
Chapter 1

Thousands of stars started to fall from the sky. Each blazing star was the size of a 3 story building that filled the earth with craters and lead to the first life form to be made a white rose. The rose that represents peace and purity that would represent the start of life in this planet. The rose bud grew on top of a mountain made up from those stars and as it slowly grew wave after wave of spiritual gas spread through out the entire planet and grass started to form.

After a thousand years the planet was filled with trees, grass, flowers and various greens the covered the whole planet. Just when the planet was about to give birth to it's inhabitants a war was initiated 50 light years away from it. A war between an ancient ghost spider clan that ruled 9 galaxies and a united federation of humans and spirit beasts. The ancient ghost spider clan was previously called ghost spiders as their movements are like ghosts undetectable and untraceable. Due to the constant evolution experienced by the spiders the developed soul venom capable of poisoning the soul and web strings that are so thin almost invisible to the naked eye yes to durable that it was unsurpassed in the 8 heavens.

Their lineage was traced back to the ancient ghost spider Rahn she was the previous ruler of the 10 heavens. Rahn was so cruel and demonic that the 9 heavens merged together and sealed the 10th heaven. They sealed Queen Rahn in a paradox world filled with 10 giant gates and golden chains filled with countless runes to seal her for eternity.

Fate played a cruel joke and Queen Rahn escaped from that world and united with her clan the Ancient Ghost Spider Clan. By the time she arrived her clan was on the point of extinction. Queen Rahn was so furious that the area around the clan was filled with large spacial hole that's constantly gives a strong suction. Queen Rahn trained her people for a two million years and brings to our current war now. Queen Rahn and her people are fighting the federation for her to rule back the 10 heavens.

"VILE QUEEN! SURRENDER AND FACE YOUR DEATH!" These words echoed through out the whole galaxy and millions of warrior died during that war. Millions of legacies was scattered throughout the space as their spirits was almost gone. The space was filled with countless corpses of both parties. In midst of all these corpses a extremely beautiful woman was stabbed by numerous swords and spears all over her body.

"I regret dying, I regret failing my clan and most of all I regret being drunk in power that I killed billions of innocent people just to achieve my goals. If one day I would be given a chance to reincarnate I want to be a flower. A flower free from all evil and corruption. A flower to symbolise peace and purity rather than chaos and destruction...." Rahn said

"You're wish will be fulfilled.." a cold distant voice resounded throughout the void and her soul along with all her primordial essence was transferred by a bright figure to the planet MemeViceG.