1 Opening Of The Eyes

"Look mama! The baby is about to open her eyes!"

Elaina was right, all the parents gathered around the baby and held their young up to see. Elaina and Jasmine were being held by my pa and Tiggy was held up by ma. I'm too big to be held anymore so I just tried to see from behind.

It was hopeless but I knew when everything was happening from the cooing that echoed from the adults.

"Aww!" if she moved

"*Gasp!*" if they suspect she will open her eyes.

"Hmph!" if it turns out that her eyes are staying shut.

I wished the child would just hurry up and wake up! I was starving and it was freezing. To make matters worse, I had left my iPad at home so I couldn't even entertain myself. At last, it seemed she had opened her eyes. But then my eyes closed. By themselves. I had no control over my body and I couldn't feel anything.

They opened and my nana was there, eyes as large as sourcers, practically hugging herself. I was layed down now and I could only move my eyes, looking left I saw my auntie, uncle, my twin cousins, Diego and Danny and grandpa. Looking right, I saw my ma, my pa and all my siblings! Sure enough, they were all cooing at me! Me! Except little Elaina. She's only five and a half so she just tilted her head, looked at me for a moment and smiled.

"Can we call her Nabirah?" Elaina beamed.

Nabirah?! But my name is Forest!

"I think that is a beautiful name, Elaina but I'm afraid me and your uncle have already picked a name out for our princess." my auntie said politely.


"Hello Ocean," my uncle whispered to me.

You know that saying "the penny dropped" or "it hit me"? Well that happened. I- I was... a baby! My eyes jolted around the room where I saw myself in the corner.

"Foh!" I said.

Everyone said awwwww. I didn't mean to say foh, but I guess that is how babies talk. I meant to say Forest.

"Does baby Ocean want some milky? Yes, I think she does!" my auntie cooed.

Milk?! Like- breast milk?! Everyone started exiting the room except for me- Forest me.
