
Opening chapter

"WEAK HUMAN! GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU HAVE. DO NOT HOLDBACK! YOU WILL PERISH BY MY FIST" The sky opened up as rainfall baptized the battleground. Stinging electric lights and awful thunder claps encompassed two warriors shrouded in darkness, highlighted only by the breaks in the blood sky. Sparks flew as clashing weapons illuminated swordplay, falling to his knees; the lesser man protected himself with his twin swords as a relentless barrage of punches tried to break through his guard rattling his very core with every hit. The towering beast draped in long-dead hair veiling his face stood over the weakened mortal as the world gravitated into his anger, causing disruption in the natural order. Everything around sucked into his rage. Lifting and holding the weakened man in his grasp, the beast hurled him into the abyss of the night, bringing a sudden stillness to the battle. Silence echoed throughout the open plains. Uncertainty reigned supreme. An aura of hopelessness filled the air. Breaking the silence a slash from within the darkness disturbed the fleeting moment of quiet, tearing through the flesh of the demon as the cold steel sliced through his torso making him expel a soul-disturbing roar which boomed throughout the distant mountains vibrating the hellish atmosphere. Trading vicious blows back and forth, the enraged beast became more and more enraged as each second passed. Not giving an inch, the blade-wielding warrior put his heart and soul into this battle of dominance, teetering between life and death. Relentless! Insatiable! Victory! Running towards one another with hateful intent, both clashed metals sending erupting sparks up into the night sky as a thunderous bolt from the heavens struck the dead earth.

Falling embers brought both warriors to a halt. Regaining their composure, panting heavily, staring directly into each other's souls able to see the bloodlust resonating in the eyes, both fighters became one with the battle as the hands of time ceased. 'I must end this…' thought the warrior to himself tightening his grasp onto his swords, straitening his back and strengthening his resolve preparing for one last strike to decide the fate of this realm and the next. A long moment of silence passed as both fighters basked in the heart of battle. Like lightening, running towards one another at full pace passing the line of scrimmage entering the point of no return their steels clashed, illuminating their true intent as parallel realms mixed in the struggle of pain and turmoil causing a rift in the natural order. Disrupted by the commotion of combat, a single blossom petal separated from its place of growth by a strong gust of battle-wind as it entered the blood sky, drifting ever so carelessly on the humid breeze beginning its journey into an uncertain world. Passing through the changing skies passing through merging clouds transcending space and time, the dying violet petal descended from the skies above landing in a puddle of murky water. Stepped in by a lone man making his way into a grimy establishment, the vagabond entered with his right foot keeping his head low, trying to remain inconspicuous as he took a seat at the bar.

"Water" His deep hazel eyes like that of a wild animal pierced through the proprietor as he filled the musty glass with water all the while looking the boyish stranger up and down on the sly. Becoming unease, the barkeep stood in discomfort in the presence of the stranger for some reason as the realization dawned over him that he stood only mere inches away from the vagabond separated by the few inches of the wooden top of the bar. Wondering why his nerves were playing up, wanting to tell the fair-skinned stranger this wasn't a free bar and he had to buy something if he wanted to stay, the words rose from the barkeep's gut and reached his throat as he chickened out in the last moment stifling his words with a cough. Tightening his grip around the glass stopping himself, he handed the pint of water over in hopes that the ominous guest at his bar would just drink up and leave within the shortest time possible. Attending another customer nerves became the better of him as he walked away, hoping to not agitate the vagabond in fear of what might happen as he made his way to the other side of his serving station, all the while keeping the corner of his eye fixed firmly on the stranger seated at his bar. Drinking his water, the vagabond felt the burning gazes of those around notice his presence, watching him intently. Ignoring them, lowering his gaze, making eye contact with no one, setting his sight on the half-drunken glass of water, he remained calm and still. With a screech across the grimy floor, a dishevelled drunk pulled up a stool next to him and sat directly next to him on the right side. The strong odour of booze wafted in the air around him as it seeped out from his pores riddling his clothes and breath with a heavy sickly stench. Fidgeting with his hands continually looking over his shoulders, his shaken sense of being became apparent as a long moment of uncomfortable silence passed between the two and then in a low tone, the scruffy drunk asked for help. Maintaining his gaze on his glass, the stranger replied, "I don't work for free". Offering to pay, the man dug into his pockets stopping mid-plea as he noticed from the corner of his eyes three men from different parts of the room approaching slowly, taking their positions directly behind the pair. Lowering one hand to his side, the vagabond remained ever still, maintaining his stare on his emptied glass drinking the last of the quenching water. Becoming increasingly quieter, the activity of the room slowly died out as if the patrons knew something the stranger did not, expecting something to go down, preparing themselves to see something unforgettable. Each drunk hanging on to the edge of his seat gleamed with anticipation. As the tension peaked and reached its tipping point, the saloon doors flung open disturbing the tense atmosphere as a shaggy-looking Muan stumbled through

the doors with two busty, barely covered females under his arms laughing and causing all kinds of ruckus drawing all attention to himself. Fondling each woman with playfully wandering hands laughing and giggling, all eyes diverted towards him for a split second as the desperate drunk used the moments distraction and bolted for the escape, darting through the bar knocking over chairs and tables making his break out the front entrance into the street, running for dear life. Giving chase, two of the three men realized he was getting away as they began their chase and rushed after him shooting past Muan, who remained ever involved with his female companions. Turning on his heels to follow suit, the third man was yanked back and knocked out with a swift uppercut as he went sliding across the chequered floor, blacking out in a daze. Breaking his silent demeanour with a vicious punch, Vail stood to attention as he looked down over the sprawled out goon, assisting the fleeing drunk in what little way he could. Witnessing Vail spark out one of the men, Muan burst out in a fit of laughter becoming more excited holding on to the pair of scandalous women under his arms becoming rough in his foreplay. Turned off by the violence as their promiscuous behaviour lessened, the streetwalkers tried to break free from Muan's horny vice-like grip, punching and scratching him trying to break loose as the air became thick with tension. Rising to their feet more men rose with scowls on their faces as a moment of silence filled the room. Drawing a gun from his waist, a young thug pointed it towards Vail and within the blink of an eye felt a burning pain shoot through his arm as he looked down to see his hand separated from his body still holding the revolver laid on the ground in a pool of blood. Slicing his hand clean off, uncovering the beautiful sheen of a sword which appeared out of thin air, glistening in the yellow damp light overhead, Vail stood by the side of the deformed thug as he fell back in horror spraying the atmosphere with his blood letting out a squealing cry of pain setting off a chain reaction. All hell broke loose as the fury of drunks boiled over making men of all kinds brawl in an all out riot. Smashing bottles and chairs over each other's heads, putting hands on whoever stood in the way, every man out for himself exaggerated the royal rumble, destroying everything in sight as carnage riffled the vicinity. Amidst the sudden riot a smaller man with a large meat cleaver appeared from behind the bar setting his sights on Vail charging full pace ahead letting out a mad battle cry. Quickly intercepted and sparked out with a swift kick to the temple, Muan mashed the midget's brains within his skull turning his world black knocking him unconscious as he fell face first into the sticky floor. Riled up, the warring men started to turn their attentions to the two strangers as one by one they began rushing Vail and Muan pointing them out as the enemy. Coming from all directions and angles, both men disabled each attacker's advance in their own unique style, Muan, by using everything in his way even tossing the women by his side, hurling them into the onslaught while using his elusive freestyle fighting and low stance technique attacking from all angles bringing the rage-filled drunks crashing down in succession one after the other like dominos. Caught off guard with a strong side kick from behind, Muan fell to the floor as the powerful shunt to his head made him see stars for a moment as he looked up into the grim ceiling seeing nothing but spots of flashing lights. Propping himself up on his elbows looking around to see who delivered the unexpected blast, he saw a brute running his way carrying a curved machete to finish the job. Barely with a second to think as the razor edge of the blade came down over his head like a guillotine, Muan instinctively raised his hands in defence as a loud clank of steels vibrated sending shockwaves of sound throughout the establishment. Opening his eyes to see the shock and horror on the face of the brute standing over him as he pressed down his machete against a miracle blade that appeared out of nowhere, dumbfounded and confused, trying to make sense of what just happened, Muan let out a carnivorous grin from behind his sword as he hip tossed the bully off himself and used the momentum to pierce the sharp tip of his sword through the torso quickly bringing an end to the angered giant. On the other end of the bar standing perfectly calm and calculated, Vail picked off his opponents one at a time using precision to its absolute effect striking vital pressure points delivering precise cuts wielding two blades masterfully. Using his twin-blade technique avoiding any significant casualties, he mercifully disabled one after the other. Looking over into the corner of the room, Vail noticed a waitress cowering in fright as she frantically fended off a perverted sod overshadowing her trying to make her bend to his will, literally. Angered at the sight of a damsel in distress, Vail stepped hard on the ground and within a flash, sprung over the tabletops and leapt into the air turning one of his swords around in mid flight to expose the hardened spine lashing it down striking the perv on the back of his neck rendering him unconscious as he twisted from the pain and fell like a sack of potatoes next to the terrified waitress. Looking up with misty eyes, the young broad stared at Vail standing as her saviour with tears streaming in complete admiration of her hero. Defeating all advances, the pair made their way towards the back of the bar, ducking and diving through the chaos and flying furniture overstepping groaning men on the floor, squirming around in hurt eventually exiting out the rear exit avoiding any real injury. Slipping away into the grimy alleyway out the back, running away from the carnage like a couple of schoolboys playing truant, avoiding catastrophe, they escaped with their lives. "I thought I told you to keep a low profile…"

"HEY!!!" Squealed Muan offended, "I weren't the one knocking motherfuckers unconscious." After a slight pause, both cracked up laughing as they hurried their walk down the labyrinth of alleyways escaping the madness they had just caused.