
Chapter 1.15

Eve's eyes narrowed as she closely examined Orion and Hayley, her suspicion palpable. She was hesitant to trust them, and understandably so. After all, the supernatural world was full of danger and deceit.

Orion exchanged a knowing glance with Hayley, silently communicating their shared determination. They needed to convince Eve that their intentions were pure.

"We need to find the Crescent pack because both of us belong to it," Orion repeated, his tone even and calm. He hoped his words would soothe her worries.

Eve, asked to see their crescent marks.

Orion and Hayley obliged, removing their shirts and showing Eve their shoulders to reveal the crescent-shaped birthmark etched into their skin. Eve studied the marks carefully, tracing her finger over the crescent moons. Satisfied, she looked back at the two young adults before her, and her suspicion momentarily eased.

"I'm looking for Oliver Laboniar," Orion said.

"And I'm looking for both my parents," Hayley added.

Eve nodded thoughtfully. "I can take you to Oliver," she said. "But as for your parents, Oliver will explain what happened to them."

Orion and Hayley exchanged looks, their expressions a mix of hope and anxiety. "Yes, please," they said in unison, eager to finally uncover the truth about their past.

As they followed Eve deeper into the forest, Orion kept his guard up, his senses alert for any sign of danger. But as they walked, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation grow within him.


As Eve led them deeper into the Bayou, the trio arrived at her small, poor-looking house. It was cramped, with barely enough space for three people and four. Colorful tapestries and rugs were hanging on the walls.

Orion followed Hayley inside, his eyes darting around the room, taking in every detail. He was struck by how different it was from the world he knew. He was used to opulent mansions and lavish decor, not small, shabby houses like this one. But it had a certain warmth and character.

As soon as he stepped foot in the cramped space, he was greeted by a man's deep voice. He turned to face the man and was struck by how much he resembled him. Something about the timbre of his voice and the way he spoke made Orion feel a strange sense of familiarity.

The man towered over him, standing at least 6'2" tall, with broad shoulders and a muscular build. Short brown hair, neatly trimmed and styled, framed his chiseled features, highlighting his strong jawline and prominent cheekbones. His piercing blue eyes were sharp and penetrating, seemingly capable of seeing straight through him.

Orion couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he looked at the man. It was like looking into a mirror; only this version of himself was older, more weathered, experienced, and white. He felt a strange respect for the man, even though he had no idea who he was.

Despite his rugged and imposing appearance, there was a gentleness in what he assumed was his father's eyes that was almost palpable. It was as if he could sense Orion's apprehension and wanted to put him at ease. The way he looked at him was full of shock and confusion, almost as if he was staring into a miniature version of himself. Orion felt a jolt of recognition as he realized the man before him was indeed his father.

The resemblance between them was uncanny - they shared the same strong jawline, prominent cheekbones, and piercing eyes. But there was more to their similarity than just physical appearance. There was an intangible quality, a sense of familiarity that made Orion feel like he had known this man his whole life, even though they had never met.

As Orion studied his father's face, he noticed a framed photograph on the wall behind him. It was a picture of a young Abby Bennett, and something about how his father looked at the photo made him feel like there was more to the story than met the eye.

Eve's words broke through his thoughts. "Oliver, I want you to meet Orion and Hayley. Orion here was looking for you and Hayley for her parents."

Suddenly Oliver stopped looking at Orion. He then turned to Hayley.

As Orion continued staring at Oliver, he noticed how the older man's eyes flickered to Hayley. It was as though he saw a ghost from his past. And then, it hit him. Hayley looked like Oliver's brother and sister-in-law, and the young boy looked like Abby Bennett, the once love of his life.

Oliver leaned in closer to Hayley and whispered, "Andrea..." His voice was barely audible, a mere breath escaping his lips. Hayley strained to catch the sound, her heightened senses allowing her to perceive his words. She looked at him, her confusion deepening, and asked, "Who's Andrea?"

Orion watched in awe as Oliver approached Hayley with a tender expression, his gaze still transfixed on her face. As he wrapped her in a warm embrace, Hayley stiffened momentarily, taken aback by the sudden contact. But soon, she relaxed into the hug, sensing the depth of emotion in Oliver's gesture.

Oliver pulled back slightly, his hands resting on her shoulders, as he looked her in the eye. "I'm sorry, my dear," he said, his voice soft and soothing. "It's just that you look so much like Andrea. My brother's wife, your mother."

As Oliver continued sharing memories of Hayley's mother, he revealed a stunning revelation. "Andrea," he said, his voice trembling with emotion, "your real name is Andrea. Your mother wanted to honor her name by passing it down to you, her precious daughter."

Hayley's eyes widened in astonishment, her hand instinctively covering her mouth. The pieces of her identity began to fall into place, and the resemblance between her and Oliver's lost loved ones now made perfect sense. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she absorbed the weight of this newfound knowledge.

Oliver gently took Hayley's hand, offering comfort in this overwhelming moment. "Andrea," he whispered her name, allowing the significance of it to sink in. "You carry your mother's name, spirit, and legacy within you."

Hayley felt a lump in her throat at the mention of her mother, whom she had never known. She had grown up knowing her parents had died as a baby, but she had never been told anything more about them. She looked at Oliver, her eyes brimming with tears, and said, "Tell me about her. My mother."

As Hayley's heart raced with anticipation, she gazed at Oliver with pleading eyes, hoping to unlock the mystery of her mother's identity finally. With a lump in her throat, she begged, "Please, Oliver. Tell me more about her. Who was she?"

Oliver's eyes softened with compassion as he painted a picture of Hayley's mother. "Your mother was a remarkable woman, Hayley. She was a true spitfire, fierce and unafraid to speak her mind. She possessed an unshakable spirit of courage and conviction, always standing up for what she believed was right, no matter the consequences."

Hayley's heart swelled with pride at her mother's unwavering strength and bravery. She yearned to know more about the woman who had given her life and left a lasting impression on those who knew her.

As Hayley's mind lingered on her mother's resilience and courage, a sense of curiosity stirred within her. She longed to delve deeper into the life of the woman who had brought her into this world and had left an indelible mark on all those who knew her.

Amid her contemplation, a question emerged from within her, "What about my father?"

With a deep breath, Hayley's uncle turned to face her, a glimmer of pride and admiration shining in his eyes. "Your father," he began, his voice rich with emotion, "was a truly valiant man."

As he spoke, memories of his beloved brother flooded his mind, each more vivid and powerful than the last. He recounted tales of his brother's bravery and selflessness, his unwavering dedication to his family and community, and his impact on them.

Oliver's gaze shifted from Hayley to the young boy standing beside her, his eyes lingering on his face. As he studied him, Oliver couldn't help but notice the specific features that bore a striking resemblance to Abby, the love of his life who had been taken from him too soon.

The boy's hair, a cascade of dark waves, mirrored Abby's locks, the color, and texture a poignant reminder of their shared connection. With its delicate shape and slight curve, his nose echoed Abby's distinctive facial features, an inherited trait that tugged at Oliver's heartstrings.

but it was the boy's eyes that captivated Oliver the most. They were a mesmerizing shade of honey brown, reminiscent of golden autumn leaves bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun. Swirls of amber and chestnut danced within that rich hue, exuding warmth and depth. They were eyes that held secrets and stories, reflecting the wisdom of ages and the innocence of youth.

As Oliver gazed at the boy, mixed emotions welled within him. He felt joy and sorrow, a bittersweet cocktail of memories and hopes for the future. The boy, a living embodiment of his lost love, carried the legacy of Abby's strength and love intertwined with Oliver's resilience.

"My name is Orion Bennett, and I think...I think you are my father," he continued, his voice uncertain.

Oliver and Eve looked at each other, their expressions a mix of shock and disbelief. The room was silent momentarily, the weight of the unspoken question heavy in the air.

"You knew my mother when she was here in New Orleans," Orion finally spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. "Abby Bennett."

Oliver's voice trembled as he addressed the boy, his words filled with a tenderness that only a father could convey. "You have your mother's eyes," he said, his voice filled with awe and longing.


What do you think of the father-son reunion? Sorry if it's not up to par; not good at writing emotions and stuff; next chapter, we will know more about the Labonair family and How Oliver and Abby met...

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