

Kendall's POV.

But that was for me and my family to know, knowing the poem by heart is. And since Ed was like family too, that means she also knew. Which now puts me in a very awkward position because Ed doesn't necessarily know when she needs to shut up. It's like her brain is wired to spill all the things that she's not supposed to be spill. Lucky for me, I don't have any secrets.

Except for the fact that my heart beats faster when I see Sir Daniel. Which may or may not mean anything, but knowing Ed, she would probably say that in front of everyone. And that is a risk I'm not willing to take, nor invest myself in, because I myself don't know what is happening to me.

And I can't tell Ed, not now anyways. And the poem, I'm pretty sure she'll let a whole nation of people know about it just because she likes people to know that her best friend is clever. And that my people is Ed just being Ed. Anyways, back to school.