
Death And Rebirth

Hmm… how much time has passed I don't know. I don't even know where I'm, I just know that wherever I am is pitch black, no light can be seen. By the way, I am Noah, I am 17 years old. I am a handsome guy with a face girls would dream for, purple sapphire like eyes and smooth black hair and an swimmers body, not too slim and not too bulky, I was born in a good rich family unfortunately I suffered from Lung Cancer and Acute Leukemia and was hospitalized at the age of 10, at first my family and friends visited me but as time passed they stopped showing up, I can understand that. My only time pass was anime, movies, manga and novels. I really liked reading or watching these and my favorites were from the anime Naruto and from the movie Twilight. What can I say? It's been a long time since I've died because of cancer, I didn't have the will to live. My so-cold friends and family never came to see me in the last six years.

As I was thinking about my past life there's a booming voice, as if coming from everywhere and at the same time nowhere.

"So you're the soul who lost it's path in the cycle of reincarnation." The voice said with some amusement, clear in its tone.

"Who are you? And what do you mean I lost my path in the cycle of reincarnation." I asked with a calm mind. I mean there is no point in shouting at such a being if I don't want my soul to be obliterated.

"I am a God who manages the cycle of reincarnation, as for why I said you lost your path is because you got out of the cycle of reincarnation, that's why I said what I said and boy you sure are lucky." The God replied with the same amusement.

"I'm lucky?... If so then why did I die in a hospital bed in my teenage years?" I asked with some heat in my voice, If I am lucky, why did I have to suffer so much in my previous life?

"Calm down boy, It was what It was, why not look forward? I will reincarnate you to your desired world with some wishes, so you can live your life according to you." God replied.

"Really?... you will reincarnate me with some wishes in my desired world?"

"Yes, now you have 3 wishes, ask wisely boy."

"Hmm… I want to be the 'Master of Death' from Harry Potter and don't worry. I know my wish is too OP, so you can say that this is a skill of mine I can get proficient in by training." I ask God with some hope in my eyes.

"It can be done but you cannot command death, you can see your wish as a friendship between you and death." God replied after thinking for a while. I was a bit disappointed but It's good as it is.

"Okay… My second wish is that I want an Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan with the evolution and without its curse of hatred or the problem of being blind by using it too much and I would like to change the color of my mangekyo if possible. My third wish is that I want the power of Shadow Monarch Ashborn from Solo Leveling. And please connect my Death's powers to my Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan" I said after thinking about what would be good for me in the new world.

"Hmm, granted you can have your Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan without its side-effects and with the evolution, And you can control your Death's powers with your new eyes. However you have to train with it and get used to it, the same can be said for powers of Shadow Monarch." God replied.

"Now tell me which world you will like to go to?" God asked me.

"I want to go to Twilight world." I replied to his question.


"And can you please send me in a body that I designed?" I asked God.

"And why would you want that?"

"You know it, You're not the God for nothing. I don't want to live in a baby's body with an adult's mentality, I don't want to just sit and poop all day long."

"Very well, you can make your body and features however you want." As God said that a screen popped in front of me.

After thinking for a while I decided to use my previous body as a base and modify it. I made my hairs pitch black, darker than night and mixed some purple strands into it. And I colored my eyes to neon purple and increased my charm a bit and chose my previous age 17.

"Done now I am ready to go and would you please make it so I fit there perfectly like my Identity and background." I said after I finished with the customization of looks.

"Don't worry about that, you will fit there perfectly and you will have your Identity too, Now, Good Bye Noah have fun."

As he said that my consciousness began to fade and I blacked out.