
Chapter 2: Uni problems

Now that I think back on it, the thing that made me go through all that is yet to happen, started from that job. Maybe if I wouldn't have accepted it nothing like that would have had happened. But who are we to stop fate from happening? I think that in this world we are nothing more than some shadows who come and go and only some of these shadows will leave their imprint in this world, and only if they are crafty enough.

'Sofia, please go and bring me the yellow file that's on Roman's desk'

'Sofia ..... Sofia!'

'Hmm... what?'

'Where is your mind wandering to?'

'Sorry Angela, I just had something on my mind. What did you asked for?'

'The yellow file from Roman's desk, please.'

'Here you go.'

'Thanks. ....Sofia is there something that you want help with? I can help if you want me to!'

'Umm... No, no. There is nothing wrong. Just a memory that came through my mind, nothing more.'

'Oh! Well, if there's something I can help...'

'Yea I know, I can always ask for your help.'

'That's right. Now back to work, we need to finish this project till Wednesday.'

'I'm almost done with it. I think I have another 3 pages to translate and I can give them to you tomorrow.'

'Only if Roman would be the same as you!' She said while looking at the file that only had a few pages. 'I mean, look at this. He only translated 2 pages. How the hell will he translate the other 8 in only two days?'

'Do you want to give some to me to translate them?'

'What ?! No ! He needs to do his job just as we had done ours. We are all implicated in this project.'

'Are you sure?'

'Umm.... I...'

Angela kept looking to the file then at me for some time. You could see how indecisive she was. She really didn't know what to do. When she was about to say something, Roman walked in the library with a huge smile on his face. You could see that he didn't paid even a thought to the work he has to do. When he began to approach our table he saw Angela with his file in hand. I don't want to be mean but the way that his face went from happy to a scared one, was extremely amusing. Not even a second later he turned towards the door wanting to leave just as quickly as he came, but it seemed that Angela managed to read his mind and in 2 seconds she was next to him holding his shirt so hard that he was unable to leave anymore.

How she managed to reach his side so quickly with those 10 inch heels will remain a mystery to me. To say that she was unhappy or mad was too little in comparison to how livid she really was. Just before Roman opened his mouth to say something Angela beat him to it..

'Not even a word. 3 pages? Really?'

'I was busy, ok?'

'Doing what? Chasing after sluts?'

'Don't call her a slut!'

All of a sudden Angela went silent. If you looked at her face you could see that almost all her face color disappeared and she had some unshed tears in her eyes. Not wanting for Roman to see her like that, she took her phone and looked at it with so much interest that you would think that god has sent her a message.

'Umm..... Let's do it like this: I already have done 7 pages and Angela finished hers, so.... We'll take 5 pages from you. But you need to do the remaining 2 pages until tomorrow. Deal?' I said wanting to make the atmosphere better.

'No! Why should I help him?'

'Who asked for your help?'

'Oh, you're right! Well excuse me! Then ask your new girlfriend to help you with them. Sofia let's go, it's seems we are not needed here anymore!'

'Sorry Angela. I can't come.'


'I need to go to a job interview.'

'Oh, ok. Then send me a message after you are done so we can put our work together.' She said while picking her stuff and shoving them in her bag, then she left not even saying a word to Roman.

It seemed like this time she really was hurt by him. Since I know them, they were always like this. Sofia was in love with Roman and he with her, but they are so stubborn that they would not admit it. And so, Roman would go out with a lot of girls and Sofia would always criticize him because of that. But this time it seems that it's different. From what I could see Sofia reached her limit on how many time she kept quiet , in a way, about his so-called girlfriends. Roman has also reached his limit, but something kept him from going after her. Not having patience anymore I opened my mouth:

'You should go after her if you don't want to lose her.'


'Sometimes I wonder just how much of an idiot you really are.'

'What the hell Sofia, why are you saying that I'm an idiot? She started the fight!'

'I didn't say you are, I said "I wonder". And the fight was indeed started by her but you are also at fault cuz' you were really late and you didn't do you part of the job.'

'Ok. Maybe you're right.'

'I'm always right, anyway leaving that aside you should pay attention to what I'm gonna say. There will be a time when Angela won't be single anymore.'

'And what do I have to do with that information?'

'Just shut up and listen. I mean she is beautiful and intelligent, a  fatal combination, and some other guy will see that. So if you don't want to lose her, you need to pull your man pants up and go and tell her what you fell.'

'How did we go from you calling me an idiot to my feelings for Angela?'

'So you admit that you love her?' I said while a smirk appeared on my face. Roman just looked at me and then he got up from the chair that he was sitting on and began walking towards the door. 'You're right' was all he said before he disappeared from my view.

After that I gathered my stuff and left for my job interview.

Next chapter