
Two worlds Apart:The Forbidden Love

{ MATURE CONTENT. NO RAPE} It feels like they have known each other forever but they just met. How could they feel so close but apart at the same time. The rule says no but they both say yes. The price to pay is as heavy as stone. How could something forbidden be so sweet. ..... A cough escaped her lips and she used her palm to cover her mouth. Why was it so painful? "What's wrong?" Lucas asked worriedly. She removed her palm to respond but gasped at the sight of blood that stained it. She coughed again and more blood spilled from her mouth. "Lisa!" Lucas hurriedly stood up and tapped her cheeks. She was losing consciousness. "Lucas, it hurts." She groaned and coughed out more blood. She tried keeping her eyes open but she could barely see a thing. Everything was spinning continually and Lucas's voice was becoming distant. Lucas immediately searched around the room for what was making her throw up blood and his eyes spotted the food. His eyes changed completely from blue to red when he realised what happened. 'She was poisoned!.' He gritted his teeth and scooped Lisa into his arms, teleporting to his room and laying her on the bed. "Lucas.." She groaned, her beautiful face contorted in pain. Green veins bulged under her skin and she creased her forehead. "I'm coming Lisa, please stay with me." He whispered softly as he rammed his head for a cure. He contacted his friend Theodore telepathically and he appeared. "Gather all the maids in the palace and take them to the dining." Theodore nodded and disappeared soon after. After which, Lucas climbed on the bed and stared at Lisa hesitantly. There was only one way to save her and he knew she would flip if she woke up. Leaning in, he placed his lips gently on hers. .......... Lucas was a guardian. He had done his job many times cleanly with efficiency and didn't have to worry about anything not until he was assigned to her. He couldn't stay in the same space with her without wanting to touch her. He couldn't just get enough of her doe like eyes that tried to challenge him everytime. He more than ever wanted to change the rules now. He suddenly felt himself getting attracted to her in every way possible and he hated it. This was his job and the repercussions of him doing anything else than guarding her was going to harm them both. Despite him knowing that he still took that step. A step he knew that would cost her him. Whatever was going to happen, he will allow as long as it doesn't touches her. Ever.

Webstar3493 · Fantasy
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104 Chs


"From now on, we consider you our queen no matter what happens." They both said in unison after they separated from the hug and Lisa nodded awkwardly.

At least things were finally turning in her favour.

"Thank you." She beamed and they nodded before one of them stepped forward.

"I am Ryan and that is Roan. I come in favour of both of us to ask if we can assist you in anyway." He proclaimed and Lisa nodded thoughtfully.

Trusting them was going to be hard, But finding the flower in an unknown place of which she had no idea of was going to be a hassle.

So she had no other choice.

"I need to find the dark rose." She confessed and Ryan turned to his brother. It seemed like they were having a silent conversation.

"We would have loved to help you your Highness but only the prince knows the location of the dark rose which is but a rumour to the people outside the palace walls. Rumour has it that it had been bestowed to him as soon as he became a prince." It was Roan that spoke and Lisa fell into a deep confusion.

Only Lucas had the location and she had to get it out of him but the question now was how?.

Her mother had said that the mission could take a while, did that mean that she needed to win Lucas's trust? And the only way to do that was to-

She quickly shook her head when that crazy idea entered her head.

She couldn't.

She wouldn't.

How did her mind even conjure that up? She wasn't that type of girl. How could she seduce Lucas? She couldn't even stand straight by just his touch.

She was going to leave that as her last resort. If everything didn't work out then she was going to have to....she was going to have to seduce Lucas.

"Are you alright your Highness?." The shadow asked her when she didn't answer for long time and she covered up her disappointment with a bright smile.

"I am. I'll have to leave now, see you soon." She gave a friendly bow and waved at them before leaving there.

Her steps were not as determined as they were when she was coming downstairs as she now walked dejectedly upstairs.

The wall door opened when she got close and she walked out before it closed behind her.

She didn't bother walking back to her room and took another path, leading deeper into the castle, there she saw a maid coming out with trays of empty plates which was wierd.

"Excuse me? Where are you coming from?." She asked the maid and the maid replied in a rather harsh tone.

"Unlike you, some maids actually have real jobs on their hands as visitors have come to visit the prince and each one seems to be more wierd than the latter. Especially the most recent one." She shivered and continued pushing her cart, eyeing Lisa as she left.


Not bothering about that, she proceeded in walking as this part of the castle was rather strange and secluded.

But despite her turning here and there, she never met a dead end which was getting tiring.

She stopped and decided to turn back. Not because she was tired but because she suddenly felt a chilling cold crawl up her spine and this was very different from Lucas's.

"What is a little lamb like you doing here in the middle of a lion's den." A masculine voice mused and Lisa froze.

L-lion den?.

"I was just going out." She mummered and turned around to go out but theman's shadow that appeared in front of her stopped her, causing her to scream, falling backwards and landing on the cold tile.

"Hmm? You seem different." The person came closer to her and she blinked at his identity.

"Ezekiel?." She whispered as she saw him appear in view.

The surprising thing was that he looked exactly the same as she remembered him.

"You know my name?." This time he had a genuinely surprised expression and she felt like face palming herself.

Why did she have to say his name.

"Are you a spy?." He asked with great interest and she stumbled trying to get on her feet without answering his question. This man was crazy and she needed to get out of here fast.

"That's strange, your soul seems different." He mumbled and Lisa's eyes widened.

Of course he would find out, he was the king of reapers and his speciality was souls.

She tried to move but it seemed like she was trapped in a place as she tried to look away from his blue eyes that gave her more than the creeps.

"Your soul seems to bring out so much power that it's almost impossible, it's frightening at the same time wonderful." He continued walking towards her and Lisa felt an emotion she knew too well.


"I want to reap that soul."

Lisa suddenly felt suffocation, it felt like her chest was wheezing and squeezing itself. Ezekiel wasn't touching her but she was sure that this was all him.

He wanted to frieking reap her soul!

"Let me go." She managed to whisper as the suffocation was becoming more prominent each passing second.

"I will after I get your soul." He replied as he probably waited for her to die.

This was insane! He was insane! She didn't know about Lilian but she hated Ezekiel. On their first meeting and he already planned to kiil her!?.

"Don't worry, you have only a few more seconds to go." He smiled and Lisa knew he was right. She could feel it.

How comforting.

But then something shocking happened, Ezekiel suddenly fell on his knees gritting his teeth and the pain started disappearing slowly from her chest.

"Did he touch you?." Lucas appeared in front and cupped her cheeks, his eyes surveying her face in worry.

She looked pale and scared, it made him furious.

"Y-your Highness?." She breathed, she couldn't express how happy she was, she felt tears instantly gather in her eyes.

"D-do you want to cry?." He was surprised when he saw this, this brave maid was acting very different.

Nevertheless he brought her close to him and enveloped her, patting her head as she sobbed.

"You're alright now." He whispered in a calming voice and Lisa cried more.

She didn't know how much she missed his embrace until now.

She wanted to scream it out loud how she misses him and that he should never leave her but she forcefully pulled away from him and stared into his eyes that held emmense concern and it pained her.

He was on the floor just because of her and it wasn't a good thing, she couldn't get attached.

He stood up and helped her up, his hand not leaving hers as though he was scared that she would disappear.

They both turned to Ezekiel and she was shocked to see what condition he was. He was still on one knee with his teeth gritted as it felt like some force was punishing him internally.

Was Lucas doing this?.

She glanced at Lucas and saw him staring at Ezekiel blankly.

"Who are you and why did you attack her." If Lisa had heard Lucas's dangerous voice before then it was nothing compared to this.

But what he said confused her.

Did he not know Ezekiel?

New year congratulations everyone!

It's so close for Lisa's birthday if you all remembered.

It was January 15th so the countdown begins!

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