
The Beginning:

"Your Perfect." He said looking at you. You freeze at the response. He bends down and starts helping you pick up your belongings, than another man comes out and laughs.

"Wait to go you knocked the woman of our dreams down." He says lending you a hand. You take it looking at him confused. "Do I know you?" You asked feeling alittle embarrassed to not remember.

"We are Sebastian's friends. Well we are a part of bis pack. We have a date with you this weekend." He the man with golden eyes sais smiling.

You nod realizing he said "We". You bolt quickly upstairs to your second floor apartment only to discover Alice and Sebastian are both gone fore the night. You curse under your breath and decide not to worry about it tonight. You take a shower smiling at the thought of Mr.Golden eyes.

He looked at me like he could have eaten me.

The thought causes you to shudder in desire. You climbed into bed. Then your phone buzzes.

It's your Ex.

"You awake?" He messaged. "I need to talk to you." He messages again two seconds later. You roll your eyes annoyed he even has your number still. Then the phone vibrates again.

"Please... Look I need to talk to you." You turn your phone on silent and lay down. You decide to ignore him in hopes he goes away. Tonight you want to think about your encounter with the two gorgeous men. "We" You say quietly to yourself. "Alice what have you got me into." You think to yourself slowly as you drift to sleep.


You wake up realizing you over slept. "Shit!!" You yell jumping from bed and running into your closet. You look at your phone also realizing Aaron sent 13 Texts and called 4 times. You groan aloud deciding to deal with that issue later. You speed off to work. You burst through the door.

"So sorry I am late Halford. I did not mean to over sleep." You say running into the office throwing your purse down.

"Clara." Halford said smiling nervously at you. "Yes me Clara you Halford." You try your best to impersonate Tarzan smiling. "You okay?" You continue. "You look alittle freaked out or something."

Halford looked down. "Aaron is waiting for you in room 5." Halford then looks at you.

"Tell me to kick him out I will." He put a hand on your shoulder. "He refused to leave. Said you were dodging him. He wouldn't shut up in the Lobby."" He continued.

You chuckle lightly out of the suggestion. Truthgully you were dodging him. "Thankss but this is payback since I didn't return like 15 messages and 4 calls... I'll handle it." You say walking over to room 5. You pause at the door taking a deep breath and walking into the room not meeting his gaze as you do so.

"Sorry I didn't return your calls or messages. I have been busy." You say leaning against a counter across the room from him. 'He stood at the window looking out at the abandoned houses through the streets. "Never understood why you always wanted to work here in this dump. You could have been special." He said sighing looking at you. The Sarcasm in his voice makes you feel small all over again. "Not everyone has the option to actually get the help they need. I decided a long time ago that these people. The Forgotten ones needed me more than Assholes like you. You know the cheating, abusive types." You say shocking yourself and him. This obviously strikes a nerve. Good.

"Look long story short I need my Grandmothers ring back. I have someone more worthy of the ring than you." He said smiling through perfect teeth. Teeth I so desperately wanted to punch him in.

But never would past events proved that a bad Idea.

"You mean someone who doesn't mind cheating or being smacked around. Come by tonight and get it.. By the way DO NOT EVER COME TO MY JOB AGAIN. And lose my number that's the agreement to the ring." You swing open the door on the last part and storm off. Anger radiating off of me. By the look on Halfords face he heard everything with his animal ears. Aaron looked at Halford and quickly made his exit.

A Few Hours passed:

Halford comes up to your desk. "Do yo-" He is quickly cut off by you swiftly. "NO..Nothing to talk about." You smile annoyed and half hearted. Halford holds his hands up surrendering. You Relax.

"I'm sorry it is not your fault. I just hate how small he makes me feel." You say apologetically.

"I'm sorry Clara. I'm Here if you need anything." he tried assuring you but somehow made you feel worse. Pitied. You hated the thought of pity from anyone. Made you feel sick to your stomach.

5:30pm rolls around and you are helping Martha close up. Halford is in his office dictating on charts.

You offer to walk Martha to her car. She looks at you suspiciously.

"No need to pretend you care. I wouldn't want to put you out." She said grabbing her purse and heading for the door before a response could come out of your mouth.

You look towards Halfords office if you wanted to say goodbye. Instead you head for the door and make a semifast dash for your vehicle.

You make it to your car and get in.

Upon making it home your almost good mood quickly changes when out of the corner of your eye you see Aarons car parked in your spot. You sigh loudly and roll your eyes. The thought of "No one saw me. I could reverse and go somewhere else." Popped in your head. Then the realization hit that He was up there with Alice and Sebastian and they were probably tearing him limb from limb.

The thought causes an involuntary chuckle. You make your way to the apartment sadly. You take a deep breath before bursting through the door seeing Aaron and Sebastian full blown arguing.

"You need to Leave RIGHT... FUCKING NOW!" Sebastian said with a roar. He was getting close to shifting. His wolf barely restraining its self. Aaron notices your arrival and instantly straightens his suit.

Rolling your eyes you walk straight into the bedroom where the dresser was. Grabbed the old jewelry box and preceded to walk back out to the living room throwing it the hardest you can at his head, causing a slight whimper from him. For the first time you notice how wimpy he really is when your not taking his nonsense.

Maybe because he as so emotionally, and physically abusive when no one else was around.

When he leaves you make your way to the bedroom careful not to look at Alice or Sebastian for the fear they might see the anger or hate. You held for Aaron in your heart on your face.

You didn't dare tell them about him showing up at work either he would be dead right now.

I don't understand how he can make me feel so much rage, and guilt. Guilt for letting it get to this point. Where I actually couldn't stand him. Getting into your comfiest Pj's you slide into bed. Beginning to think about the two men you ran into. "We." You say again to yourself, touching your lips with a smirk. You fall into a dazed sleep thinking about the fierce Golden and Emerald eyes.

The Rest of the week Seems to fly by.

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