
Chapter 1 - The destiny that awaits me

The wind blew through the forest, bringing with it the sweet smell of flowers.


I looked at my belly, the monstrous thing that was making this noise because of hunger. It has been two weeks since I have left my clan, and the struggles have only began. There was a clue that I wanted to follow for a long time now.

There were numerous other races in the continent of Taotrom, and among them, only a few used magic. Other races used another arts to perform miracles and change their surrounds, and among them there was one race that was known as Dionach. They were beings that are half fauna, half flora and lived in the forests of the continent.

Although they were a pacific people, if someone began to raise their forests, they retaliated with much anger and power as they could.

The ancient humans had quite a history with the Dionach's, when they arrived in the continent and wanted to claim some land to them, instead of making alliances with the Dionach's, they began to destroy the forests and burn them down to the ground.

The Dionachs retaliated with fury and quickly, almost extinguishing the humans from the continent. If it was not for the Adhar, another race that lived in the skies, that interfered for the humans, and got some territories, the humans would be no more in this continent.

The humans and the Dionach's had a long history, that dated since the humans arrived on this continent. Humans saw Dionach's with bad eyes for oppressing humans in some situations, but in my visions, humans were too greed and got what they deserved some times.

It was in human nature to wish for more… more land… more money… more power…

Ullach had a crazy idea this time, to seek the Dionach's that were known for wielding the power of nature without using magic, to gain more power.

Although my intentions are not the purest ones, if they take me in, I will repay my debt in full and with interest.

He walked through an unknown forest looking for the mystic race. Although there was a easy way to find them, putting a forest on fire, he wanted to achieve peace and not to be destroyed.

He walked for days, seeing the marvels that surrounded him. Looking at the skies and imagining if there was Adhar's living in those clouds, looking at the earth and imagining the creatures that feed on earth to live.

I walked and walked, seeking something that was almost impossible to find if not with bad intentions. it has already been three months since I have left my clan compounds. I began to eat roots, leaves and fruits that were known to be eatable. At least the forest could sustain me for a long time, the tree's were ripe with fruits and life.

After walking and living with the quietness of the forest for so long, my soul and body began to calm down. Power was important, but at least I am alive, just like this forest. Life is a circle that should be followed sometimes, and defied other times. Peace with myself was something that I needed in order to nurture a determination that would lead me to great heights, and not a angry fueled determination that would only seek power for power.

With my mind at peace, I could finally see things in another perspective. Not only the forest around me, but also the magic fluctuations, there were some beings that were moving together with the forest and looking at me. They were one with nature, the trees and the grass resonated with their own beings. They were observing me and looking at my actions, and seeing me stoping, they stopped as well and began to talk between themselves.

Now I realized the reason why I couldn't perceive them before. As they were in sintony with nature, they had no emotions, only calmness in them. I didn't recognize the innate life that nature had, until my previous realization, I only saw the trees and flora in my surrounds as objects, and the Dionach's that were watching me, for being in sinch with nature, also passed as mere objects in my perception.

I stopped and looked around. "Hey guys, I can now see you, there's no need to hide anymore."

The Dionach's didn't react to my comment, it seemed that I was not the first one to say something like this.

Seeing that inly actions would prove effective, I shaked my head and advanced upon one of the closer Dionach's.

I grabbed at his shoulders and said. "Now do you believe me when I say that I can see you?"

The Dionach was shocked, it had been a truly long time since a human could perceive them.

Seeing that there was no escape, the Dionach stepped out of the tree where it was hiding and looked at me.

It had a humanoid body, it was two meters in height, had a brown colored body with a texture that looked like bark, but instead of its skin texture being rough, it was smooth. there were many green roots that looked like veins that went all over its body, and instead of having hair on its head, there were some moss and grass growing on its shoulders and back.

Although it had a humanoid look in general, it's features were very different from a human, but even so, it had its own beauty.

I let go of the Dionach shoulders and said. "My name is Ullach, I only seek guidance from your race, I don't wish for any kind of conflict."

The Dionach looked into my eyes with its own green eye and replied.

"Do not worry young one. It's foretold that those who can perceive our presence had made peace with nature itself, and by consequence, with us."

Although he spoke with me, I heard his voice in my head, there was no sound coming from him.

"Are you a man or a female?" I asked pluzzed, I didn't want to disrespect the being in front of me.

There was a sound of rustling leaves in the forest, and the Dionach replied.

"Very funny young one, very funny. We, the Dionach's do not have genders. we are just like the trees, we have no sex. The way you refer to us doesn't matter."

"Understood." I replied.

"Now, tell me. What kind of guidance do you require?" Asked the Dionach.

"I can't use magic. I am powerless amidst the human race and have come here to seek power, power to change my status, power to discover who I truly am." I answered with the utmost sincerity, after all, there was nothing to lose.

"Hmmm, I understand, let me take you to the elder and he shall guide you." "Follow us."

Without waiting for my answer, the Dionach began to dash, looking around, I now realized the their numbers were far bigger than I imagined, everywhere I looked there was a Dionach, even on top of the trees. Although without looking carefully they looked the same, there were some differences between them.

I began to run together with them. They maneuvered through the crown of the trees as if it was bare ground, it amazed me to se such graciousness from beings that looked like trees.

After an exhausting run of almost two hours, we finally arrived at the destination.

I could see how different this place was from the rest of the forest. The natural energy in here was vibrant, life was flourishing everywhere. The tree's were gigantic and majestic, they built their houses around the trees or in holes on the ground. There were some little animals walking around the place, as if there was no danger to them in here.

Little Dionachs began to flock around me, almost as if looking at a strange beast. The innocence in their actions made me realize that sometimes, humanity was behind in some aspects.

The dionachs lead me to the center of their tribe. Arriving near the place, I could already see a brown and beautiful tree. It had a smooth brown bark, with green patterns glowing on it, the leaves were green with small golden veins.

The tree was emanating a heavy and powerful aura, almost as if it had existed since the beginning of times.

After arriving before the tree, there was only silence. The Dionach that had guided me to here was looking at the tree. I instantly realized that it was talking to it. The tree in front of me was their elder.

Realizing this, I bowed and said. "Sorry for intruding in your territory sir, I only seek guidance."

After a few moments, I heard a voice in my head. "Look up child, there's no shame in seeking for power. Power is what move the world, the important thing is the way it's used." The voice in my head sounded ancient and full of wisdom. It comforted me, in a way that anyone had ever done.

"Thank you." Were the only words that could leave my lips.

"Unfortunately, I can not pass my powers to you now. Your state of soul is to low to learn the arts of the forest." After hearing the elder saying this, my world almost crumbled, but his next word gave me hope. "However, I now someone who can guide you much better than I ever could. But before I tell you where he is, I want a promise from you."

Ullach pondered for a while, and in fact didn't care to promise something now, he didn't have any capital to negotiate, he only had his own life and pride.

"You can say it."

"In the future, when the Dionach's need your help, I want you to extend your hand to save us." Said the elder.

"I promise that I will do my utmost if such a situation arrives." Promised Ullach. He knew in his heart, that he wouldn't go back on his words, this was the lowest phase of his life, and if someone extended a hand to him now, he would retribute it a thousand times more in the future.

Feeling the sincerity coming from Ullach, the elder said. "Very well, I will now give you the coordinates of a sage, someone who dominate the soul arts, and can guide you to where you desire, but beware, to convince that person is your trial."

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