
Sixth Birthday

"You look beautiful, Lady Freya," one of my maids compliments. I face the mirror with mixed emotions. Is that really me? I touch the surface of the mirror with my gloved hand. A young girl with heterochromatic eyes stared back at me. She is wearing a beautiful white dress with golden frills. Her hair is styled in graceful waves and twin tails loop toward the middle with a white and gold flower ribbon. Overall, I can barely recognize myself.

"You do indeed, little sis," a familiar voice chimes up behind me. "Brother Kaon." I jump from my seat and run towards his open arms. He hugs me gently, trying hard not to mess up my outfit. "You are back early." The maids discreetly left the room, leaving me and my second older brother.

He laughs. "I wouldn't miss my baby sister's coming of age party. You can now finally join your two brothers at the Academy."

The Academy is where all the nobles and the gifted from Twilight Haze goes to. My brothers started off in Twinnings Elementary before applying to the Academy because you can only be tested once. If the Academy do not accept then the applicant can never reapply again. There are some exceptions to this rule like developing strong innate power later in life.

Both my brothers could have applied early on but they wanted to experience a normal life first where no one knows about them. Aerik had a hard time adjusting since he is already quite intelligent and has dual elements, but eventually he adapted. Now, the students at the school adores him. He has a quiet personality but can be charming and powerful.

Kaon is the opposite. He was loved by everyone immediately. He is hyperactive and loud yet honorable and loyal. There were some stories where his fire element would go out of control and almost burnt someone. Luckily, a water elemental was a teacher.

I keep a low profile and did not wish to attend Twinnings. My parents respected that and hired tutors so I can begin my education. I am at the level where I would be able to pass the exam for the Academy. Little does anyone know, I practice on my own and read most of all the books in the library. I train in my room late at night since I can cultivate. I use the hints from my observations of Aerik's training and apply the concepts to my dual elements. I learned about creating a magical barrier that prevents any mishaps from a specific book. However, I do get scratched up and have to make some kind of excuse if my family noticed. For some reason, I cannot use basic healing spells.

"Yes!" I answer Kaon enthusiastically. He smiles and puts his hand out. "Shall we now go celebrate your birthday?"

I place my hand on his arm and pull him to the door. "Of course." Kaon leads us to the garden where the celebration is being held. I requested my parents to have an outdoor party rather than inside the main hall. I always find buildings suffocating with many people around.

Both sides of my mother and father's family were there. The former duke and duchess were speaking with my father's parents. My aunt and uncles were talking to Aerik, who is smiling politely but I can see the slight twitch at the corner of his mouth. He only does that if something is bothering him. As the younger sister, I decide to go and save him.

"Hello Uncle Gabriel, Uncle Luka." I kiss them on the cheek. "My how you have grown." Uncle Luka comments jovially. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly. His scruffy beard itches my skin. My aunt smacks my uncle on the arm. "Don't hug Freya so tightly like that." Uncle Luka finally releases me and my aunt, Clarissa, greets me. "Hello Freya. Happy sixth birthday."

"Thank you Aunt Clarissa." Aerik has moved out of reach, inch by inch. He gives me a guilty smile before mumbling an excuse. I mentally sigh. Although I have good impressions with my extended family, it can be a taxing matter when they dote on me heavily.

Both my uncles have kids. My aunt is unfortunately infertile so she treats me as her own whenever I come to visit. Speaking of, I can see my cousins talking amongst themselves near the food table.

"Are you excited for your special day?" Aunt Clarissa asks. I tilt my head to the side, innocently. I did not want to give off how "special" my sixth birthday was since I know about the ley lines and cultivation.

After chatting with my aunt and uncles, mother comes to get me for my birthday speech. Kaon also had to do it on his birthday.

"Hello everyone! My name is Freya Aiz Winchester. Thank you for coming to my sixth birthday party. I hope you all enjoy." I smile as my grandparents took pictures of me, my brothers, and parents.

I greet the guests and opened many gifts. At one point, I feel my jaws ache from smiling so much. Suddenly, the party becomes silent. The atmosphere got colder and a chill went up my back. There is one guest that I know would bring this kind of reaction.

"Happy sixth birthday, Freya," Lord Vernon Ray greets me with a kiss to my hand. I stare at him with cold, expressionless eyes. I can tell he is observing me. Behind him, a timid lady with chestnut-colored hair and green eyes curtsied from a distance.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Lady Freya. Happy Birthday." I lift my eyebrow slightly in shock. I thought she would have fainted by now, seeing how ghostlike she seemed.

Lord Vernon and Lady Lamia's two children also greet me as standard protocol dictates.

"I am honored to finally meet you. I am Ember Ray." A young woman with dark hair and green eyes curtsied with her head low.

Her brother comes up and gives a nod in greeting. I do not like him. He seems too arrogant for his own good. "My name is Norman. We wish you a happy birthday."

So this is his family, I think. They do not seem happy to be here. It's more like they were forced. Norman, in particular, keeps glancing at his father nervously. Ember continues to look down. I turn to face Lord Vernon.

"Thank you for coming. I hope you all enjoy the party."

Mother comes to talk with Lord Vernon and his wife. Ember and Norman walks with me to the food table. They did not say much until Norman offhandedly comments. "So this is the lady who is not as special as her brothers." Ember pulls on her brother's sleeve. She bows her head. "I apologize for my brother's behavior."

"It's true though."

"That's enough Norman."

The two siblings continue to bicker. I pick up a glass of water, not caring. People can make fun of me as much as they want. They don't know me so why should I care.

On the other hand, Aerik and Kaon heard what the Ray siblings said. They came over with frowning faces.

"Who says our little sister is not as special as us?" Kaon asks bluntly. He looks like he is itching to punch something, mainly the arrogant fool who is still arguing with his sister.

Norman Ray sneers at me. "She's nothing special. If anything, she should serv-" He was abruptly cut off with a punch of wind. The punch was so strong that he crashed into a tree. Norman coughs up blood.

I glance at my brothers. Aerik is smiling creepily. "You did not have to do that," I comment, neither agreeing or disagreeing with his action. He pats me on the head. "No one makes fun of our sister."

The adults take notice. Mother and Father came up to us, checking for wounds. "Are you all alright?" Mother, in particular, fusses over me. "We're fine," I reply.

Lord Vernon brings up his children with a frown etched onto his face. Ember looks like she wants to cry. Norman looked like he was wronged.

"I apologize," Lord Vernon addresses mother. Mother finishes her fussing before turning her attention. "It's alright. I'm more worried about your son." She glances at Aerik with a displeased expression. "Don't you have something to say Aerik?"

Before Aerik could say anything, Norman spat out a curse. "Just because their sister is useless doesn't mean they can attack me." Mother's eyes widen. Lord Vernon looks like he wants to kill his son. How interesting. I already noticed early on that Norman seemed afraid of his father but he is angry since Aerik attacked him.

I take my stance before anyone can take action. I know mother has a good relation to Lord Vernon so I want to at least leave face for him despite not liking him. Besides I don't want to see more bloodshed during the party that my family carefully set up.

"It's alright Lord Vernon. This is just a small argument between children. Indeed I am not like my brothers but I am well-educated and will test for the Academy in the coming days." I turn my attention to Norman.

He flinches as I release a bit of killing intent, warning him to say another word. "I can prove that I am not as useless as you think."

Norman could not say anything. Lady Lamia went to her son but he shakes her off. Lord Vernon declares that his family would be leaving after mother offered to heal his son's wounds. Lord Vernon had an annoyed and displeased look on his face. Before he left, he apologizes to mother again and promises to discipline his son. Mother seems to want to say something but hesitates. I have a feeling that mother senses something not quite right with Lord Vernon's verdict. Both his children flinches and pales when Lord Vernon glances at them.

The party continues yet everyone can tell it was over with all that has happened so the maids and butlers started cleaning up and leading guests away. Grandmother walks over and places her hand on mother's shoulder. "Is something the matter?"

Mother shakes her head. "None at all." Yet I can tell my mother is feeling uneasy.

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