
I wonder how angry she'll be

Alex Flame sat in the back seat of the car, driving like the wind through the night, his breathing laboured. These fits really were unbearable, and they were getting more and more frequent.

The man in the driving seat, with strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, and a chiseled face turned back, saying, "Alex, you don't look well. You sure you can go on?"

Alex nodded, trying to even his breathing and looking out of the window. The night was so dark that he only saw his own reflection in the mirror. Messy brunette hair, brown eyes, straight nose and a little feminine face.

He had always felt like he wasn't very handsome, too feminine, despite what people said. But now he felt like he was more ugly than ever. The slightly russet skin that he loved had turned so pale that he could probably pass for a corpse, the strong jaw, once a complimenting feature of his face, was the only thing visible.

His cheeks had sunk into hollows and he looked horrible. Alex sighed, of course she would know he was ill even before he said anything. Her. Alina Swan. His baby sister. Whose life he was about to dye crimson.

As Alex thought this, the face in the mirror seemed to change. The messy hair grew longer and fell down to the shoulders, the cheeks grew more full, the beautiful russet colour of the skin returned. The brown eyes slowly vanished as the eyes turned into slits, due to the huge grin on the girl's face.

Alex stared at the face for a few minutes before he looked away.

Yes, this was how he remembered her. The last time he had seen her. When he left.

Alex chuckled softly as he wondered what would be Alina's reaction upon seeing him.

How long had it been since they met? Five? Six years?

She was sure to have changed a lot. He sure had.

Hearing him chuckling, the man driving turned around in surprise, "I don't think I've heard that sound come out of your mouth for a long time."

Alex smiled, "That's right. I think I have almost forgotten what it is like to smile."

"Thinking about family is the best way to do that. I assume that was what you were doing." The man replied, also smiling.

Alex chuckled again, "Not really. I was wondering how angry Alina will be. And if she will want to kill me."

The man laughed, "If she is anything like what you say, she'll kill you and me and then ask of our dead bodies, 'Why are you guys here?'"

Alex laughed aloud, clutching his stomach. The feeling did seem a bit foreign, "That does sound like Alina. Say Max, you will take care of her after I'm gone. Won't you?"

The atmosphere in the car turned gloomy again as Max was silent for a second.

"Max?" Alex prompted.

"You'll be fine. All Alina will need to do will be to temporarily take your place while you get treatment. And I'll be with you the whole time." Max snapped.

Alex's voice was serious as he said, "Max. You promised."

Max sighed and looked ahead at the black road lit up by the car's headlights. He said, "Yeah. What an idiot I am."

Alex smiled, "You are my idiot. And I love you."

Max sighed, "I love you too."

"Forever and always." The two said in unison.