
Chapter 19 Forest of The Sacred Children

Kayen cannot absorb any mana around him. He tried to cast a simple spell like casting a small fire but no result happen. He cannot believe that he lost his power after being teleport-ed from the fairy realm. He just lay down thinking whatever solution he can think to get back his power.

Avrora was puzzled with Kayen's strange behavior. He didn't even try to get up. Kayen looked like he just lost something. But still, she still couldn't believe what she saw that day where she saw Kayen opened a portal-like at the Tenom Sport Complex.

"Umm... Mr. Kayen. What are you doing here in the middle of the forest?" Avrora was wondering how Kayen would end up lying down there unconscious where nobody would notice him being there all alone.

Kayen slowly get up and put himself in sitting position. He could feel his muscle still aching due to the dark energy that he absorb too much when he was fighting with the dark elves. Avrora helped him a bit. She was really worried with people around her even though they just met few times.

Kayen thanked her and tried to stand up but he couldn't. "What is this place?" Kayen also wondered where he just landed. Its like a forest from the Fairy realm. But he's confident that this is not Fairy realm.

Just before he could answer Avrora's question, the girl that Avrora was chasing for appeared before them. Avrora was furious when she saw her. "You! Do you know how much i'm worried for you?!" Avrora stood up and yelled the girl. But the girl just gave her a cold stare and ignored her. She approached Kayen who was still sitting down.

Kayen was startled when the little girl suddenly put her right hand on his chest. "What are yo-" the little girl gave him a glare and continue doing what she did. Avrora was still didn't feel satisfied with the girl attitude. At least give a strong reason why Avrora shouldn't worry about her.

When the little girl finished her doing she sat down. She accumulate a small amount of magic on her arm. Avrora was stunned when she saw that thing happen. Did the girl just produce light-like thingie on her palm? If she did, how in the world that would happen? Avrora was confused with everything she experienced today. First, the crimson lady in her dream. Second she cried in the classroom. Third, she chased a girl until she entered a strange forest. Fourth, she discovered Kayen laying down inside the strange forest and lastly the little girl did something unusual things with her hand.

After the little girl managed to accumulate the amount of magic she needed, she tapped Kayen's forehead with her hand filled with magic. Kayen felt rejuvenated when the girl hold his forehead. He could feel magic flowing trough his vein and he can feel his leg once more.

"What did you just do? I feel really fresh." Kayen stood up and start jumping around like he never jumping before. The little girl just watching Kayen jumping around like a brat. Avrora approached the little girl and grab the little girl's shirt.

"The thing you just do is sorcery right?!" Since Avrora detest sorcery so much, she was really furious when the little girl did something fishy to Kayen. "Let go of me. What i did is not sorcery." Avrora loosened her grip and released her shirt.

"There are tons of mystery you didn't know about this world, Avrora William." As soon the little girl said Avrora's name, she was really shocked that the girl knew her name.

"I'm a mage and I am born from a mother of human and an elf." Kayen didn't believe what he just heard. There's a mixed race child could live in Dunia, the human realm. "Tell me, how did you end up being here not affected by the Dunia's atmosphere where the nature's magic is so low?" The little girl just quiet and walked away from them.

"I'm the last Sacred Children of this forest and I had live for more than thousand years. This is the last Fairy Forest of Dunia." No wonder why she could live here with magic source around her. Kayen was embarrassed to himself after calling the girl in front of him is a kid.

"Great senior i'm very sorry for calling you that!" Kayen apologized but the girl said it was okay since she never grew up anymore and stay as a child figure.

"May I ask your name, Great Senior?" Kayen took the liberty to ask the girl's name. The girl gave him a smirk and said this.

"My name is Reluvethel Zhuirentel and for your information i'm a man." Avrora's and Kayen's mouth were so wide open when the boy sheds real truth on them.


Yeay another new character!! Do you like it? Throw your opinion about him on the comments below! Peace


Reluvethel: Reluvethel Zhuirentel


Reluvethel:Uh... thousand?


Reluvethel: Man

Nocturnal_Writercreators' thoughts
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