
Men in Black

So my family had went out to eat at a Chinese place in New York cause we were visiting.

While, I'm eating the news comes up on tv. And it told us we have two men wearing black and killed all the police men, and we won't have any police for the next three weeks.

And these people looked like Braden T and Gavin from ACMS and they were looking for two black kids. On the news it didn't say which black kids, but the men in black new exactly who they were looking for. When the news turned off we got up paid for the food and started to leave. Then two black men in black started to walk in the restaurant, but it made no sense because, when I opened the door to the car the same men that walked in the restaurant were inside the car.

So at the bottom of the screen of the news it said to get the girl then the boy. So I tried to lock them inside the car but Mr. Joe kept unlocking the car.

Then i thought in my head i can't let them get hurt. But at the time you guys thought i was crazy cause you guys couldn't see them. Only me and Khalil saw the two men in black. So after Mr. Joe unlocked the car one more time i open the door from the outside, and went to the other side of the car to help Khalil, he was watching the foot ball channel, so he didn't know what to do. I told khalil get out the car, but mommy said stay in. So after that I told Khalil it's and emergency. And one of the black men said " Yeah its an emergency". At those words Khalil still decided to stay half out half the car. Then while that was happening i was running around the car trying not to get caught by both men in black. Khalil was watching this happen and then decided to get out and run to me. At one point we stop and one man was on the side i was on and another man on the side khalil was on. Me and khalil looked at the man in front of me. And then he waved bye bye to us, after that sign me and Khalil ran as far as we could run until next time. While me and Khalil were running, the black men drank this stuff so mommy, and mr joe could see them. When they showed themselves mommy and mr joe understood why me and khalil did those things around the car.

After that one of the men to told mommy," You will not see them for a long time". And while one of the men talked to mommy and mr joe the other man was on top of the car ready to knock them cold.