
Twist of destinies

Have you ever been blindfolded in your life then you must understand what I'm talking about. This story is of a girl who was blindfolded into marriage with the man of her dreams.a icy yet shrude business Man who was known for his strict emotionless nature but due to his grandma's wishes of death.but he has no feelings of any kind towards her but makes effort to love her for the sake of grandma's wishes but unexpectedly falls for her without control but unfortunately out of nowhere her evil stepsister realizes her mistake and tries to separate this couple Will her plans succeed? What mistake did her stepsister realizes about? Why did his grandma make wishes of death?

Orionanna_Dumi · Urban
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2 Chs

Chapter 2 : my dawn into the reality of fate

"So do you now agree or you want a bigger motivation"she said demonically waiting for my response,

"Wait Does my dad and your mom know about this" I asked feeling a little scared

"That is not your business"she said sounding as mean as ever

"What's your business here is you do what i say and you get your useless book back " she said still sounding mean

"Then I guess this witch will never change"I said to my self still thinking what to do

" Okay then I guess you won " I said feeling bad for not being able to stop my evil stepsister,

"See here's the deal they will come and pick you up tomorrow morning by 7am"she said

"Why does it have to be 7am in the morning isn't too early"I questioned her

"Well that's not still your business like i said before what's your business is that you do what i say"she said arrogantly

"What you have to do is follow them and don't ask any question or else you want your precious book to be destroyed then you can ask questions "she said once more arrogantly

"I guess that's all I want to tell you"she said as she got up to leave then fuming in rage I brought out my phone and dialed Jing's number


I was standing in front of a couple that seem to be on a date to take their orders

"Ring,ring, ring ring"my phone started Ringing and vibrating my pocket

Without even checking who it is I quickly bring out my phone and end the call without even thinking twice

Hi am Jing ,I am a 6 foot 7 in height and i have a tanish gold brown skin and a long stainless steel black hair and my original is funmilayo adefemi I'm a 21 yrs old Nigerian but presently I'm a 21 yrs old Chinese who immigrated with my parents from Nigeria to china and at the age of 18 I Lost both parents to a gasly motor accident therefore leaving me alone in this world to fend for myself and due to that i decided to change my name to Jing and i also had to drop out of school and do different things of jobs to get myself back together so I can go back to school and become the chief of my dream.

"Ring ring ring "my phone once more ringed and this time I i brought it out only to reveal bei's name on the screen i stepped out side to answer the call

"Hello bei"i said putting the phone to my ear

"Jing what took you so long to answer my call?"she said in a rising tone

"Sorry"i said speedingly

"So how did the meeting go?"I hastily asked

"So did she give you what you came for?"i questioned her not waiting for her answer for the first question I asked her

"No"she said

"Why"I rushfully asked her

" Well I can't really discuss it with you on the phone ri...."she said not finishing her sentence when I interrupted her

"So wait you called me to tell me that you can't tell me what happened on the phone "I said

"No actually i called you to tell you that I'm at home waiting for you and it's serious"she said in a calm voice

"Okay" i said with free voice

"Bye"she said

"Bye then see you at home"i said in conclusion as I ended the call


"i wonder what she means by its serious"I said to my self as I walked my self home

"Could it be that she's just trying to stress me by saying it's serious or could it really be serious and I'm joking with it"i asked myself burying my mind i the thought of what could be wrong with Bei.

"Hey watch where you're going"i suddenly hear an amazing bass rush through my ears raising my eyes to see a gorgeous idol figure standing before my very eyes wow his dark brown hair, his amazingly pale skin, his awesome Sea bluish gray eyes and his dark red suit o wow how I wish Bei was here wait a minute Bei am suppose to be going home to meet her when I suddenly hear

"Hey don't you have the words am sorry in your dictionary bitch" the annoying irrelevant girl standing next to him speaks up

"Hi am Jing"i said stretching out my hand for a hand shake

"Hey you just walked into us and you are stretching out your hands for a shake"she said making me to look around only to see how I just fooled myself before my chance crush.

On seeing their facial expressions I just sadly turned and started running away feeling like a complete fool.


Feeling tired of running I slowly stopped running then I checked around but couldn't see them again because I had ran really fast.

I slowly continued my Walk until I got home

On getting home Bei was cooking so I just dropped my bag and went into the kitchen to get an apron and join her

"Welcome you came just in time to help me cook here slice them Bei said handing me some veggies

"So how did your meeting with your step sister go"i said raising up the topic

"Jing come have a taste of my legendary chicken sauce"she said covering the topic and signaling me to come and test her chicken sauce at this

"Mhmm it's indeed legendary"i said enjoying the taste of the chicken sauce


"So that is all dismiss"i said standing up to leave when suddenly my assistant walk's in

"Boss I just received a call from your sister saying your grandma has been hospitalized"he said with a facial expression of deep shock

"Okay then I will go to the hospital my self then you can continue your work"I said walking out of my office.