1 Verona

As we drove through the foothills of the Alps two boys stopped on the outskirts of verona.They were selling wild strawberries. "Don't buy",warned Luigi, our cautious driver."You will get friut much better in Verona. Besides. these boys......."

He shurugged his shoulders to convey his dissapoval of their shabby appearance.

One boy was wearing a worn jersey and cut-off khaki pants;the other a shortened army which doesn't have any sleeves gathered in loose folds about his brown skinny frame.Yet,grazing at the two little figures, with their brown skins, tangled hair and dark earnest eyes, we felt ourselves strangely attracted. My companion spoke to the boys, discovered that they were bothers. Nicola, the elder, was 13; Jacopo, who barely came up to the door handle of the car, was nearly 12. We bought their biggest basket, then set off towards town.

Then, the next morning. .......
