - we all are bound with a pure energy which goes directly from our soul. This energy provides you with vitality, health and sense of love. You should know that it is a very powerful grant from the sky that can affect the deepest parts of your soul - influence human emotions, heal broken heart and even force you to love. Wrong ambitions can only lead to disaster. Minor or strong - every possessor takes responsibilities for its power. The energy used with wrong intentions becomes rotten. It spoils your heart and brings nothing but death. You are a very special child therefore you know that...'

I woke up in a cold sweat. It was just a dream... Mother! I saw my Mother!.. I rubbed my eyes to shake off the oddments of my dream and opened the window. Fresh ocean breeze immediately burst into the bedroom. I have never dreamed about my mother before... Celestial dragons..hmm.. never heard of them... The wall clock struck eight. Oh my God, it's time to get up or I'll miss my breakfast!...

It has been one month already but Eathon hadn't been heard of since. Sam says that once he had been missing the whole year! I can't wait the whole year... I missed Christmas already!!! Poor-poor Aunty... And I am not a step closer to my home. I tried different spells several times and none of it is working. That contract is holding me tight here. And I still don't know anything about that wizard Grey. Ohh, Marth, I am quite in need of your escape ideas right now as I am getting used to the castle life more and more. I feel so rested and relaxed! Every day is so peaceful and quiet SO THAT MY ETERNAL VACATIONS NEVER END!!!!Ohhh.. Whereas here they have everything you need to be happy for the rest of your life. Although, I am still grounded and can't make my way anywhere by myself. I am being followed around by servants everywhere starting from my chambers. And I have to attend some classes which according to the Royal mentor will make me a worthy bride. History, geography, literature, art, needlework, and horse riding are all included. Professor Woodward, my aged history teacher, at first was so surprised by my supernatural memory that from the first day he declared me the most talented and gifted child of the Earthland. Of course learning skill is a piece of cake for me now thanks to something I can't tell you about aloud here. Good thing to know that I found the way to use my Miracles without any presence of mark or especially without any bright energy flows around my body so that nobody could understand what I am doing!

After the breakfast and training, I usually spend some time with Sam and Emma. Yes, Emma... She is the one I haven't mentioned before certainly for good reason. Except that she's blonde, tall, green-eyed girl who's figure hard to overlook she has nothing that attracts you to her. My impression wouldn't change in 100 years, take it from me! Despite the fact that she is Sam's twin sister, Emma has nothing in common with him. She is quite narcissistic and spoiled child. Actually I am avoiding her as much as I can. She will die from happiness the day I leave. I bet Emma is so jealous of me that literally she is ready to kill me any moment: royal fianceé is a long-cherished dream for her which was so successfully ruined by my sudden appearance. As soon as she understood official reason for me being here I guess she showed her true colors. And that's not news. I believe one day Emma will make a lovely wife for Eathon. They both deserve each other. Both have Royal blood, gorgeous looks and the most important - disgusting attitude towards anyone who's they think lower than they are. They are a perfect match!

'Miss Ann, you are paying attention to the policy of the assembly concerning the wall, aren't you?'

'Sure, Professor Woodward!' - I woke up from my thoughts.

'And now please state the main objectives of the Assembly'

I removed my arm from the cheek and expressively pronounced: 'To keep the Earthland safety from the shadows by any means is the major priority of the Assembly.'

'Correct. And?'

'And maintain the wall and prevent any actions which can lead to direct threat to the wall. The wall is the center source of our safety. It gives us protection from the shadows and keeps the whole Four Kingdoms safe. It is the duty of every Earthland resident to serve the Great King and Four Kingdoms and report any suspicious behavior to the Assembly.' – WHY DO I FEEL LIKE BEING BRAINWASHED BY MEMORIZING ALL THIS CRAZY STUFF...?

I could not resist and asked: 'Professor, what is considered under suspicious behavior?'

'Good question, Miss Annabelle. As you know, there were times when humans foolishly could use their Miracles anytime they wanted. They had disturbed our nature by using so much Mirioki abilities. And that was when the shadows came. A lot of blood had been shed that night. It had happened so suddenly... People were falling down one by one consumed by shadows; many of them turned into monsters and started to kill survivors. And the rest of our world had died. I was the only survivor in my village.'

Professor Woodward imperceptibly wiped away a tear: 'You are so young, so you don't know that things. That night went down in history as The Fall. Shadows are very dangerous. They take root all over your soul and transform your body to a demon. Demons won't talk long, the only thing they want is to kill you, take your heart and your body. For this reason, Miracles was banned by the Great King since then forever. And there is a special department in the Assembly dedicated to Miracles. Every person born in the Four Kingdoms with Miracles should be brought to the local Assembly office in order to perform a magical procedure which is called erasure. The Assembly erases your powers forever. Probably, you don't remember when they removed your powers as you was still a baby. And as you can guess, the presence of Mirioki can be seen by special mark on our left hand. When erased the mark disappears. ..'

I glanced at my left hand again and thought: That's odd... I can use Mirioki without any presence of that sign though.

'…But still there are rebels who are still concealing their Mirioki from the authorities. When they start using their Miracles it can be seen from the distance. That is what you should report to the Assembly immediately, Miss Ann.

The lesson is over. Your homework will be the essay about the work of Assembly Leaders in 5 pages.'

'Professor, I have one more question.'

'Yes, Miss Ann?'

'Can you tell me anything about celestial dragons?'

Professor Woodward looked at me intently and stopped by the doors of our classroom: 'Miss Ann, you are very smart and sensible student. You understand that I can't tell you anything like that.'

'Aw, I am sorry...'

But then Professor reached my ear and whispered: 'But, if you're interested in that time of our history I advise you to find a secret library. But be careful! They guard the books very well. See you next Friday Miss Ann and good luck!'

I thanked him, said goodbye and began to think how and where to find that secret library as my servants don't allow me to take even a step by my own. Should I use somnolent spell on them? No...It's too risky. I don't want to hurt them. There is gotta be something...

Suddenly penetrating voice of Madame Nerd made me shiver: 'Miss Annabelle, I advise you to move faster your legs to the stables as you don't want to be late for your horse riding class!'

Madame Nerd is a major supervisor of studies here plus she is my personal guard and overseer. Madame Nerd has a very strict policy about me since I've drawn too much unnecessary attention to myself by being late that night but thanks to her I haven't met with that scary king again. She reports every my move directly to the king. She is one of those who practically don't take their eyes off me. Should I bring into action a somnolent spell on her first?

I rushed to the exit: 'Coming!'

The rest of the day I devoted to analyzing different spells that I've learned from the book. I waited for the evening and proceeded to implement my escape plan. As soon as the clock struck 10 I was confident that nobody will bother me at this hour. But as a precaution I still created the sleeping illusion of myself, cast the spell of invisibility and headed off to search for the secret library entrance. I examined every angle of actual library when realized that the mission was impossible. Ohhh…Martha… I wish you were here... You would know what to do... I wanted to go back to my chambers as two kitchen maids hastily passed me over almost hitting my shoulder. That is curious… Never saw that kind of servants in this place…

Perhaps the very idea of following them wasn't so good as it seemed at the start as the Royal kitchen appeared to be a very distant place from my chambers. We passed 6 or 7 floors down by stairs when my feet became covered in scratches and blisters as I suspect servants were purposely ordered to give me such shoes that were hard to walk in and especially to run away…

As we came in I immediately settled myself at the chair and put my head on the wooden tabletop and started watching the fuss all around. The kitchen was very crowded. I bet the servants are busy with cooking for tomorrow's reception.' I recognized their fancy uniforms which were made of linen fabric with the emblem in the shape of a big letter R and a red rose. 'How pretty! Meanwhile, two maids were carrying another pan of potatoes towards my direction. They placed it on the table near the first one and then without saying any word to me left. 'For sure, I'm still invisible. Nobody is paying attention to my existence although I am sitting in the middle of the room in a flashy pink night dress which definitely stands out.' So far I decided to avoid any movements and sit quietly as suddenly kitchen maids were back with the third pan of potatoes and made me change my location. I rose up and was about to find a new place to settle but then one maid started to talk to another:

'The palace is so busy these days, I wonder, what is the occasion?'

'Oh, Bertha, haven't you heard that Young Master is receiving guests! They arrived a month ago.'– Said the other maid while peeling hot potatoes. 'Surely, everything's about Him.' - I stopped nearby and started to listen to their chatter:

'My dear April, didn't you know that there is only one guest right now who lives in the rose chambers? They say that our master has finally found his true love. He is going to marry her!'

I chocked: really? They'd like nothing better than that stupid chatter... I am not going to marry anyone! I am not even 18 to marry someone!!!

'Did you hear that?'


'Nothing. Perhaps another mouse.'

'But it's true April! I saw invitations to the Royal wedding by my own eyes!'

'And I've heard that the lady is very young but still very nice and kind. She never raised her voice on her maids. Do you think we are getting a chance to breathe freely some day?'

'I'm not sure, but I wish so too... Do you know when the wedding is?'

'I don't know the exact date but the rumor is that as soon as the master comes back for sure they'll get married.'

'It has been a month already… how could he leave her here all alone?'


'Maybe it was some urgent business again...' - said the one whose name was Bertha.

'Yeah, more likely he'll come soon and get married.'

'Unless he'll marry himself only!!!' - I couldn't restrain myself and gave a loud cry. The maids turned around and looked at the place where I was standing.

'Who was that?' – They looked at each other. Apparently they've heard me well. At the same time, I covered my mouth with the palm of my hand: 'You dummy! I'm invisible but still 'voice-able!' I scolded myself for being so reckless.

'It is the spirits… April. This castle is haunted.'

'Is it so?'

'Yes, April! The entire Royal family of Red Rose gave their lives at the Fall. Their spirits will haunt this place until the successor is found...'

As I wasn't interested in their chatter anymore I headed to the exit right away. But that psycho! No matter how much I don't want to I should find him as soon as possible! What if he dies in my world?

No!!! I will never see my ... my mother..!

I won't let that happen! Not in my dreams! Angry and disappointed I left the cookhouse.