
Betsy Rose

She squealed. Summer finally squealed. She knew she would be accepted. She had worked her ass off for this. The days when her step-sister was busy partying and whoring around with every human with a dick back when they were in high school, Summer stayed awake late every night, studying, preparing for the scholarship test for college. She was in no mood to take her father's filthy money with her to college. Not even her trust fund but that was something her mother invested in too. Hence she chose scholarship as the entryway to her dream college.

Her hard work had finally paid off and she would never allow Pepper, or anyone for that matter, to sabotage her chances at happiness.

She got up with the letter in her hand and pushed the shoe box back under the bed with her leg before making her way out. She suddenly stopped at the threshold of the room and turned back. She went back to the bed and pulled out the shoe box out again. Her eyes filled with tears but she willed them not to fall. She collected all the letters and small things that Pepper hid from her like a jealous kid and walked out of that room towards hers.

She placed all the letters accept the college acceptance letter inside the same box she hid her mother's necklace in and kept the box back in the same hideout. She then walked to her closet and dressed herself in an ivory white summer shorts with vertical black and white patters and a simple black tee and white sneakers before heading out, her phone and letter in her hand.

"I'm heading out!" She yelled to no one in particular from the last step before making a run for outside. She picked up her bike and started her walk towards the busy part of the town, or more specifically, towards Betsy Rose diner.

The sun shone brightly, a happy kind of bright, and cool winds blew making the usual hot and humid weather of Vancouver a little pleasant to deal with. It took her twenty minutes to reach her destination, paddling her bike and enjoying the soft wind that played with her wavy light brown hair and the bright sun rays that made her skin shine miraculously. Her blue eyes were cool, in sync with the winds blowing and her plump lips blew out warm breaths as she paddled slowly without any hurry.

When she finally reached the old retro styled diner, a huge smile was dancing on her lips. Betsy Rose was glowing in huge neon red lights above the building even in broad daylight. She leaned her bike along the front walls of her dinner and skipped her way in.

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