

A few hours later, the alarm clock went off.

Ethan opened his eyes, stretched out on his bed, and turned off his alarm clock.

He took a long, hot shower, because it was a little colder than usual that day, and went downstairs to find something to eat.

Arriving in the kitchen, he found Enid drinking a hot cup of coffee.

"Good morning, Ethan!" Enid said, motioning a mug of hot coffee toward him.

Ethan took the mug and puffed slowly, trying to cool the temperature a bit.

As he drank, he could taste the sweet, hot taste of that coffee going down his throat, making his body warm up in the same instant.

"I got to talk to Paolo yesterday!". Ethan said, wrapping his hands around his mug, so they would stay warm.

"Really?" Enid asked excitedly. "Did he recognize you? How was it?". Enid added.

"He was very excited. I thought he was serious from the first moment I heard his voice, but he was really nice!". Ethan said.

"He was always a cute guy!". Enid said, with a smile on her face.

"He wants to meet us... Do you think it could be dangerous?". Ethan asked, fearful.

"Look, at the time things started happening, he always seemed very kind and welcoming. Paolo sheltered us for a long time in his house and even got into a fight with the other gods over Hayden. Hayden seems to be the black sheep of the family, you know?" Enid said.

"Then why were you doubtful that day we talked?". Ethan questioned.

"Well, I don't trust your father's family. They are liars, manipulators, and sadists... I could go on for hours about the horrible things I know. I'm afraid that in that time, they have made Paolo's head. I don't think so, but I don't know, it's been almost 20 years, a lot has happened! Enid completed, leaving Ethan thoughtful.

"I guess I've heard so many rumors about this family, I don't know what to believe anymore...". Ethan said, confused.

"We're going to have to go to find out, really! I just hope no tragedy happens!". Enid said, laughing nervously.

Ethan let out a short laugh and sat down next to his hand, still sipping his hot coffee.

"I'll come back later today, okay?". Enid said, looking at her cell phone.

"Trouble at the police station?" Ethan asked, looking for some cookies to dip in his coffee.

"Yes! Very!" Enid said, pointing to the cabinet where the cookies were.

"What happened?" Ethan asked, sitting down with the package of cookies.

- If I'm not mistaken, they're going to find another body, now closer to Forks, and then tomorrow I'll meet James finally! - Ethan thought.

"They found something in the Queets River last afternoon. It was a human footprint that was heading east, but that's not even the worst of it...." Enid said, pausing dramatically.

Ethan made a confused expression, wondering what he had forgotten.

"Some guys in their 20s tried to make a bizarre report these days. They said they were walking around the city of Port Angeles about four days ago and a guy came out of nowhere, grabbed and killed one of them with mind power alone!" Enid said, laughing.

Ethan felt his body freeze.

"They even tried to dig deeper into the investigation, but we didn't find anything. We think they may have drugged and killed the guy, because their friend is really gone. Enid added. "They said it was about four days ago. Funny... You were in Port Angeles at the time. Enid continued, laughing a little.

Ethan remained quiet, not saying a word.

"Plus, they started talking about the guy being some kind of shadow magician. A smoke came up around him and...". Enid began to listen to what she herself was talking about.

Ethan looked at Enid, without answering.

Enid stared back at him and the happy expression she was making, began to change to indignation and shock.

"WAS IT YOU, ETHAN COLEMAN?". Enid shouted.

Ethan continued without answering.

"ARE YOU GOING CRAZY? ARE YOU IN THE MOOD FOR A BEATING? DO YOU THINK YOU CAN GO AROUND KILLING PEOPLE? HAVE YOU SNAPPED? ISN'T THAT HOW THINGS ARE DONE, YOU WANT TO GET ARRESTED? Enid started screaming at Ethan desperately, while Ethan just sipped his coffee, as if he wasn't hearing a word.

"AREN'T YOU GOING TO ANSWER ME, KID?". Enid shouted, slamming her hand on the table, causing the cookies to wobble.

"Mom, answer me honestly, is it going to do any good if I justify myself? Or are you going to hit me anyway?". Ethan asked, calmly.


"Then I won't talk!". Ethan said, going back to sipping his hot coffee.

Enid took a few steps to the side, trying to calm herself down. She took a deep breath and sat back down at the table.

"Come on! What happened?" Enid asked, calmer.

Ethan looked at her slowly, as if he was joking about the situation.

"Bella was surrounded by these guys trying to molest her! They came at me and I... I just defended myself!". Ethan said.

"Didn't it cross your mind to call the police?". Enid questioned.

"And I was going to explain that I was able to hold off 4 guys 5x bigger than me, how?". Ethan asked. "Either I got beat up, or I beat someone up... The problem was that I beat someone up too much!". He added.

"Your father was practically the devil. At least it was for a good deed!". Enid said, taking the empty mug from in front of Ethan.

"Speaking of which...what was he like?". Ethan asked, remembering Carlisle.

"Your dad?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah, was he evil? Did he kill, or I don't know, torture?" Ethan asked.

"No! He wouldn't hurt a fly!". Enid giggled. "Your father was a great person, at least in front of me, he was a great man! I remember we had a little dog named Bob. One day he ran away and your father cried! Enid added with a laugh. "He didn't want to cry in front of me, but I remember going into the kitchen at night, and he was there, crying all depressed because of Bob!". Enid said.

- I think Carlisle is just some idiot... - Ethan thought, biting the last cookie from the package.

"Did you kill anyone else?". Enid asked.

"No!". Ethan replied, without thinking.

"Right! Promise me you won't go around killing others!". Enid said, pointing at Ethan.

"I'm not going out killing others around for no reason!". Ethan replied, with a gentle smile.

"I just don't want you to get into any bigger trouble!". Enid said. "It's getting late! You better get to class!".

"Fine! Oh, I'm going to Alice's today, all right? Let's play baseball!". Ethan said, grabbing his backpack.

"Are you sure? I think there's going to be a storm today, I don't know if it's good for you to go!". Enid said, worried.

"It's okay! If it starts raining, I'm leaving!". Ethan said.

Enid grabbed her car keys and drove Ethan to the school.

When they arrived, they said goodbye and Ethan walked toward his group of friends, but before they could reach them, something tugged on his arm.

"Huh?" Ethan said.

"Hi, Ethan! How are you today?" Alice asked, shyly.

"I'm fine, baby! And you?" Ethan asked, with a gentle smile that made Alice embarrassed.

"I'm fine! I'm glad you're better!". She replied.

"Are you excited for the game today?" Ethan asked.

"Huh? Are you going today? I thought you didn't want to because of my dad...". Alice said, confused.

"Of course, I'm going! I'm excited for you guys to teach me how to play!". Ethan replied, smiling.

"I hope you can keep up with me!". Alice teased and they headed off to class.


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