
chapter 27 : Mentor

That same night, Harper came to see Caroline after knowing there had been a commotion near her room and to make sure she was okay. 

 Harper: You don't remember anything about what happened?

 Caroline: I...I don't know what happened, I...everything is strangely fine...but...I don't remember what happened. 

 Harper: We're going to release you tomorrow, but first of all, I'd like to speak with you if you don't mind.

 Caroline: (blushes) No…no go ahead…

 Harper: Thank you. Miss Forbes, I have a lot of sympathy for your mother, she and I sometimes argue even though I know you two don't get along well. Caroline, I am a doctor and there are others like me in this hospital but I have almost no time for my private life when I am dedicated to my work. Now, imagine the mental strain your mother endures every day as Sheriff.


 Harper: She sometimes takes time for you when she really can but you push her away because you demand more attention from your mother. A few days ago you almost died and I saw Liz, a grown woman crying and almost kneel so that I can treat you properly.


 Harper: Your father left her to turn to homosexuality, she has a daughter and a whole town she has to take care of but her daughter pushes her away because in all the ordeal she goes through, she doesn't dedicate enough time to her.

Matt, this boy slept here with your mother while waiting for your results.

 Caroline: That...I...Matt-(interrupted)

 Harper: He likes you very much. You just spend your time being pretentious, obnoxious and condescending. As for your mother, if you want to see her so often then why should it only be up to Elisabeth to make the effort? Sometimes it's up to children to comfort their parents and your mother bears pressures you wouldn't imagine.

 Caroline: (crying) I'm sorry...

 Harper: You shouldn't tell me, you almost died in that accident so take this as a second chance to become the best version of yourself. It's getting late, you must rest now my child, I will stay here and watch you. Sorry to bother you with this but I'm also a psychiatrist and it was a problem to be solved. 

 "Thank you…" Caroline said sincerely and when she fell asleep, Harper manipulated her dream to be a nightmare where her mother had died, the dream seemed horribly real, so real that she cried.

He left there later but Katherine had not said her last word, she had forced one of the nurses who came near the sleeping Caroline to suffocate her in her sleep with a pillow, killing her as Katherine wanted to do.

 The next day at around 11am, Harper and the others were in her room while Caroline had a blank look on her face.

Harper had noticed her condition when he came to see her early in the morning and called the others. Harper had three emergency surgeries and had been very busy during the night. 

 Stefan: How could this happen?

 Lexi: At the end of my confrontation with Katherine, I saw that she was injured so I gave her my blood to heal her.

 Harper: Katherine forced a nurse to kill Caroline and finish her job. She was very clever.

 Caroline: (crying) This can't happen to me...I can't be a vampire...how can that even exist? Why did she do this to me ? And you... You are also...Why is this happening to me? 

 Stefan: She certainly wanted revenge on me...

 Damon looked at Harper and nodded for him to go outside where he wanted to talk to him.

 Harper: What ?

 Damon: I screwed up, what happened to the little blonde was my fault.

 "You're going to start by explaining my friend, this little girl lost her life and became a vampire..." Harper told him as his tone became dark and Damon understood that he was really serious.

 Damon: Katherine came to the mansion yesterday, I could have incapacitated her or killed that bitch once and for all but I just pushed her away.

 Harper: I gave you the strength to solve your own problems but you let them drag on to satisfy your Your ego in front of your ex. For what ? A pathetic emotional revenge? Prove to her that she means nothing to you? Did you feel obligated to prove anything to her ?

 Damon: I know I screwed up.

 Harper: And a kid died because of it. You'll take charge of her transition and become her mentor. As for me, I'm going to find a way to bring this kid back to her human state.

 Damon: If there was a cure for vampirism it would be known.

 Harper: Just do what you have to do, your limits are not mine.

 They came back to Caroline's room who was still crying and Harper looked at Damon.

 Harper: Damon?

 Damon: I'll help her complete the transition and adjust to her new nature .

 Stefan: You?

 Damon: Yes, I became a volunteer and fond of charity. For God's sake, Stefan, do you think we have a choice? Katherine is around and you need to watch over Elena.

 Lexi: I'll help you, it was my blood that brought her back so I'm also responsible for her. (to Caroline) Everything will be fine little one, we'll help you.

 Harper approached Caroline and grabbed her shoulder to use the psychic spell on her.

"Caroline, under no circumstances you'll have any desire to attack your mother or one of your loved ones even if you feel the call of blood. You'll always be in control in front of Liz and Matt" Harper said to Caroline whose gaze remained fixed.

 Elena: He can compel other vampires?

 Lexi: It's not a simple compulsion, it's something much more powerful. He doesn't really need eye contact and can use it on multiple individuals at the same time.

 Stefan: How is that possible?

 Harper: That's not the most important thing here, I called her mother to tell her that Caroline was going to go to our house for several days of rehabilitation since my charming girlfriend is a Physiotherapist...

 Lexi: It's a role that suits me.

 Damon: Liz is my friend, I'll tell her that I'll be there to make sure everything goes well and that she can come see her whenever she wants.

 Sheriff Forbes came and kissed her daughter before thanking Harper for doing her this favor and taking charge of her daughter's rehabilitation in a less burdensome environment than in a hospital.

She also thanked Lexi and Damon who she certainly trusted.

Liz had to speak to both men about an important subject, the death of the mayor meant that his wife would take care of the duties of this position until the new elections. Now, someone else was needed at the head of the council and her choice fell on Harper but he said that he was too busy with his work and that Damon would be more effective than him.

 Later, at the mansion while the others were settling Caroline in, Harper made some preparations before heading to his garage but as he was heading towards one of his cars, he saw Lexi who arrived there quickly to block his way.

 Lexi: Are you going to disappear without saying anything again?

 Harper: I'll be back soon, I'm going to pick up little Bonnie's mother. You know it's not very good for a witch to develop outside of a witch community or even a mentor. Abby has things to teach her daughter and me too, as a wizard, I have things to pass on to her.

 "Come back to me quickly…" Lexi said to him before kissing him languidly and he told her that he loved her before leaving. 

 The next day, Harper arrived in Massachusetts to find Abigail Bennett Wilson, Bonnie's mother. 

 For almost 20 years, Harper had a vampire in his service and it was Slater, this guy was the best in the field of research and Isobel was a child next to him, this guy had found where Abby was staying without any problem thanks to internet and sent the address to Harper.

 He arrived at the door of the house and rang the doorbell, Abby's adopted son Jamie opened the door and he looked at Harper strangely for a moment.

" Who is it ?" Abby asked Jamie from inside and Jamie told her he didn't know.

Intrigued Abby came to see herself and when she saw Harper's face, disbelief was shown in her facial expression.

She remembered him because when she was younger, she saw Harper visiting her mother and giving her gifts. For her, Harper was that uncle who very rarely came but always brought gifts until Sheila told her who Harper was.

 "Harper…" Abby said softly.

 Harper: Do you remember me, child?

 Abby just nodded and he moved closer.

 Harper: You really have your mother's eyes. It's time for you to return to Mystic Falls...

 Abby: I can't. I...I-(interrupted)

 Harper: Sheila is dead and your daughter is alone. If you have to come back into her life then now is the time because she is alone, sad and lost. You know that's not good for a witch.

 "Mom…" She realized that her mother was no longer in this world and the news shook her so much that she lost her balance but Jamie quickly supported her.

 Harper: I know what happened with Mikael and the loss of your powers. I can help you find them and more. However, Bonnie is the priority and you abandoned her for some stupid reason. I promised to take care of her for Sheila's sake but she needs her mother.

 Abby: (crying) She's going to hate me...

 Harper: My child, you are witches of the same bloodline, the bond between you two is stronger than you believe. (points to Jamie) Does he know?

 Abby: He doesn't really believe it, but he knows.

 Harper: All right, I'll rent a hotel room and we'll leave when you've made your arrangements. A few days will be enough...

 Abby: No please Harper, you can sleep here. The guest room is quite comfortable.

 Harper: Then I'll be your guest, thank you my child.

 Jamie looked at Abby who just nodded and Abby invited him in, he could do it without her invitation but he knew how to remain courteous.

That same night, Harper was contacted by Damon who informed him of the start of Caroline's adaptation program.

Even if in this reality, Damon had not abused her, he had still kidnapped and confined Caroline to put pressure on Stefan before erasing his memory, she had remembered it but even if she still blamed him , she needed his help.

 On the other hand, there was the arrival of Mason Lockwood who was Katherine's lover, they had had the information from Isobel and he was there for the moonstone that they already had thanks to a Stefan's compulsion on Tyler.

Harper seriously didn't care about their little intrigues. He was more concerned about his job and his promise to Sheila than these little agitations around Elena, he had made Damon physically and mentally ready to handle these threats and he would only intervene if it was necessary.

 Out of friendship for Damon, he still gave him a warning about the Lockwoods, that they were werewolves and that a single bite from one of them transformed during the full moon was fatal for them vampires.

Damon thought he was joking but Harper assured him it was true and that he should take precautions.

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