
Chapter 69 - "Fits 3 More In The Game?"

"YOU'RE FUCKING FAST, MAN!". Emmett shouted with a smile on his face.

"EMMETT!". Esme shouted from across the field.

"I just don't have as much strength as you guys!". Ethan said, laughing, taking off his shirt and throwing it close to Alice so she would be more comfortable.

"I can train you to get stronger!". Emmett said, with an assured smile.

"I don't think that's how it works, Emmett!". Edward said.

"Let's do it this way! Ethan and Edward run to get the ball and since Ethan is faster, he throws the ball to Edward! All right?" Jasper asked.

"Fine by me!". Edward replied, getting ready to rebound the ball.

"Okay!". Jasper said, running back to his position.

Alice then stretched out her arms with the baseball and, like a ballerina, lifted her left leg, giving momentum to the movement again, causing the ball to fly like a rocket towards Carlisle.

Carlisle, without any difficulty, hit the ball with the baseball bat very hard. The sound of the ball was twice as loud as the thunder, and could even be described as deafening to anyone nearby, like Bella, who seemed bewildered.

Carlisle ran toward the bases at top speed, while Ethan and Emmett ran toward the ball.

Both of them had their eyes focused only on the ball, ignoring everything around them and not noticing the other's presence.

They both saw the ball high up, almost touching the ground. Ethan and Emmett did a little leap in the air to try to reach the ball, but before either of them could reach it, they both crashed into each other, causing them to fall to the ground.

Ethan felt the hard thump of Emmett's body and speed, causing him to be a little bewildered as he fell.

Edward started laughing and ran toward Ethan, helping him up.

Emmett seemed to have been bewildered as well, but looked annoyed.

"It was your fault!". Edward pointed at Emmett laughing, who pushed Edward back slightly.

Edward continued to laugh.

Alice prepared to throw the ball again. Now Emma was going to hit it.

Emma swung the bat from side to side, as if it were a very light sword.

Alice slid her fingers across the baseball and threw the ball masterfully to Emma.

Emma spun the bat once and, with perfect timing, hit the ball straight on.

You could see James let out a corner smile, amazed and proud of Emma's mastery and ease.

The ball flew to the other side of the field. It was extremely high and heading for a tree. Ethan couldn't catch it, so he let Emmett run out in front of him.

Emmett climbed the tree with ease, as if it were a child's toy. He jumped from the top of the tree and caught the ball in the air, before it reached the branches of the tree and, because of the speed, destroyed some of those branches.

"My monkey man!". Rosalie said proudly, looking at Emmett.

Emmett threw the ball toward Esme, who held it, before Emma could reach the last base.

Jasper hugged Emma proudly, who hugged him back.

Another game began. Ethan's team was in the points lead.

Rosalie was already standing on the base, ready to throw. She looked annoyed, but hopeful. While only looking at the ball that Alice was holding in her hands, Ethan, though far away, was right behind Alice, and he could feel Rosalie's scary look going in his direction.

Alice almost danced with the baseball and threw it in Rosalie's direction.

Rosalie hit the ball without difficulty and ran to base, but before Ethan could turn to go toward the ball, Alice screamed in desperation:


Ethan felt his own body shiver. The game was so much fun that he didn't even remember the vampires that were about to arrive.

Everyone started running towards Bella, and Edward pulled Ethan by the arm, who seemed to have frozen for a few seconds.

"They were leaving! They must have heard us!" Alice said, coming close to Edward.

"Let's go!" Edward said, pulling Ethan and Bella by the arm, like two children.

"It's too late!". Carlisle said, worried, causing Edward to freeze for a few seconds.

"Let your hair down!". Edward said to Bella. "Put your blouse on!". Edward said, throwing Ethan's blouse into his hands.

"It's going to help a lot! I can smell you guys from across the field!". Rosalie said, glaring angrily at the two of them and making disgusted faces, but neither of them paid her any mind.

Ethan put on his blouse and zipped it up to his neck.

"Stay behind me!" Edward said, looking at Bella and Ethan.

Bella was trembling with fear, clinging to Edward's arm, which Ethan could no longer describe as truth, or as staging. While Ethan appeared calm, but felt like his own heart was going to come out of his mouth at any moment, so nervous. In the end, they were both acting out, but for different reasons.

In the midst of the dense fog hugging the trees, three silhouettes began to emerge.

A grown man, with black skin and long black hair. His eyes were a vibrant red, but he still managed to have a gentle face. Laurent.

An adult woman, with light skin and long red hair. She also had vibrant red eyes, but did not look as inviting as the other. Victoria.

And an adult male, with fair skin and long blonde hair. His eyes were vibrant red, but looked as if they would devour you if you looked at them too long. James.

"I think that belongs to you!". Laurent said, raising the baseball in his hand and throwing it to Carlisle.

Carlisle just raised his hand and caught the ball in the air, with perfect reflex.

"Thank you!" He replied.

"I'm Laurent... And that's Victoria and James!". Laurent said.

At the same time, James began to stare at Alice. He seemed to have remembered who she was. Alice took a few steps back, leaning her body against Ethan's body. She looked scared and uncomfortable. Ethan put his hands on her waist and began stroking his fingers gently, trying to get her to calm down.

"I'm Carlisle. This is my family!" Carlisle said, pointing to the others.

"Hello!" Laurent said, sarcastically.

"Hello... Alice! It's nice to remember the old days. Your smell has changed a bit... but it's still delicious!". James spoke to Alice mischievously, who felt her body shiver and ducked closer to Ethan, causing James to notice his presence.

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have brought us trouble!". Carlisle positioned himself in front of Ethan and said, trying to be gentle.

"Our apologies!". Laurent replied. "We were not aware that the territory had been claimed!". He added.

Edward began to stare at James. He seemed to be reading his thoughts. Every second, Edward seemed more irritated by this.

"Yes, we maintain permanent residence nearby!". Carlisle replied.

"Really? Laurent asked sarcastically, looking at James, who couldn't take his eyes off Alice.

Alice was beginning to tremble with fear. Ethan held her hands and the warm temperature of his body, made her relax a little. It seemed that James had made her memories come back stronger.

"Well, let's not cause any more trouble! We were just passing through." Laurent said.

"The humans have headed east, behind us!". Victoria said. "You guys are safe!". She added, with irony, and teasing.

"Good!". Carlisle replied, still trying to be kind.

"Well, do you have room for three more players?". Laurent asked.

Carlisle was silent for a few, thinking about it.

"Come on... It's just a friendly match!". Laurent insisted.

"Let's not kill anyone!". James said maliciously, letting out a short laugh and staring at Alice's pale face.

"Of course!". Carlisle consented. "Some are already leaving, you can come in!". He completed, turning around and giving Alice small pats on the back, informing her that she should leave with Ethan and Edward.

The three vampires turned around and started walking across the field, going to take up their positions.

Just as the others were about to do the same, a strong wind rushed through Bella's hair, causing all three vampires to smell her.


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