
The beginning

Things were normal until I was away from the mess. I was a daughter of a discipled man and he was way too dedicated towards his work but today was the blissful and perilous morning. I wish he had also left me on my own as my mom did because I don't feel anything towards them.

I was just hoping that he had no expectations from me since we didn't met for a year which is way too long time. But today I have to move from here and this change of my life is not going to be a very good change.

We had a deal before me entering university to get my degree in psychology. The deal was to leave every thing behind me after completing my degree and follow whatever my dad have decide for me.

I never felt those words so impactful until my talk with him last night.

Today was the first day of our vacation which I wanted to enjoy with my friend.

But dad definitely was keen in keeping the deals.

So After my alarm starts ringing I roll over my bed and saw the time. Today is the day when I am going to my dad house our family house after my exams and am not really happy as I don't want to stay with him. It's 9 in the morning and am getting ready to meet him after a year.

My dad is a ceo of multinational company and is very particular about everything

My mom is a business women who visits countries so she have no time for us. I mean me and dad.

When I was toddler and couldn't handle myself all alone my aunt suggested my dad that this environment is not good for me so I was bought at her house in surveillance. And then after six years I moved into a apartment where I live with my best friend cum roommate. She is super cool.

In fact she was the reason I moved from my house. But today my good life has come to full stop.

Oh shit am so late already. He will kill me for not being panctual because he's way too panctual.

Flashback phone call

"Hi dad how are you?"

"Good evening Anna I hope you remember that now because your studies are over you have to come back to this place."

"Hmm Ughh yeah."

"Stop mumbling Anna as if you were not prepared."

"No dad I was pretty much aware of this but I really think that you should think again before dragging me to that place.

" I have heard a lot, no more excuses am coming tomorrow to pick you up at 10 in morning be ready and better not make me wait."

"But dad...."

" I hope you have not forgot that there are no ifs and buts in my dictionary anna."

"Sorry dad I'll be ready tomorrow."

"You better be. Bye."

"Bye dad."


"We can still be in touch you are not going too far anna and I know though he's strict but he will let you hang with me. He can't be cruel."

Zoya my best friend cum roommate convinced. But I know him, he's too strict. He will definitely cut all my ties from this place.

"I really hope." I can just hope.

On phone call;

"Where are you Anna am out since so long. Are you even ready or late as always?"

"I am ready dad I'll be right there."

"Good morning dad and am sorry I made you wait. I was just saying goodbye to Zoya."

He hugged me instead.

"I missed you my girl. How have you being?"

He really missed me?That is something to be worried about.

"I am good dad as always." I said smiling while we drive towards the place I hate the most.

At my house;

"Your room is at right and make yourself comfortable here because you are going to stay here for a time and please comprise with the surrounding and rules here." Here comes the strict man who only knows to scare people with his tone.

"Yeah dad. But common I am a grown up girl, you just can't throw rules on me."

"I think I made my decision and that's final." Ofcourse you did, who can question you then at your place

"And don't be late for lunch you have an hour for it get fresh and meet me in dining in an hour."

Anna pov;

Ughh what have I got myself in. Like how can he be soo rude with me. And an hour am so tired I need a good sleep. Does he even know how much I sleep.

This is the first time in my life that I got up so early and now he wants me to be ready in less then an hour.

How can I be soo quick with such a slow motion of my body. But if I want lunch I have to be there as I have not got breakfast because of my dad and am soo soo foodie.

After changing in some comfy clothes I head out straight to dining room because I can't wait for some food.

After entering I saw dad, he signal me to sit besides him.

I quickly sat there and the food was served to us by one of the staff member.Thankfully the food was good enough and he do Have desserts after meal.

I seriously wasn't expecting this from a place where my dad lives. Because I know he's not a sweet person at all and he neither like sweets.

There was some noice of cutlery which suddenly stopped and when I glanced towards dad he was already giving the staff hard time to breath.

Even I would be afraid of him in their shoes or maybe I am afraid of him even though being his daughter.

After we ate our food dad told me to come to his office as he wants to talk something with me.

But I doubt what's so urgent that he's not letting me have rest and called me straight to his office after lunch.

After going to my dads office I knock on the door and waited for him to reply.

His office was as clean as I have seen anything better then this place definitely not my place. He have kept that office spotless though.

Now I truly think that I have got my genes from my mom because she either not interested in keeping any place so perfect and spotless, And maybe that's why she don't like to live with him. But I know that they are not divorce but neither they live together.

"Hi dad u did called me here. Is anything important?" I asked while looking at every corner of that place. I think I can be more comfortable here. It's such a good place.

"Anna am sorry for behaving soo rude with you early but you have to understand that you can't be so childish all time. You are grown up girl, so behave like one."

Have you called me here to scold me. Common I am a grown up girl but you always treat me like a toddler.

"Am sorry dad. I didn't want to disappoint you."

"Ohk Anna. let's talk about some important stuff. Your uncle want you to visit him. He's being waiting for you to come back home from so long."

I was still processing living here and now he have drop the whole bomb on me for asking this. I love my uncle but going to him to all another city is so traumatic.

"But dad what is so urgency. I had just came to you. Let me be at peace here. I'll meet him once I am ready to face his wrath.

"Anna you told me that you are going to listen to me." Is he really going to use this thing against me.

"But dad all I am asking you is some rest is it too much to ask for. You know everything. I have being running from past two months on projects and internals and what not."

"Anna this is my order."

Now he is blackmailing me. I hate him more now. How can he just impose stuffs which he wants on me. But do I have any other option. Ofcourse no and it's not like I really don't want to meet him.

He's cool man but very particular. Particular then dad but cool. I don't why everyone in my family is soo particular about everything.

"Okay dad, now can I go to my room. I am very tired."

"Yes you can but start packing once you wake up,Bye."

"Bye dad."

Next chapter