

A family void of the mystery behind their success and achievements,get to find out later on....

Favour_Enyinnaya · Urban
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33 Chs

Chapter 18

<p>Jenny's POV<br/> <br/> Being home alone wasn't bliss after Crystal and Jessica left for work. Due to the boredom, I got myself involved in making it bliss by turning the sitting room into a mini bakery like the one Papa owned while he was alive. And yes, the memories of my Father's death came rushing into my bizarre and ragged mind, permitting tears to go on a tour down my cheeks. <br/><br/> I remembered his comforting words to me the very day we parted ways and that cool smile he had on when passing his genuine message. His memories were just apparent and that reminded me of how much his presence has impacted me all around even though I'm back to clear his name and reputation as the culprit of that ugly incident years back.<br/><br/> Being lost in my ocean of thoughts, I failed to notice the presence of the duo who walked in, chatting their way in as though they won a lottery.<br/><br/> "Guess someone here is lost in her thoughts" Jess teased, snapping me back to reality, making the atmosphere absurd for a brief second. <br/> <br/> "I'm sorry Jess. I was carried away" I answered, staring at the black guy who followed her in.<br/><br/> "No problem Jenny. I was just teasing you sweetie and...pardon my manners, this is Fred, my colleague at work, and, Fred meets Jenny my friend" She introduced, flashing a righteous smile my way.<br/><br/> "Hi Fred, it's nice meeting you" I uttered, sharing a handshake with him as he reciprocated in the same manner too.<br/> <br/> "I came to pick up something. I'm not fully back yet so do well to enjoy your day Jenny" She announced, dashing my hope in pieces. <br/><br/> "Why the pale face, you don't want me to leave you here all alone?" She asked, exposing my thoughts as if she was in my mind. I stared at her slyly, putting on a puppy face ready to do what I do best but got caught up in my web. She bade me farewell after laughing out her lungs with Fred not being an exception.<br/><br/> Alone again, I resumed my activity as memories of Damien filled my mind. I remembered how close we were back in the days before the unexpected happened. <br/><br/> A few minutes later, I heard a slow cry from the entrance door. Lying in wait to behold the intruder, I watched in amazement as Damien my only true friend back then, waltzed in with Crystal following behind, exuding a domineering aura, looking too handsome. <br/> <br/> "Damien!!!" I screamed, rushing into his embrace. <br/><br/> After some moment, he withdrew, staring into my eyes as he became moist with tears. <br/><br/> "Damien, are you okay?" I asked perturbed by his action.<br/><br/> "I'm not good. I just can't take it" He sneezed out, throwing Crystal a 'don't mind me' look.<br/> <br/> "What can't you take?" I asked, wiping the tears that flowed down his cheeks.<br/><br/> "I just can't deal with the guilt. You suffered a lot due to my negligence and when you needed me to stand by you, I failed" He sobbed.<br/> <br/> "I know how much you fought to stand up for me but the evidence was just too apparent. I forgive you now. If I had returned and you refused to believe me, I would have been hurt deeply. I hold no grudge against you Dam" I consoled as he leaned his head on my frail shoulders.<br/><br/> <br/> Crystal's POV<br/> <br/> Standing transfixed at the same spot I stepped on when entering my abode, I watched in utmost wonder at the awesome relationship Jenny shares with my boss. <br/><br/> The scene kept me wowed. I kept staring at him as some silly imaginations came creeping in. I wonder what happened in the past for them to be so pathetic about.<br/><br/> "Sit here let me go get you a cup of water" Jenny coaxed him thereby bringing me back to reality.<br/><br/> <br/> <br/><br/> Susan's POV<br/> <br/> "Michael, we almost got caught. I don't think we would be lucky next time" I reprimanded.<br/> <br/> "Come on Susan, you and I know that our curiosity right now is greater than the fear in us. Let's just try to prove to our coworkers that our boss isn't what he seems to be." He explained.<br/><br/> "I hate to poke nosing into other's affairs talk more my boss" I replied, palming my forehead.<br/><br/> "I understand but this is also another medium to help him indirectly by subsiding the rumors of him being a monk" He sneezed out.<br/><br/> "What are you guys discussing?" James interrupted, startling I and Michael.<br/><br/> "Oh, James you are here?" Michael asked, smiling as he rose to take his leave.<br/><br/> "Michael, I will forward the document to him once he returns" I smiled slyly, winking at him.<br/><br/> "Okay." He replied, waltzing out of my office.<br/><br/> "I hope you guys aren't planning anything mischievous?" He asked, scrutinizing me.<br/><br/> "Nope, James. We were just having an official chat" I answered, staring into his eyes which bore suspicion in them.<br/><br/> "Okay if you say so. This is the report from the warehouse" He said, handing over the document to me.<br/> <br/> "Thanks," I replied, flashing him a smile.<br/> <br/> "So have you considered my proposal?" He asked grimly.<br/> <br/> I stared at him for a while euphorically.<br/><br/> "I'm still thinking about it," I replied sternly.<br/><br/> "I will give you all the time in the world to think about it but I'm also hoping for the best" He smiled and then walked out.<br/><br/> I wish we both could become a thing. I hate seeing him so low in spirit even though he tries hard not to show it.</p>