
Chapter 38: Mind Over Matter

"Whoever thought that when my particles were vibrating all over the place they were only trying to be free...to escape; to allow me to run at 1600 mile per hour? I've never run a day in my life. I never needed to. Now I'm thinking of calling myself 'Velocity'," Ezra said ecstatically while moving around the garage at top speed like an energized steel ball released in a pinball machine. He was rapidly taking up electric cables and other equipment as he zigzagged through the garage.

"Yeah, because that name is really original. Good job, Ezra, for thinking outside the box. You've really outdone yourself this time," Merci counteracted, not trying at all to hide her sarcasm.

"And calling oneself after a shoe is any better?" Ezra stopped suddenly with the thick cables thrown over his shoulders and tools all piled up in his hands. He had a witty look on his face when he saw Merci's glare.