


"WHAT???!..Ugghh! Why does he do that everytime?.." I squeal but still seated.

I turned to his direction and saw him looking left and right to check where I'm at. Everyone has their eyes on him. Why did he even callout like that when he's not sure where to find me?

"Who could this lovely man be calling to?"

"He's hot"

"I would still date him even he has a girlfriend now!"

All the murmurs are bouncing off the walls of the restaurant. Trying to adjust my hearing, his eyes met mine then he threw both of his hands in the air.

"There you are!" He exclaimed with a huge grin as he run towards me.

Shun is still wearing the same white v-neck shirt earlier but now wore a black trench coat on top of it. In his left hand is a bouquet of blue and purple hyacinth flowers in it's full bloom.

He stopped abruptly as he came near my table, his gaze focused only to me. A few seconds later, he pointed to Cobalt who was still there to my surprise.

"Who's that babe?" He asked while raising his right brow.

"I'm not sure as well. He just sat there while I was waiting for you and asked for my number. He got mad when I refused!" I replied without break. For the longest time I've known Shun, I learned how to beat him in his own game.

"That is not true! What are you talking about?" Cobalt debated. I guess he still have the audacity to argue even though he should now feel cornered.

"Let's go home now. We don't want your Dad to know about this too." Shun reminded me.

I immediately picked up my phone from the table and was ready to stand up but I jolted when Cobalt chose to not let go of the conversation.

"What's the meaning of this?!" He shouted not understanding the situation.

"Don't you dare leave me from your conversation!" He yelled making me flinch once more.

"Let's..." Before I could continue my statement, Four guys in black suit stormed right in and found their way to us. They bowed down in unison as they call out to me.

"Hime, Dono yō ni anata ni hōshi dekimasu ka?" They're so in sync that its hard to believe they're part of the upper group of yakuza guards.

I massaged my temple and looked at my men to explain the situation. I must've pressed the wrong button on my phone when I got distracted by Cobalt.

"Zenbu daijōbudesu. Soto de mate" I assured them to not complicate the problem.

"I will be accompanied by Shunsuke." Understanding my command, all but one remained who bowed down one more time before running, exiting the restaurant.

I can hear whispers again around me. I wish I had more control of my heightened listening skills so I can simply switch on and off if I wanted to. All I want now is to go home and rewatch Gokusen even though I've watched it like 10 times, to the point that I already memorized the lines of the heroine. Damn, that anime is so on point.

"Let's leave." I demanded, pushing Shun to move. I can feel that he's on the verge of snapping. I don't want to end up on any newspaper headlines tonight. Luckily, he obliged and just handed me the bouquet he apparently is still holding.

"Thank you" I say in a soft tone to let him know that I appreciate his cooperation and most of all...his presence.

He wrapped his arms around my shoulder and me being 5'6...he was able to easily do so. I repeatedly sniff the scent of the flowers to help me relax while we walked straight to the host.

"Hey, ummm.. accept this as a payment for the disturbances we've caused and please keep this incident a secret." I say in a low voice, offering him a ¥10,000 bill. Shun immediately trailed his right hand on my waist leading me to the door - leaving the dumbfounded host and Cobalt.

As I stepped out, I was again greeted by the same men who barged in earlier.

"Kare ni ressun o oshieru. Let's teach him a lesson" I repeated, tapping the shoulder of the first guy to my right. He nodded then talked to the rest. I did not bother listening to their conversation while I managed to sit in the car beside the driver's seat. Shunsuke closed the door for me before making his way inside.

"Care to tell me?" Without any second spared, he asked. His eyes showed worry.

"Same as the first 3 meet ups...no, today is the worst. He questioned my whole existence. I was scrutinized for being me. I thought we were compatible. He was sweet and it was interesting that we had a lot of similiraties so I thought that he'd want me for whoever I am.. but they were all a facade!" I shared to Shun, my face remained emotionless. I know there will be no point in hiding the truth from him.

"How about you? When did you have time to buy these flowers?" I asked diverting his attention. There was a pause for a few seconds then he responded with a smile.

"I bought them after parking the car. I thought that you'll love them." I allowed that statement to be the last we have during the whole journey back to the mansion. I did not want to spoil my mood even more as it already is.

I stepped out the car as soon as we arrived and saw Mark - the guy I commanded earlier, come forward. How fast were these guys versus the car power? Anyways, I should be worrying about how I'll explain this to Dad.

"Adrian Cobalt is in the dungeons." He explained.

"We sedated him since he was having a fist." he added.

"I'll go down after meeting my father." I say as I opened the big oak door.


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