
two sides of the same coin

You get caught up in a serious problem, you are stuck in the middle of a murder scene. Suddenly you turn around, and the killer is right there. The problem? She's more human than you'd think... {WARNING: There is talk about rape every couple of chapters or so, also strong language.}

_SCX_ · Horror
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14 Chs



Now you read this and question everything I did. Every bad decision I've ever made. Truly I don't know why I did some of the things I did when it came to her. I don't know why I loved her, nor why I sacrificed everything for her. Love makes even the smartest people dumb. I had to learn that the hard way.

So to every moron who reads this and thinks life is all rainbow's and everything always works out, it doesn't. Not always. I don't care if you are the ugliest person in existence, do not make the same mistake I did, distance yourself instead of getting rid of your life. I loved her, and I still do, but I made a mistake.

Hell, I don't care if god himself tells you that you two are made for each other, don't do it. Mistakes are meant to be learned from, so learn from mine, please. Don't waste your life to be left all alone.

Lastly, to all my friends, thank you for everything. Thank you Joey for the job, thank you Lucas for all the interesting things you involved me in, and I wouldn't leave out the man who helped me for nine years straight, chief… No, Malcolm thank you for being my father figure.

Thank you for not abandoning a dumb boy. Thank you for being there for me. As I set up this noose, I say goodbye to you all. See you in the next life…

-Adrien (Son of Malcolm.)


If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts call: (988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline) I do not condone suicide.