
Chapter 17 Become a Human part 1

Kayen spent almost 5 hours in Crimson Forest before his caretaker, Shuja made a telepathy to him that he need to return to the castle in haste. The Faerun wasn't happy when Kayen told them that he need to return to the castle but still, he's a crown prince and they didn't have the power to disobey the crown prince words.

Illyrana also didn't want Kayen to leave but she was reminded by his status, she didn't have the power to stop him. She loved him and of course she wouldn't want him to leave. Not to mention if Kayen fall in love with someone, she would be in a great pain since she had that felling since they were little.

"Okay, I'm leaving now... I'll see you soon, guys." Said Kayen to his adopted family. He can see their sadness in their eyes but nothing he could do since he have to return to the castle. He doubt that his father will like him visiting his adopted family since the king knew there's a half Dajyun and half Dark Elf girl there and the king knew they threw the child away because she's a disgrace to the Dark Elf including to the Dajyun. Even though the king didn't admit it but deep down his mind, he was disappointed that one of his race would fall in love with an evil race.4

Back to Kayen, Kayen didn't want to delay anymore moments, he recollect all of his mana to summon his majestic pair of wings and flapped it proudly as a son of Dajyun. The Faerun was really delightful to see his developed wings and they felt proud to their adopted son very much. As for Illyrana, his wings made her fall for him even more.

If only she could summon a pair of wings through her Dajyun blood, she might be able to fly beside him. It would be wonderful moments in her entire life. But sadly she couldn't, since she's lack with magic talents and she didn't have enough mana core to summon even a wing nor cast any simple spell. As she watched Kayen flapped his wing a few time, she bid him farewell and hope that they'll meet again in near future.

Kayen managed bid them farewell before left them. He was really disappointed that his moments with them was interrupted by Shuja. But he must remember his position as a crown prince where his nation need him most, he must return to the castle with god speed.

"Ahh... I wish I could stop the time and spend more time with them." Kayen complain as if someone was hearing him that time when he was flying through the sky. He shook his head several times and continue focusing on his way to the castle.

Suddenly he felt a dark force from below. He stopped himself. As he was levitating in the air, he could feel unwanted magic below him and it was a really strong aura. He lower himself to a nearby tree and landed himself on top of it. He also casts an invisible spell to make sure nobodies notice his arrival there.

Just watching from the tree where he landed, he could see a few Dark Elves was somewhat doing something irregular on a unfamiliar circle. Kayen was really curios what were they doing, he climbed down a bit and perched on a branch to get himself a clear view on what the evil elves were doing.

When his veiw was completely clear from leaves, he could see and hear the elves were murmuring. It was really eerie when he heard it. He suddenly got goosebumps when he saw the Dark elves eyes were somehow cracked on their eye bag and their eyes was red like the color of blood and they gave out a deadly gaze.

It was really scary with dark aura surrounding the groups of Dark Elves. There were about 6 elves there and it would be difficult for him to wipe out the group by himself since they trespassed the Faerun territory, he must eliminate them but he can't do it with direct attack.

He need to do it one by one. So, he decided to climbed down until his feet touch the earth. He also managed to cast a mute spell so he the group wouldn't hear his footstep as he slowly approached them. He thought it would be an easy task to do it but he was completely wrong. One of the Dark Elves sensed his appearance and with a single wave of his hand undo all Kayen's magic spell.

He was frowned with the man's magic. It was a really powerful magic and he have the frightening evil aura among them all. Kayen quickly summons his sword and prepare for battle. But much to his surprise that the 6 elves weren't ready for any attacks, they just stood still with an evil smirks marked on their face. Suddenly, one of the 6 elves laughed horrifically and start spouting weird words. Kayen was startled by it and decided to escape from there since the evil aura seemed to be suppressing his magic force.

Since the evil and dark aura overwhelmed him, he cannot summon his wing but he felt like his body being pinned down to earth by unknown force. He also feel pain on his head and he could see the Dark Elves approaching him. Look like they're going to sacrifice him as he can see a sacrificial blade held tightly by one of the dark elves.

Their look was really evil and sinister. They have this disgusting looks on their face while looking at Kayen. Kayen could feel chills in his spine as they slowly approaching him with unknown words and phrases coming out from their mouth.

Kayen look down to his feet and saw a ritual mark that kept him becoming weak and weaker each second. He realized that they were waiting for him. He quickly gather his strength and jumped out from the ritual mark and stands 50 feet away from the Dark Elves.

Kayen really need to leave this place. He make sure that his magic source wouldn't be disturbed by the evil aura. Which means, his heart as his magic source wouldn't be weakened by the dark magic as he absorb nature's magic to accumulate magic in his heart. Luckily, his heart wasn't disturbed by the dark aura since it wasn't a natural magic.

The six Dark Elves was mad when he got out from the ritual mark because they needed him to be there so they can kill him without him fighting them. But it looks like they had no choice but to force him becoming their sacrifice for their Lord of The Abyss.

They charged toward Kayen and just like he expected, he kept avoiding attacks from them. Six against one. It was a tough situation where he cannot focused his magic to create a destruction magic to fight them. He have no choice but to rely on his swordsmanship skill.

With his rapier, he swings his rapier towards the dark elves. He managed to injured one of them but that didn't stop the attacks. They even getting angrier and attack Kayen at the same time. Kayen kept dodging the attacks and he barely could catch a breath since their movements being too swift for him.

Just before he could realize why they didn't hurt him but kept pushing him, he now realized that they attack him in purpose so he will keep jumping back until his feet step on the ritual mark. He was terrified when his feet was wrapped by unknown tentacles. He tried to pull out his leg but he couldn't. The black tentacle was sucking his magic and energy simultaneously until he couldn't fight back anymore.

The six Dark Elves was really happy and approached him as they knew that their plan will be in a great success. Kayen was really tired because of the damned tentacle. Adrenalin start rising and he kept hitting and stabbing the tentacle with his fist and his rapier. But there were no luck while he kept weaker and weaker each second. The Dark Elves kept reciting strange words until one of them came forth with sacrificial blade held tight by him.

Is this the end of me?

Just before the elf with the blade stab his heart, suddenly a bright light appear behind Kayen. It was light magic that suppressed the Dark Elves evil aura. They couldn't see who is it as they were weakened by the light aura. Kayen whom was already lying on the ground rise his head to see the light. From his blurry sight, he could see a somewhat red hooded man with his magic light cast on his right palm to suppress the Dark Elves' aura.

He couldn't the owner's face but he knew that the was there to help him. The red hooded man pulled Kayen's shoulder to make him stand but Kayen can't since he lost amout of energy from the tentacle. The red hooded man touches the tentacle and the tentacle vanished as soon the man touch it.

"Listen, you need to gather your mana to escape while I'll keep suppressing the Dark Elves." Without doubting what the man said, Kayen stood up and accumulate his mana to perform cleansing magic so he can get out from the ritual mark.

It took about 30 seconds until he finally can cast magic. The red hooded man was already sweating since he have to kept producing mana to his hand to create magic light. Not only that, he have to cast magic barrier around him to avoid his heart absorbing the dark aura.

"Can you cast cleansing magic?" The man asked Kayen when he saw Kayen could stand on his own. "I'll try" Kayen knew that he's still lack with energy but he have no choice but to force himself to get out from the ritual marks. With his head still spinning around like a car wheel, he tried to remember any cleansing magic that he could cast.

The red hooded man couldn't kept his light shining since it consumed too much mana. He released the magic and spread his magic on his magic barrier to create a new magic shield to dodge the Dark Elves' attack since the six of them recover faster than he expected after he released his light magic.

The Dark Elves gather their hand a formed a round and black magic ball. They need to kill this red hooded man so they can continue their ritual. Kayen, on the other hand, can't keep his magic flowing continuously. He cast a spell randomly. he cannot think straight since he lost too much energies.

"Are you finished?! I cannot hold this shield anymore." The red hooded man tried to hold the shield longer to reflect the attacks. His mana absorption is getting weak because he been blocking the dark aura.

Finally, Kayen could focus his magic force better but just before he could finish the spell, the red hooded man's shield broke like a shattered glass when the Dark Elves attack him with a dark spirals. The red hooded man was thrown off from there and fell into the bushes. He was already knocked out. Kayen's magic was messed up with the dark spiral and hit the ritual mark.

As a result, it opens a portal to the human world and Kayen was sucked into the portal. The dark elves was really disappointed with it. One of them gave out a loud 'tch'.

"Master, what shall we do now? our prey just vanish..." Said one of the dark elves to his master who stand in front of five of them. The leader look at the bush where the red hooded man landed and notice that he already flee from there. He clenched his fist as hard as he can.

"Tsk, we can do it later... we need the Dajyun Prince." He spun around after saying that and left the area while his subordinates burned the place to make sure no one knew they came here and eliminate their dark aura there. The leader had this sinister looks in his face with his red eyes glowing with evil aura.

"I'll get you someday, Prince Kayen..."

Sorry for the late update. I've been very busy with University income preparation and have small time to write something. Btw, thank you for reading and enjoy next chapter.

Kayen: Glad you can make it.

Author:Humph... yeah...

Nocturnal_Writercreators' thoughts
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