
First Paw steps

Let's start at the beginning of my life... because if I were to start where I am now.. you all would be lost. My name's Wolfgang.. call me Wolfie for short. I was never considered what you would call.. normal..I mean not everyone is; but anyway, as a kid, my parents cared for me the best they could. For me and my brother.. but that soon changed. I learned that my family was special; my mom was an angel..my father was a demon that helps Satan every now and then. They met during God's war. My father was one of many fallen angels of heaven. My mother helped Gabriel.. God's right hand man I guess..they met each other one day. And not too soon after, ran away with each other and had me and my Brother Draco.

Growing up we thought it was normal to have... special abilities. We both could shape shift and fly and all kinds of things. Everything was fine and dandy..until Dad's boss..Satan found us. He explained to my Dad that we were not to be alive because of our bloodlines. He said he came to kill his boys. My dad made a deal with his boss..

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