
Mental Strength

I finally meet my two brothers on the third day, decked out in their Academy uniforms. I meet Kaon first since he is in the elementary section.

"Freya!" He spots me from the crowd of students and hugs me tightly. People were starting to stare as I pat my brother's back awkwardly.

"Hi Kaon," I greet him. He finally releases me with a huge grin on his face. "I heard that you were doing well on your tests." He looks extremely proud. I scratch my nose in slight embarrassment. Doing well might be an understatement considering my results.

"Freya." I turn around and see both Aerik and the Academy student that I never got the name of. I should really get his name since he helped me out these last two days.

"Hello brother," I reply. I turn my head slightly and stare at the other guy. He notices and waves his hand at me enthusiastically. "You have such a cute little sister Aerik."

Aerik grins proudly at me, but eyes the boy suspiciously. "Hope you aren't getting any ideas." My ever-protective brother. I decide to intervene since Aerik was shooting death glares. "He isn't Aerik. Honestly, he has been helping me out actually." I turn my attention toward the boy and give a slight curtsey.

"Hello, my name is Freya Aiz Winchester. Thank you for helping me these last two days." The boy returns the greeting with an infectious laugh and bow.

"Pleasure to meet you, Freya. My name is Galen Firo Malphas. I am part of the student council for the high school division." I wonder how he knows my brother since he's in middle school. Galen seems to know what I was thinking. He playfully ruffles Aerik's hair, much to his annoyance.

"Aerik didn't tell you? He is a part of the student council for the middle school division. He also works with the high school as an assistant since he is utilizing one of the labs."

"Wow. Even I didn't know that," Kaon chimes in. Galen puffed with pride as if Aerik is his own younger brother. Kaon continues to praise Aerik, causing him to blush. I don't think I ever seen Aerik as red as he does now.

I couldn't help laughing, causing them to stare at me in surprise. They looked at each other sheepishly since they forgot I was standing there with them.

"Uh... we should probably go into the auditorium now." Galen rubs the back of his head. He begins leading us inside since the crowds were going in for the exam. Within the crowds, I recognize some of the examinees I have seen in the hallways. The majority of the crowd were Academy student. Since parents were not allowed in during orientation tests and the elders were watching from their private rooms, there weren't many adults around.

"Is the mental test viewable by everyone?" I asked. Although the orientation tests are catered to each individual, there must be days when all the examinees come together. Aerik, who was walking beside me, nods.

"The mental test and martial arts competition can be viewed by everyone in the Academy. It also works as a recruiting event." Before I can get more information, we were in the spacious auditorium.

My eyes widen at the architecture of the auditorium. It looks similar to the Roman colosseum in my old world. There were also marble pillars and the seats were long, black benches. The room can probably hold two thousand people, maybe even more. I noticed there were protruding structures that I am assuming is where the elders and the higher ups were viewing. I can sense many people watching.

"This is where we have to depart," Galen says, patting on the shoulder. "Good luck Freya. I hope we will see each other again soon." Aerik and Kaon also provides encouragement before heading to their own seats. The people remaining in the center of the colosseum were us, the examinees.

A tall person in a hood stood in the center and brings her hand up. The once noisy room became silent and everyone waits in anticipation.

"Welcome everyone to the semesterly cohorts for the normal and special class. We have 7 students from Nova Lunes, 10 from Celes, and 8 from Aquane. This semester, we have decided to admit an additional 5 students." There was a burst of whispering among the crowd as the hooded figure finished the news. The person continues, ignoring the crowd's reactions.

"This is a test where we test the students' mental strength. We will be applying pressure gradually and those that cannot withstand the amount will be escorted out. The medical team will be on standby." I notice the medics, dressed in white, in the periphery of the stadium.

"I wish all the new examinees good luck." Cheers arose from around the stadium. When the bell struck, it became silent. I think about the speech and how strange it was that they did not tell us what to expect except for this pressure.

I soon got my answer when I felt something on top of my head. At least I thought there was something. I examine the others and notice how their faces were turning pale, others were sweating. The thing on my head is indeed getting heavier every couple of minutes. Instead of panicking like some of the others, I decide to rationalize the situation.

It's a test of mental strength, I think, that means I need a force to repel it. The buzzing in my ears were getting stronger. What is something that I can use that is powerful enough to go against the pressure in the mind?

I remember one of my brother's trainings when Father and Kaon were sitting in front of each other, eyes closed. Kaon burst out in sweat while Father seemed at peace. When Kaon couldn't take it anymore, he laid down in a messed up heap.

"There's going to be many mental traps you might stumble or fall into. The best way to repel those forces, especially those who are cultivators, is to learn how to create a mental barrier around your mind and find a way to counterattack."

"How do I do that? It's hard to even think about a barrier when you are already attacked."

"Good observation, Kaon. Indeed it is difficult which is why you have to develop mental strength. You build it through experience and meditation. Why do you think your mother and I train you to meditate?"

"I understand. It's just really hard to focus on meditation when it seems you are getting attacked everywhere."

I remember Father chuckling. "Then to reach that meditative state, use your inner cultivation to protect yourself until you can create that mental barrier. Remember it's the mind tricking your senses at that point when you notice something wrong."

As the last words floated through my mind, I reach for my cultivation to create a temporary physical space so I can start meditating. My surroundings become part of the background and the pressure minimizes that I can actually think.

My mental strength was already strong from my past life so falling into a meditative state came easily. I slowly breathed in and out.

At some point, I felt another presence. I did not sense any hostility so I did not mind the person's presence. Time seemed to be endless. I barely felt any mental pressure at all. It wasn't until a bell sounded that I woke up from my meditative state.

I slowly open my eyes. The colosseum was eerily silent. I tilt my head in confusion.

"Ahem," someone cleared their throat. I recognize it as the speaker from the beginning. "It seems we have gained two outstanding pupils. How do you both feel?"

I did not think much about it. "I feel fine," I reply promptly. Except for a bit of disorientation, but overall I don't feel bad like the other examinees that were extremely pale, have fainted, or throwing up on the edges of the colosseum. I turn my focus away from them.

I take a glance at the person next to me. I recognize the gold and white earring that my father indicated when we first arrived. The boy beside me is one of the nobles from the Aquane continent.

The said boy also takes a glance at me before staring at me intently. I can see his eyes swirling with shock and confusion. Oddly enough, I also feel a sense of familiarity and take another look.

"Falcyn?" I suppose the speaker knows him personally. The boy looks away and expressionlessly reply with a nod. The speaker then announces that the test was over and the results would come out after the martial arts competition. The crowds soon emptied after the event. Some people came up to meet me, which prevented me from talking to the boy named Falcyn.

I want to speak to the boy but my brothers and Galen arrived to pick me up. When I turned around, he was already gone.

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