
Spirit returned

We are running like bats outta hell deep into the woods. I can hear Wolfie huffing and puffing behind me. We stop at a river... I then examine his wound. It's deep but not too bad so I find some herbs near the water... grind them up and place them on the wound. I then take some vines and make rough bandages with them and wrap wolf up.

"There..that's better huh?" I said to Wolf.. he nodded then asked" Soo...why were you smiling at Zhao?" I laughed and explained what I saw. Wolf's eyes grew big and he fell over laughing...

I went to the river and caught two salmon for dinner. Wolf gulped his in one bite..as I drank the salmon blood...wolf watched me with longing for my salmon. I tossed it to him once I finished the blood and he devoured it too. Still hungery he was..I caught ten more salmon.. I drank the fish blood and he ate the rest of them. Nice and full..he fell asleep next to our fire... soon I fell asleep as well.

I awoke to wolf yelping. I shot up and saw... Spirit..sitting on a rock nearby..looking at us.." Hello again my Asena.." " who's this..?" he said pointing his chin towards Wolf. " Spirit..he's a friend of mine...no harm to anyone ( especially bunnies I said in.my mind). ( spirit laughed..guess he heard my thoughts) " well then..I guess I have no worries about him..but Asena..where are you going to do about the Big Guy?" I knew he meant Satan's take down..and honestly..I didn't know..Jai was missing....and Wolf didn't have his gem...so I was stuck.

Before I could answer, Spirit placed two boxes..one with blue cranes on and one with white fox paw prints on it next to me..kissed me again..then poof! disappeared..again...

Wolf's eyes opened wide at seeing them.

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