
Chapter 16 The Cherry Blossom

Crimson forest was lively with Kayne's return for a short visit. The faerun start singing and dancing around him like they used to be when Kayen was 5 years old. Illyrana just watch singing and clapping her hand while watching the faerun dancing near the lake in the middle of Crimson Forest. Kayen smile widely watching at his foster families. The faerun were much playful than what the other elves race think.

They might be suspicious to stranger but when they show you their kindness, you'll be forever treasured by them dearly. Just don't betray their trust on you. They'll never forgive you for making them disappointed with you.

Kayen left the place where the faerun dancing without Illyrana noticing about his sudden disappearance. He walked through the forest to see the Cherry Blossom where the first Child of Light were buried. As soon he arrived at the location where the Cherry blossom grew, a guardian in a shape of a man appeared out of nowhere. A divine guardian was sent by the gods to guard the cherry blossom until the new Child of Light appear to unite the first Child of Light divine soul with the next Child of Light.

"Hmph, what do you want from this cherry blossom, son of Dajyun?"The guardian was hovering when he approached Kayen. The man had this appearance as a handsome man with his long and straight hair fluttering around him even there's no wind was blowing that time. In addition, he wore a long robe with golden lace decorated the robe. Divine light was illuminating around him makes him a face of an angel.

"I just return after 12 years apart from the faerun and I want to visit the cherry blossom just like I did 12 years ago. You've never change huh, Farael." The guardian named Farael gave him a smirk and landed his toe on earth. He was glad that he could see Kayen again. That stubborn child always bug him when Farael was guarding the tree.

"You've grown into a handsome man. But not enough compared to me." Teased Farael while pinching his chin to show Kayen that he's cooler than him. "haha, you're right. How can a mere Dajyun like me to be compared to the gods' servant. Of course you've that decent look of yours given by the gods." Kayen just agreed what Farael state about both of them.

Kayen touched the cherry blossom's trunks and he could feel that his body was refreshed. It is indeed true that this cherry blossom will replenish anyone's stamina. As for injuries, if someone get light injuries it will heal any time but if you get severe injuries, it would take days and you'll be put into sleeping state to fasten the healing process.

The tree was so dear to the faerun as they have closer interaction with the Child of Light before sghe died. Her return would be relief to the faerun as they were hoping that Child of Light will be reborn into this world once again.

Farael also wanted the Child of Light return sooner. Because he could sense evil aura start spreading in this fairy land especially the Dark Elf race. An evil and treacherous being. They worshiped Ko'mar very much. He was quite hesitate to let Illyrana live because even though she had the Dajyun's blood running in her vein, she still got the Dark Elf's blood in her. She could betray the faerun and Kayen anytime because the Dark Elf nature are stronger than what they think. And rarely show any positive emotion to the other elves. Born as evil and die as evil too is what they believe. So, Illyrana might become evil anytime.

Kayen pulled back his hand from the sacred tree and stare at the thousands of crimson cherry buds. Normally a cherry tree buds would be in a color of light pink. But, because the Child of light was buried there, some of her divine soul was absorb by the cherry sapling and as a result the cherry blossom grew into a crimson cherry tree due to the source of the divine soul came from the Child of Light hair.

"When will the tree in a full bloom?" Farael approached Kayen and looks at the crimson cherry tree. He then turns to Kayen and said"It'll be sooner or later". Well, at least Farael answered his question. He's still wondering if Farael still hate Illyrana. "Hey, Farael... um do you still hate illyrana?" He's quite hesitate to ask Farael about it.

Farael gave him a deep sigh. Slowly he starts to levitate and flew to one of the branch to sit. He leaned his back and stare to the clear night sky. "I do not hate her, Kayen. But, I doubt that she'll remain as herself in the future. I could feel that the evil is approaching us. Ko'mar's soul seemed to be closer than I thought." Once again the greatest villain of the Dajyun and the human was mentions in front of him. He wondered how powerful is it this demon named Ko'mar.

He heard from his father that Ko'mar was beaten twice by the two figures of the Dajyun and the fairies history. The Child of Light and the previous crown prince of Dajyun. Should the demon of Hades Realm reborn into this world once again, the new Child of Light would definitely beat him up again and this time there'll be no more third chance for that Demon King.

Kayen let out a deep sigh and wondered. "Who is the child of light?"

The Crimson tree just stood still listening to the crown prince of Dajyun's thought. Someday, the crimson cherry tree will be reunite with the new Child of Light.

Thank you for waiting and reading this new chapter. What do you think of this novel that I wrote? Leave your comments below so I can fix more mistakes I've made for the next chapter. Oh yeah, if you didn't mind, would you guys be interested reading my second novel titled Mobile Legend:The Lost Child(Granger).

Kayen:who are you?

Granger:I'm a demon hunter

Kayen:Can you help us annihilate those demon from our realm?

Granger:*pulls out his big gun* No problem.


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