
Two Of A Kind (Original Story)

In this gripping tale, two individuals find themselves entangled in a forbidden love, only for the story to shift focus to another character. Tragedy strikes when their child falls victim to a murderer named Hunter, leading to unexpected connections and the birth of Lucas. Amidst a backdrop of family murders and a friend's betrayal, the story centers around Aaron, who suffered the loss of his parents in a car crash caused by Hunter. This book promises a multitude of captivating elements beyond the initial premise. The tone is intense and suspenseful, exploring themes of love, tragedy, revenge, and redemption, Enjoy

Valerie_Mae · Fantasy
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61 Chs

The Irony | Chapter 7

I woke up a few days later, I knew Rose wouldn't be with me after all this happened. I looked around and I saw Winter and Jade sitting on the couch passed out. I looked around for a doctor and no one was near. Soon enough a nurse comes through the door and tells me I can go home when I want but to take it easy. I looked over at Winter and got up to leave. Soon Jade had seen me as I was leaving and he followed me. I walked back home, I knew Jade was following me. He stopped halfway there and went back to go get Winter. As soon as I got home, I opened the door to find the house a mess. Pictures of mine and my sister's parents shattered on the floor. Clothes everywhere and shattered glass. I walked up the stairs to find Tyler and Rose in my bed. I couldn't control it anymore the urge to kill. Soon I walked past my room and Winters to our parent's room. That we didn't touch we wanted to leave it as they left it. I grabbed my dad's 180 and pulled the bullets out of the box and loaded the gun. I went back to Rose and Tyler and looked down at him ¨ It's my turn now ¨ Before I knew it I had shot Tyler in the stomach he woke up screaming. Which woke Rose up, She looked at me and yelled "Get AWAY! ¨. I didn't know what I looked like nor did I care. I walked down the stairs laughing and with an urge to kill more. I took my time walking down the stairs just to see if anyone would do anything and they did not. For all, I knew Tyler was probably dead and Rose maybe already called 911. Soon enough I did hear sirens. If I didn't leave then I would get in huge trouble but also they would try to figure out what I was. As they got closer to the house Rose ran downstairs to see me standing at the bottom of the stairs looking up at her. She looked at me ¨ Aaron is that you? ¨ I looked up at her. My eyes had changed to red. I had horns growing outside of my head with black hair. I smile ¨ You better stay away before my rage takes over and I kill you next. ¨ You wouldn't kill me Aaron ¨ Rose walked closer down the stairs to me. ¨ Rose stay back, I can't control this ¨ I looked at her ¨ Aaron it's me please.. ¨. Rose got right at my face and put her hand on my cheek. ¨ Aaron comes back ¨ My eyes start to fade as my horns disappear. ¨ Rose? ¨ I look down at her, I don't feel the urge to kill anymore. She hugs me and starts to cry. I look forward with my eyes open wide, ¨ Rose I have to go ¨ She pulls back ¨ You cant ¨ I look down at her and kiss her forehead ¨ Rose I have to go ¨ I let go of her as she cries. I stop at the back door and look back at her. All I can feel is the pain in my heart for leaving her like this.

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I will be publishing 10 chapters at a time!

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