


"My ass feels weird," Another one moaned.

"Hey, don't fart here!" 69 kicked his shameless sister, 34, and pushed her unconscious body away before sitting up slowly. It still hadn't settled within him but 69 felt slightly... relaxed. Never had he felt so comfortable in his life. His thoughts were clearer than before with many pranks bundling in. Tying 56 to a tree and using it as a bait for 34 to finally make her fall in the dug out hole from 4 days back, one of 69's elaborate schemes. Or, using Master's tea leaves that he smokes and replace it with orange fig that almost looked the same. Or peeing in the stew before its served. 'Wait, no, I would be forced to drink that, too.' 69 realized in amazement. He could now actually find faults in his own plans instead of failing to master and then having the beating of his life, which wasn't long. A month, itself.

The sky had turned dark with the purple moon hanging in the sky. His eyes weren't adaptive to the night but he could still see master puffing on his tea leaves with an eager expression. "Ah~ Mozart's advice is always the right one. Tea leaves and jungle palms are the best!" He commented which 69 took a note of. Should he replace the tea leaves, he would also need to prepare for something called jungle palms. "You're up, little shit," Master stated, slowly sitting back on the thick log while observing 69. Every one of his siblings was fast asleep with only 69 standing up like a sore thumb, still unsure of the situation. "Afraid, now that most of your family is gone?" Master inquired as 69 shook his head, speaking truthfully. "They were all shits," he spoke rather fluidly, once again surprising himself.

"Correction, you all are shits." Master smiled, "But you survived, which can give you a chance to be someone other than a shit." His pink skin blended beautifully with the violet glow of the night as the spartan male scratched his head, his bushy brown hair shaking to whisk off the white powder-like substance. "It will take all of you a little time to understand. Wait until your siblings wake up." Master commented non-committally, making 69 look around before he crouched down and whipped her chubby arm.


A heavy slap, as strong as a month-old ogre or a 4-year-old spartan could manage, shook 34's cheek, instantly making her eyes snap open and sit up with a dazed expression before she touched her cheeks with two tiny droplets of tears in her eyes. "Who?!" She cried in her gruff voice as 69 pointed at 78 and snickered, "He is acting! He slapped you! Swear!"

"Bully!" 34 slapped 78's cheek, the crybaby of the group and as his loud, tearful cries echoed, the others from the remaining ten siblings begun to wake up one at a time. Master, meanwhile, looked everything from the sidelines, incomparably amused. "Intelligence befitting 6... no, 7-year-old kid," he compared it to the kids from the spartan lineage, "A little unruly." He continued while narrowing his gaze and his smile broadening, "Good thing, then. I'll ask Mozart to make a video of the training... hehehe."

"Enough," The pink-skinned spartan finally shouted, his words instantly silencing the cries of the ogre younglings with only a single kid growing the tiny pair of fleshy hills which came the closest to a pair of horns. "You guys are blessed with magic. I will no elaborate on this point but what the 10 of you need to understand is that from tonight, all of you shall serve the kingdom of Ignum. You will be trained to be warriors. You will be given women, some of you, men. You will earn and grow strong. Is that clear!" Master didn't even feel like completing the most basic explanation, as usual, that would make the kids understand their reality, as usual. What he did was give enough objectives to draw a clear goal for the ogres which instantly riled them up.

"Oh, one more thing, from tomorrow, you guys will not be called numbers which you can't even count up to. Names, all of you will get names. Proper ones."

"Like shit?" 69 inquired with a widened gaze glimmering in excitement.

"Like Brund," Master smoked on the slightly burnt up twig rolled in leaves.


What came next was a surprise since Master took all of them on a short trip that barely lasted a single hour. Due to the limited sight, the kids could only make out a couple of trees nearest to them without a hint of beasts such as those dogs previously so the trip remained quite uneventful. When Master brought them to a slightly well-built hut, the man stopped and silently entered the wooden hut. With no Master to lead the ten ogre kids, 69 instantly went into action and took a few steps forward, curiously touching the thick logs forming the wall of the hut.

The remaining nine, however, stood in their place. They feared pain but 69 had no place for fear. Feeling the texture of wood, 69 couldn't help but exclaim. "It's just simple wood! Guys, we can light it on fire and we won't be cold anymore!" He squeaked in joy, "Now... how do we start a fire... yeah, Master smashed rocks at each other." 69 recalled in amazement. His words finally pulled the slightest bit of curiosity before the largest of them with dark green skin and the slightest resemblance of a pair of horns growing from his forehead— 13— spoke out of pure fear, "Get back or master—"

"Master will praise me!" 69 smiled smugly, "He should be feeling cold inside, right? If we light this on fire, he won't feel cold anymore!" 69 reasoned, making the other kids nod. "And if Master is happy, he won't hit us!"

Before 69 could lead the ten of them to glory, he suddenly felt his already darkened world growing even dark and fell on the ground as a gruff voice echoed, "Khuran, this is your training for the batch? Good, hatred enough to burn us alive... quite capable," The voice praised as Master's helpless voice echoed. "He's just an unruly dumbass... but yeah, now he's also dangerous."

Meanwhile, a bulky but wrinkled old man with his white hair pulled into dreadlocks walked out of the hut and eyed all the ogres carefully. "You all will live outside. Not a scratch on the hut. You all will survive the dark from tomorrow so rest tonight. This is the only rest you will get." The man spoke devoid of any compassion and looked at the unconscious 69 before shaking his head.

"Oh, yeah, Mozart, be sure to record the guy's training and give him a... twisted name."

"I'll count it as a favor, boy," The old man in leather armor shrugged with an easy-going expression as the 9 ogres began falling on their places one after another.

"Khuran," Mozart suddenly spoke up, "Now get out."

"Aww... I'll share my leaves with ya!"

"Get out."

"Understood," Khuran, also known as Master to all the Ogre soldiers of the Ignum Kingdom left with slumped shoulders. In distress, he even kicked an ogre kid softly to relieve him of some annoyance but the echoing fart from the kid didn't serve its intended purpose, making Mozart chuckle and Khuran groan once again.

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