
Androgynous Figure's Gift

After the disastrous ending, my immediate family decides to celebrate among ourselves. My grandparents have already left, followed by my aunt, uncles, and cousins. Since there was still time before forming the (new) connections with the ley lines, we begin playing board games and eating sweets.

"You really told that kid off," Kaon mentions as he grabs another cookie from the table. "You can be just as dangerous as Aerik."

Aerik and I stare at each other before laughing out loud. Perhaps I did sound a bit harsh considering that both Ray siblings ended up in trouble. I have a feeling that Lord Vernon would be harsh on them.

"It's time to go to the temple," Mother announces. Kaon and Aerik jumps up from their seats, pulling me up with them too. "You can finally form connections with us," Kaon says with excitement. If only they knew.

Ever since Kaon's sixth birthday, I have been forming new connections. Our parents never stopped me from joining yet I can sense that my mother has suspicions.

When we go to the temple each month, I watch at the same location, outside the magic circle with mother. Although the energy is not as pure as if I went deeper in the magic circle, I naturally form 5-10 new connections each month. I believe I leveled up once since I was 2.

I learned from a book that leveling up starts when you form a dantian. After that, you would store the energy from the connections into the dantian until reaching a limit. When you get to that point, no matter how much energy is put into your dantain, you can't move onto the next level without making a breakthrough. As soon as you make a breakthrough, you get an energy rush running through your body. Your body releases the impurities (nasty black goop with questionable smells) out and utilizes the new pure energy. The body becomes stronger and can now reach a new level of cultivation.

According to the levels, it looks like this from lowest to highest: novice, adept, champion, expert, master, and spirit master. Since I have leveled up, I'm at the adept rank. There are also sublevels (low, mid, high, peak) to determine how far from a breakthrough your cultivation is at. I notice that is determined by crystal balls.

Father starts explaining about the ley lines and cultivation. I selectively listen to the information before tentatively walking towards the center of the magic circle. I feel that invisible pressure pushing down on me, testing my mental and physical strength. "Do not worry if you cannot push through the barrier Freya. Rarely anyone gets too close to the center because of the purity of the ley lines." I nod before taking a deep breath.

I can feel the ley lines give way slowly before meeting strong resistance. The air is heavier and the energy chaotic. I stop walking and sat down. I finally take a look back at my parents and brothers.

"But how?" mother whispers in awe. My brothers' jaws were falling from their mouths in shock. Father's expression is a cross between being confused, shocked, and proud.

I look down and notice how close to the center I was. I can sense the chaotic yet harmonic energy around me. It's so different from the leftover energy I get from outside the circle.

"Now what papa?" I ask with a curious tone. I ignore their questioning gazes. Father clears his throat. "You take the energy from the ley lines..." I know the drill already but I am selfish. I want to continue my peaceful life despite being beyond others of my age group. I did not want special attention on me so I kept quiet.

Father watches me to make sure I don't take more than I could especially since I am close to the purest ley lines. Instructor usually watches over their apprentice so the energy does not go amok and destroy the apprentice's body. They provide a stabilizer of the apprentice cannot control the energy.

I did not know how dangerous this process can be since I have opened my dantian and began cultivating. Besides the initial black out, I am able to shift through the pain of converting the ley lines into cultivated energy.

I soon realize that pure ley lines are highly dangerous to cultivate. I touch one ley line and the world flashed white. I hear a high pitch ringing sound and flashing colors of light.

Then everything stopped. I open my eyes and gasp. There is a beautiful androgynous figure in the distance. I could not see clearly but I can feel the energy the figure was giving off. I see him/her smile before coming back to reality.

I made three new connections that were brighter in comparison to the other connections I formed. I can feel that the ley lines were already cultivated into my dantian. I feel lighter and stronger than ever before, but have yet to make a breakthrough yet. I wonder if everytime I come to form new connections.

"Freya!" my brothers shout as they see me get up from the ground. I must have fell down while I was in that white world. I catch a glimpse of red marks on my brothers' hands. They must have tried to push the barrier to get to me.

"Freya are you alright?" I look at my mother and father. They don't look any better. I was not sure what was going on so I nod at them reassuringly.

Father indicates us to move away from the magic circle. We all move then my family comes over to wrap their arms around me. I freeze in response. What is going on that they are doing this?

"You scared us," Aerik surprisingly answers my unspoken questions. I must have looked confused. "We thought you were going to be destroyed by the energy. You had the symptoms." I flash through my memory. Does this have something to do with that figure?

I stare down at my hands. I then notice a small diamond-shaped birthmark on my right wrist that was not there before. It slowly fades away before I can show and say anything about it.

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