
Chapter 12

Matt breathed deeply, taking in the sights and sounds that was distinctly Norma Triangle. Somehow, although they hadn’t been walking too far they’d ended up in Boys’ Town. He enjoyed the sight of the rainbow crosswalk that had been approved just in time by the WeHo City Council for the month of pride. He gleefully stepped on red then orange then yellow stripes. He turned to look at his friends and was again overcome with affection for them as his Lexie seemed completely at ease with the gays spilling around them, and Martin looking lost in whatever it was that had him scowling so fiercely that he didn’t even notice all the guys cruising the only straight guy in a five-mile radius.

Soaking up some Boys’ Town was always a highlight for Matt. As he surveyed the culture and vibrancy of the WeHo nightlife assaulting their senses, he was again thankful for his upbringing in liberal America.