
Twilight: Really! I Didn't Ask For This!

Well Ryan is in the world of Twilight now, it's time to see what his adventure can bring. /////// Updates when I feel like it. This Fic has characters from different movies and TV shows, it also does not follow canon a lot, you are warned! Not everything follows Canon so do not get on me about something being different. This is what Fan fiction is for. Also random number of words, usually between 1,500 and 3,500 though. /////// Warning!!! Mention of drugs so read at own cost, I am not promoting it, just using it in here. (Really just Weed) I own nothing but my own ideas and OC, image cover not mine.

Flaming_Lines · Movies
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58 Chs

Chapter 41): Explained At Dinner....

Chapter 41): Explained At Dinner....

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

{Do not do drugs, I am not promoting them either as I write these. This is purely for fun nothing more, nothing less.}

{20+ Advanced Chapters on Buy-meacoffee/flaminglines}

{In Honor of my new level of membership and the new book I am putting out I am dropping 3 chapters for this today on here.}


(A/N: Longer chapter because it is a lot of talking, but this is the last one before he heads back to Forks, that is the main reason it is so long.)

"And I swear to whoever you believe in Ryan that if you ever, and I mean ever do something like that again, I will castrate you!" Meredith's eyes were practically spitting lava as she looked at him.

Ryan rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, "Haha, yeah whatever you say Merbear."

"Don't you Merbear me! Now hand over everything now, I am going to throw it away!" Meredith said with her hand out them both knowing what she was talking about.

He gasped clutching his heart in horror, "No Meredith, not that please, I plan to smoke that when I leave here."

"Hand. It. Over. Now!" She gritted out, knowing that he would hate this a lot.

He pouted like a baby as he handed her the weed which he already had prepared, but he only gave her one joint as there was no way that he was going to give her more then that, he wasn't stupid after all. Everyone was watching the two of them, well everyone he perceived as her friends, after the whole pediatric ward war they had followed them as Meredith led him to a room by the ear.

Ryan knew better then to fight her on this one, physically he was stronger then her, but he knew what battles to fight and which to give in on, this is one he really did need to give in on.

"I miss the old Meredith, she would have joined the war." Ryan said not pouting as he crossed his arms after putting the weed in her hands.

"Yeah, well the old Meredith doesn't work here, I do." She said glaring at him.

He rolled his eyes saying nothing else.

"Well thank you Meredith for the help, Alex is going to stick by and make sure he doesn't get away this time. You can all go back to what you were doing." Addison said as she started to usher people out the room.

"Please," Ryan said looking Alex up and down, "As if he could handle me."

Meredith whipped around right before she walked out the room glaring at him, "Behave or I will burn your stash, I know your mother is at the house in Forks. It would only take a phone call."

Ryan scoffed but didn't want to take the chance, he hasn't checked it today so he didn't want anything new to be burnt just in case, he wouldn't rise that as his mother might listening after learning what he did. Closing his eyes he laid back down as the doctors began to clear out the room.

"Alright Ryan, I am going to need you to change into this gown, it is hospital policy. Plus you can't wear anything for the MRI scan." Addison said while holding out said item.

Ryan sighed but took it, "I didn't think you were that type of woman Addison, we just met and you are already trying to undress me."

He chuckled at her glare, Alex was also laughing from where he stood in the room making the woman glare at him too. Having his fun Ryan got dressed as Alex turned around, Addison didn't stating she was making sure he didn't need help, but he did catch her checking him out when she wasn't wincing at the bruises she saw on him.

(Five hours later...)

"...Six bruised ribs, a dislocated arm which is healing fine. With a little head trauma that isn't to worrisome. Well I have to say, while extreme you should be fine." Dr. Torres said as her and Addison looked over his scans, "Must have been one hell of a fight."

"A man never hits and tells." Ryan said while finishing getting dressed as they were allowing him to leave.

"Yeah, well I think it is a stupid idea to forgo medication but obviously you have your own to medicate with." Addison said while glaring at him slightly.

"Ahh stop the glares red, you're gonna make me blush." He said waving his hand.

Dr. Torres laughed as Ryan looked at his phone, "Yikes, looks like I am in some serious trouble." He commented seeing as he had five missed calls from Leah along with ten text, while Rosalie's wee just as much.

"Dude, women am I right?" Alex said as he had seen it from over his shoulder.

Ryan felt the glares from the others not even having to look up to see them, "Nah man, I am just to loveable. They can't get enough of all this."

As he was saying this he had already called Leah back, "RYAN!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!!! MY DAD NEEDS YOUR HELP!!" She screamed into the phone they could all hear her.

"Yeah dude, real loveable." Alex joked as the others in the room smiled at his situation.

"You know Leah, you really just made me look way less cool in front of my new friends. God you have lungs like a banshee." Ryan sighed into the phone use to her yelling.

"Well then maybe you should answer your phone when I call." She ground out back.

"Why are we together again, I feel like all you do is order me around." Ryan asked while in a thinking pose, which she obviously couldn't see missing the look he got from Addison, but the others didn't.

"Because no one else would like that ugly mug of yours." Leah said sounding all to chipper, "Now where are you?"

"Sorry, won't make it tonight for dinner. My cousin is holding me hostage. I will make it up to you though."

"Oh yeah, how will you do that?"

"Mhmm, how about that movie you wanted to watch with me, what was it 'The Notebook' right?" He asked because all he could remember is that it was a really girly movie and he refused to watch it.

The other line was silent before she spoke, "And Titanic, with a foot massage."

He chuckled, "Anything you want shortstack. I will see you tomorrow then okay?"

"Yeah catch you tomorrow." She said with a smile in her voice.

Ryan hung up and saw everyone staring at him, Alex looked impressed while Dr. Torres and Addison....well he couldn't quite place the look in their eyes but it was clear they all heard both sides of the conversation. He shrugged as he began to walk out the room, no one stopped him as he did so they all seemed lost in thought about something, not that he really cared.

Leaving the hospital Ryan headed to the store, he knew that Meredith would have nothing in her fridge at the house for him to cook, she didn't spend enough time at home for there to be anything in there. Whistling he went down each aisle and threw different things in, he did not know what he wanted to make or eat so he planned to make a bunch of different dishes for the night.

After he paid he took off to her house, he got the key from above the door and walked inside, he frowned as he walked inside, the place was a mess and he could only shake his head when he saw it all. 'Wow, note to self, never have roommates.' he thought as he out everything away.

It annoyed him though how dirty the place was though so he began to clean it, he knew it was going to get dirty again once he left but while he was there he needed the place clean. That included washing all the clothes that were everywhere, he didn't care whose they were he just washed them as the place was not to his liking.

Four hours later he was jamming out to music as he was cooking, "I don't like that when they threw me in the car, I gave your name as my emergency phone call, Honey, it rang and rang, even the cops thought you were wrong for hangin' up, I dial drunk, I'll die a drunk, I'll die for you, I'm untetherin' from the parts of me you'd recognize, From charmin' to alarmin' in seconds..."

He turned to see Meredith, Christina, Izzy, George and Alex all looking at him, "Well this is awkward." He spoke with a smile.

"You've gotten better, still want to be a singer?" Meredith asked as she took a seat on a stool at the counter the rest spreading around the room.

"Nope." He said popping the 'p' as he stirred the pot which was cooking a lobster bisque he was making.

"Oh, then what are your plans? Be a pothead for life?" She asked sarcastically as she must have noticed he had been smoking again.

He chuckled, "Nah, I will quite....maybe. As for work, not really pressured by that at the moment, more then anything I might travel for awhile. I do have to visit Grandma this summer though, maybe she might have ideas."

"Wait, she wants to see you?!? She hasn't called me in like a year, it's like she dropped off the face of the earth." Meredith said with a scowl.

"Hmm, same here. My mom got a call from her and---" Ryan was cut off as Izzy spoke.

"Didn't you have other things to ask him, like why he had bruises?" Izzy said looking between them strangely.

"Wait, that's right! What the hell Ryan?!? What happened to you last night?" She demanded to know after hearing what Izzy said.

Ryan mock glared at Izzy, "Spoilsport," He turned back to Meredith, "Nothing happened, well obviously something did, but I can't speak about it. If you want to know all the details you have to speak to Addison, it is her story."

Meredith groaned causing him to look at her funny, luckily Alex had no problem explaining why she acted that way, "Yeah, you have a better chance at seeing them fight one another. Meredith here kind of had a thing going with Derek, Addison's husband, then Addison showed and well yeah..."

Ryan went wide eyed but shook his head, "Only you Meredith, I swear your luck is still crap."

"Shut up, all of you!" She whine said when everyone else laughed at what he was saying.

Ryan shook his head as he began to put the food on the table, "Well, maybe some food will make you feel better. You all better enjoy it too, I am missing dinner with my girlfriend and her family for this."

"You have a girlfriend?" Meredith asked surprised.

(A/N: Can't remember if I mentioned Leah around them last time and am way to tired to look back at it right now.)

"Yup." He said before digging into his plate of Steak, Lobster Bisque, Macaroni and Cheese and Broccoli.

"Well, show me a picture." She demanded as they brushed over her whole love triangle thing with Derek and Addison, not that he wanted to touch on it anyway.

Ryan shrugged and handed her his phone, he didn't keep a passcode on it so anyone could get in, not like he had anything he needed to hide from anyone.

"Umm Ryan? Which one am I suppose to be looking at her, the very beautiful brunette with hazel eyes or the very beautiful blonde with golden eyes." She asked making the rest crowd the phone to see forgetting their food for a moment.

Ryan had forgotten that he had pictures with both, Rosalie had all but demanded they take one to cement their new friends status, which he didn't mind but the picture did look like they were also dating, well kind of.

"The brunette, the blonde is just a friend." He said swallowing his food.

"Wish I had a friend who looked like that." Alex muttered but they all heard him.

"Hmmm." Meredith said while looking at him.

"What it's true, and they both know it too. Now eat your food." Ryan said while rolling his eyes and going back to his plate as he didn't want to deal with her at the moment.


[Name: Ryan Robins

Race: Wolf (Fenrir Bloodline)

Age: 18 (Young Adult)

Mood: Happy, Hungry

Skills: Acting Lvl 7, Driving Lvl 8, Cooking Lvl 8, Fitness Lvl 8, Comedy Lvl 5, Charisma Lvl 9, Gardening Lvl 10, Handiness Lvl 6, Logic Lvl 7, Programing Lvl 5, Piano Lvl 9, Basketball Lvl 9, Vampire Lore Lvl 9, Shape-shifter Lore Lvl 9, Video Gaming Lvl 7, Etc....

Money: $52,500]

[Fenrir Bloodline Powers: Super Senses, Super Strength, Super Speed, Super Regeneration, Draining Bite

Powers: Flicker]