
Chapter 18 Become a Human part 2

"Avrora! Are you awake yet?" Uncle William tried to wake up Avrora since 5 a.m. or she'll be late for morning assembly. Somehow, she didn't respond to his calling. its almost 5.30 and she hasn't coming down for breakfast.

Not wanting his niece getting late to school, he decided to knock her door. He climb the stair to the second floor where Avrora's room situated. He really need to make sure she go to school before he could drive himself to his office for work.

As soon he arrives at Avrora's door footstep, he knocked Avrora's door several times. At the tenth knock, finally Avrora opened the door with her messy hair. Her uncle was dumbfounded when she came out that way.

"Young lady... do you even know what time is it?" Uncle William just pushed his waist with his right hand and show his smiling face how annoying she was that morning. Avrora rubbed her eyes several times. "uh... its five in the morning I guess?" Uncle William's eyebrow start twitching when she said that.

That morning assembly ended as usual, Avrora make her way to the classroom. She's still felt a little bit sleepy because she spent her whole night watching Pewdiepie an Sam and Colby youtube videos. Not only that, she have to endure morning scolding from her uncle. She missed her bus, luckily her uncle took the liberty send her to school.

Avrora spent her first 3 hours in class feeling sleeping while trying to keep focusing on what the teacher were teaching. Finally, the bell rang through out the school area. You could hear people getting excited for recess. Footsteps getting louder and louder every second and classes start dismissing. As for Avrora, she finally could take a short nap during the recess because she couldn't ho;d it much longer anymore.

Her stomach didn't grumble make her wanna sleep more. As soon as the classroom emptied, she fall into a deep sleep. She felt like she's sleeping on her bed right now because she felt so comfortable. Until a dream merge into her sight.

Avrora was standing in a middle of a... forest? She was wearing a white gown in her dream. Her surrounding was filled with white leaf of trees. From where she was standing was a path to the light. She followed the trail until she arrived at the end of the trail. As she stepped into a the light, she was still in the forest but among the white trees, there was a gigantic crimson tree. It looks like a cherry tree but with crimson petals instead of light pink petals.

the petals was falling off from the tree. It was a breathtaking scenery. it was so beautiful no words could explain how the it looks like. Avrora tried catching the fallen petals. She was having fun because she never heard nor seen a crimson cherry tree before. She climbed the tree when she notice that the tree have a bump that could be use as a ladder.

it was an easy task when she tried to climb it. she then reached one of the branches and sat there for a while with her eyes gazing at the beautiful flowers that blossoms from the tree. She wondered if the tree actually exist in her world, maybe one day she will find and take a picture of it.

Suddenly, she could see a figure of a woman sleeping at the top of the tree, she climbed again until she arrived where she saw the woman. As soon she arrived there, the woman was still sleeping. Avrora was really amazed by the woman's bright and shining crimson hair. She was sleeping soundly on a clothes that was tied up from branches to branches and crossed over another clothes until it became a place you could sit and sleep.

Avrora admired the woman's flawless facial and she looks very skinny. Not to mention her long crimson hair hanging everywhere like Rapunzel. She looks so majestic like nobody could ever touch those hair. Avrora wouldn't dare to woke her up so she decided to climb down and end this dream.

Author: Like hell you can...

Without her intention to wake the woman, she accidentally touched the woman's right hand when Avrora tried to stand up. The woman opened her eyes widely and Avrora was really shocked when the woman suddenly rose up from her sleeping position.

The woman raise from her sitting position and start hovering. A second later, her hair starts hovering and glowing too. Avrora was dumbstruck. She was amazed with the woman beauty. Her entire figure was glowing like a goddess. Not only that, her beep blue eyes also made Avrora even more amazed towards her.

"I sense a new born child." Said the woman. Avrora was confused. The woman levitates and move towards Avrora while Avrora tried to retreat from that mysterious woman. When the woman's hand tried to reach her, Avrora who was in defensive mode tried to avoid from the woman grabbing her.

After a while avoiding the woman, she finally let the woman touch her cheek. it was a warm sensation. she felt really protected by the woman. The woman's eye was wide open when she touched Avrora's cheek.

"My child..." Avrora was shocked when she said those words. The mysterious woman hug her tightly. It was a warm embrace. Avrora could feel the warmth of the woman's hug. Its like a mother's warmth when hugging their children. Avrora's dam finally broke through and spilled warm tears.

She never felt that kind of feeling before. A mother's warmth. A affectionate that she desire most from her mother who killed herself because of her. She hug the woman back while crying. Releasing all her desire to be loved to the woman who she just met in her dream. It feels like reality when she thinks about it. She could feel everything that she touch and the woman's touch too.

A moment later, the woman released her warp and look at Avrora's eye sharp. "When I hug you, I just transferred the divine blessing to you. You are now the 'newborn' Child of Light." Avrora was flabbergasted when she said that.

"Child of light? what do you mean by that?" Just before she could get the answer from the woman, she was awaken by the school bell. Its look like that recess had ended and they need to resume classes. Avrora looked around her and realize it was a dream after all.

A minute later, the physic teacher entered the class and all of the students gave her the usual greetings.

"alright, students. I need you all open your text book and turned to page-... Avrora, why are you crying."

School ended earlier. The teachers suddenly have an emergency meeting and they have to ended school early than usual. Avrora rushed out from the school ground to avoid meeting with those annoying people.

as soon she got herself out from the school ground, she quickly pulls out her smartphone where she kept secretly in her backpack because the school prohibited smartphone in school.

Why? She have no idea why they cannot bring phone to school. but she didn't care anyways.

she start typing a message for her uncle through WhatsApp application. she waited for minutes to get a reply from her uncle. A moment later, she got a new message from her uncle.


Avrora felt really glad when she recieve the message. she sat on a bench near the Chinese school's bus top. She put her ear phone in her ear and listen to her favourite music. Everyone around her already gone home except her and a red hood girl. Avrora didn't felt anything when she take a glance to the girl. The girl didn't look like a student from the Chinese school since she didn't wear school uniform.

Avrora didn't to meddle with the girl's life so she decided to keep quiet and continue listening to her music. Suddenly, the red hooded girl stood up and walk to the middle of the road. Avrora was shocked when the girl suddenly make a move. more importantly, she's walking through the busy road.

"Hey, girl stop it! You're gonna die!" but the girl didn't listen to Avrora's words but kept walking fast through the busy road. Avrora was panicked by the girl's action and dropped her ear phone and phone to the bench. She quickly followed the girl. The girl just walking straight crossing the road. Cars honking when she walked. Many of the driver pulled the break when the girl crossed the road.

Some of them were furious and yelling at Avrora and the girl from their window. The others just continued their journey after both of the safely crossed the road. Avrora was really scared to death when she crossed the road just to follow the girl. The girl didn't even turned back to see what is happening nor apologize to Avrora for her dangerous and odd behavior. But, the girl keep walking trough the tall and thick bushes.

Avrora seemed cannot let the girl who looks younger than her walking around there in the bushes. She didn't care anymore. she need to knock the girl sense from putting both of them in danger. The girl vanished in the thick bushes, Avrora was really scared when the girl was vanished from her sight.

"Hey, girl! Where are you! Little girl!" Avrora kept calling the little girl. She didn't want the little girl to get hurt in these unknown place. Moreover, many wild and venomous animal might bite them and kill them.

She walked through the bushes and got herself entered a strange and beautiful forest. Much to her knowledge about the forest near the chinese school, rumors had said that if you entered the forest the probability for you to get out from the forest alive is very low. But she didn't believe such rumors. She wandered a bit and her sight was captivated by the forest beautiful scenery.

Its like a scenery she saw from the video game she played in her uncle's video game entitled Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Huge trees everywhere, colorful and shining orbs hovering. wild flowers blooming everywhere. Avrora felt like it was the best place to live and die.

Didn't want to be distracted by the scenery, she slapped her cheek. "I need to find the little girl!" Avrora continued her search for the little girl. She looked at her wrist watch and notice the minute hand didn't moved at all. Maybe her watch just broke or the battery died.

Avrora pulled her face from looking at her watch when she caught a glimpse of the red hooded girl. She ran towards the place where she saw the girl. Much to her surprise, she saw a good looking man lying down unconscious.

Avrora knelled and checked the stranger's pulses. It was a relief when the stranger's pulses beating. When she looked at the stranger's face again, she soon recognized the stranger's face. He was Kayen The man who walked her home days ago.

"Mr.Kayen?" Hearing his name being called, Kayen blinked his eyes and saw Avrora looking at him. Why she's here? Kayen felt really weak. He tried to get up but he couldn't. He focused his mana absorption in his heart but he couldn't too.

He then realized, he can't use magic anymore.

Yoooo... sorry for the late update. Being so busy lately and I hope you guys enjoy the update. See ya.

Kayen:Magic is gone. What now.

Author:Be a human then.

Kayen:Heh, great point.

Nocturnal_Writercreators' thoughts
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