
Chapter 6

Stefan POV

What I want to focus on is to increase my soul power so that I can be protected from mind arts. I compile a superior grate soul cultivation technique it is made up of Martial arts techniques and the soul technique of Tales of Demons and Gods.

This technique is so overpowered I'm tingling with anticipation. After browsing through my hopes have indeed come true. The middle part has a realm called condensation of God head.

For the first time in a long time I'm filled with excitement. The first seven realms of this technique there are aspects I recognize they are from the God of Slaughter and lohp. Truly magnificent feeling to feel the soul energy stirs and purrs in delight. I grunt blissfully at the sudden jolt of pleasure.

Anyways the feeling decreases as time continues before I know it my soul power has gone up to 40 000 jin its still just brut strength but after 50 000 jin I'll be able to shape it into any object I desire to use such as turning it into a hammer that smash the other people's souls to smithereens or a knife that cut them.

At 80 000 jin I can materialize it into the physical plain and beat people's actual bodies with it. At 100 000 jin I can use it to materialize elements such as freezing someone's body, freezing someone's soul.

It is actually easier to use powerful soul energy to command elements, the technique explains that soul energy are part of elements so its easier to communicate between species of the same kind.

The next realm is about psychic energy mastery. This includes mind arts such as compulsion, telepathy, telekinesis sound seduction, movements seduction all other mind related arts such as illusions.

The following realm is soul pressure. This the soul power realm and the mind arts are combined.  It says here the practitioner of this realm can bring the masses of thousands to their knees with pressure alone.

The other party will feel their entire being pushed to the ground and un able to lift even a finger. It says people with incredible mental strength will however remain unaffected especially if they are more powerful that you in soul power.

The next is the middle upper realm which includes soul imprints, soul tracking, soul slave marking and soul mate bond creation and lastly soul plantation which is similar to planting and growing a soul, the planter can shape it however they want but can never turn it good or evil. It's too risky to create a soul because those souls usually have no emotions..."could I have been created like this?"

The following realm is the upper  realm and is about the formation of soul fetus like in the heavenly fate realm cultivation stage in the TDG world. To reach this stage one needs to cultivate laws, unlike in that world there doesn't need to be only one being cultivating that law.

In this technique laws are the manifestation of ones understanding about the inner workings of a law. Infact one can come up with an entirely new law. Also one can cultivate as much law's as they so desire.

They will progress in cultivation if and when one laws comprehension reaches consummation level of mastery. The Devine sparks will increase and become more prominent the more achievements in level of mastery of each law. No one can steal or devour another beings Devine sparks even if their law is that which devours. Devine sparks can be shattered.

Level of mastery are as follows:

1 Novice

2 Initiate

3 Minor Accomplishment

4 Major Accomplishments

5 Consummation

Following after the above realm is a formation of a God head. This process takes place in the mental space. The size and the quality of this personal planet is dependent on the laws a person mastered and the level of mastery for those laws.

An example is when a martial artist masters the law of life and fire. His/her personal space will be devided into two the size of each part will depend upon the level of mastery one side will be and inferno a place dominated by heat and fire, the level of mastery will determine the heal level. The higher the mastery level the hotter the fire will burn.

The other side will be dominated by plants and healing energy also depending on the level of mastery.

In this personal planet, only the owner is in control of everything and can locate everything with a single thought. The common use for this personal planet is to drag your opponent during battle into your personal planet to finish then off because in this place only the master is in control.

However if the guests manages to master your law to a higher degree than the host while still in the host personal planet, the guest can use your own laws against the host and also forcefully take away the laws ie the fire will disappear from the host's planet and appear in the guest's planet.

Another use is to put physical items that would normally be in storage rings. Storing personal items in the person planet is favourable because only the owner is able to access the planet.

(The soul fetus is formed in the soul space while the personal planet is formed in the seas of consciousness storing items in the soul space is only possible with the use of a Devine artifact such as the one Nieli had in a form of a painting that can store things and people. Devine items once they recognize the owner can be stored and summoned at will in the soul space of an individual)


My soul cultivation was indeed slower than the spiritual energy and true essence cultivation. I have spent the Half a mount but am still the third layer of the first realm I barely reached 80 000 jin of soul power. I can materialize soul power into different shapes and I can use it to guide elements towards my direction. This is like magic come to life. I need to learn control of the soul force first.

Control over soul power is very difficult and takes consummate mastery of the first realm. I'm going to put aside using the elements and focus on learning the art of soul control. It is an axillary technique that most cultivators ignore in their pursuit of strength.

This technique will help me to prevent my soul power from leaking and scaring people. When a powerhouse is standing in front of you but your instincts are not screaming to you that you must run...it means they have mastered their power.

People and animals soul are what can sense danger its soul to soul instincts that animals are better at than humans especially those who live in a peaceful environment.

Right now if I walked out even the inexperienced Lilian will cower at my feet in fear even though she won't know what is it exactly that scary about me. This is because I'm leaking too much soul force I need to bring it all in and not let even a sliver out.

That will gain me the ability of having people underestimate me until I show my strength. However if a true expert comes across someone who does not leak even a sliver of soul force, that expert will immediately realize that I am a powerhouse.

This is because even humans leak soul power it's what make someone's heart palpable when someone is being threatened. Beings such as vampires who even have psychic basic abilities ie compulsion.


The rest of the three days are spent in cultivation of the technique. 'Owmmmm' the sound of something receding like a tide is heard in the bedroom and then nothing.

I open my eyes and check if any soul power is leaking somewhere but I am met with superior results. If I walk out side now I it will be fine. I send my spiritual force to find Lucien and he is sitting in the garden alone so I make my way to him.

"About time" he stands up I can see a little anger and frustration on his face. Then he studies me and pose.

"Something the matter? What are you looking for?" I ask but Lucien start circling me looking me up and down.

"Well?" I'm curious what he can sense

"Well you know how old powerful beings such as myself can tell immediately if someone is dangerous?" I nod and he continues.

"That day when I saw you from across the army of vampires gathering what seemed to be wood. I know I had to be careful. Iv had this feeling every time I met with you. But now it's as if you are weaker than a chicken"

He looks at my face on the verge of deciding to try and kill me just to check, I can see the moment the decided to strike he goes for my throat and I slam him on the ground with a large size palm that is made of soul force and the next moment all the suffocating weight on his body is gone.

I have withdrawn my souls force back into my body and then I give a weak vibe again. "Its as i thought, you've grown more powerful" he gets up and shakes my hand I look at his with my usual unfeeling gaze.

I shake his hand "I take it we have a deal?" He nods like a chicken pecking rice. I give him a nod again and then I speak.

"This is a transmission ring just press the stone and speak to it I'll answer if I'm not busy and you can give me the place to meet when you have everything ready also can you get me diamonds, platinum and lots of other precious stones the bigger the better if i'm impressed i might gift you an elemental wolf." I then throw a teleportation inscription on him sending him to the place we first met.

I go to my family's dining table the food smells especially nice, is it because the animals and vegetables are getting spiritual energy? Either way I'm gonna have at it.

Damon is talking to our parents the story seems to be funny as all the parties involved are laughing. This scene is nice but I don't like or dislike it. Now that they can be so close it serves me good I can announce my plan to move out. We eat and when we've all eaten and about to depart I make my announcement.

"I'm going to move into the Lockwood manner. I'll still eat dinner here any other day. I'm also only moving because my projects are only going to get more demanding to have more space is prudent. It was very hard for me to brew the wine in the cave." I tell then honestly.

They all seem to take this news well actually even Lilian is being understanding about it. We discus more on the issue of the up coming babies and they all turn to me very fast at the term 'babies' ah oh.

"There's two fetuses, Congratulations." The parents in question seem overwhelmed. I move to Damon.

"Brother help me out, did I break them?" Damon laughs at me for being so clueless.

"Nothing is wrong baby brother they are just very surprised."

"I see. The then how do I undo it?"

"Mm" Damon scratches his hair. And starts looking at me while blinking innocently.

Father is the first to come out of the stupor "When your mother gave birth to your brother Damon she almost died so we are a little worried if there's two of them."

"Oh? That clears up things. Allow me to dispel your worries I have medical formula for potions that can ensure mother..." I am interrupted.

"Mom..just mom" she comes to me and holds my hand and looked at me in the eyes with tears glittering in her eyes just look at her in confusion.

"Please call me mom son, I know I let you down, I let myself and everyone in this family down but can you please just give me another chance?." I nod and then continue.

"Okay." I squeeze her hands gentle.

"As I was saying, I'll make medicine and mom will be fine. I'll start making it as soon as three days from now we can test it on women giving birth during these months. We can conduct an investigation on the results and see if there is anything we are missing."

Everyone agree with this plan and father even complimented me on being matured for my age which lead to an unfortunate turn of events when mother started listing girls my age. I used the only bit of leeway I could salvage that being the fact that my brother is older therefore should marry before me.

Father started laughing at my misdirection but used that opening to pressure Damon into promising he will start looking for a candidate soon. Helpless Damon gave his word. I was in a good mood.

"That was very sneaky of you." Damon's voice follows me I turn to him with obvious laughter in my eyes.

"Sorry brother who made you my older brother? Don't you know its your job to protect younger siblings from loveless marriages?" I narrow my eyes at him

"What if whom I want to marry is a man instead?" I look at him in the eyes his eyes widens in return.

"Hey... man, woman, goat I'll be at the wedding 100% supportive"

"Hmm, there maybe hope for you yet" I pat him in the back and his body slumps in relief. Hehe.

"Let's go to my study first and get you up to date with the paperwork." And that's how my afternoon was spent. Being a cultivator I am able to comprehend the smallest details in these documents nothing escape my sharp eyes.

It just there too many records to go through from the financial records of the previous owner of the businesses to the trajectory of our plans and their possible outcomes. At the very end I was signing the contract of ownership of the properties.

"Do higher a permanent lawyer brother to help you take care of these tedious things. Chose a capable person don't discriminate based on useless details. We need someone who wants to prove themselves, someone who wont make a sound if we make them work two days straight.

Brother make sure they respect you after all they will be reporting to you directly. Also hire a team of finance professionals give them the same job but make sure they don't know each other that way it will be easier for us to smell a rat." Damon looks at me with a straight back

"Aye aye" he makes a salute.

"Iv thought about it the wine will be provided in our bar, restaurant and hotel. Dont sell it to someone if they are not buying through these places. There are exceptions ofcourse such as friends, business partners and the like. Our friends are about to go up in status because they will have access to this wine that will be the talk of the world soon." I stand up and stretch. I'll move tomorrow paperwork is really tiring.

Damon waves me goodbye from his dest still working. "Ow and Damon" he looks up at me.

"Reaching the Golden Blood realm and completing it will make u an immortal." He opens his mouth and is about to say something but I wave him and disappeared.

I had just teleported outside the house but I hear running footsteps behind he and a projectile headed straight to me I turn in surprise when I see it Damon he tackles me to the ground and we roll in the grass until we hit a tree sterm that was cut long ago. Servants stop what there were doing to watch the show.

"How can you just say it like that and then disappear in a puff of smoke?" Now I'm dumbfounded there's smoke?

"There's smoke?" I ask and he huffs. "That what you got from that? Brother you just dropped a bomb on me and then left, even if I want to practice or meditate.."

"Its cultivation" I correct and he just looks at me in defeat.

"Fine. What seems to be a problem?" I ask with seriousness. He comes closer to me and whisper yell.

"I don't know if I want to be immortal" I look at him in contemplation. Yes even the Damon in the show was forced by Stefan to complete the transition.

"I didn't make you cultivate because I wanted you to live forever, I did it because I want you to be stronger than the enemy so that you will not be bullied." I tell him but he still seems on the edge

"If you want to die there are naturally ways around it no one is without a way out. One way is to sever your meridians and let the accumulated strength sip out until you are metal again. I can also make medicine that will render your cultivation blocked and then you can be killed easily." I take a deep breath.

"When I woke up I had lost something that I still haven't found yet. I would have left this house in search but I found out I have a brother whom the previous me cared about so much that he risked this life. So I gave you strength because I soon found out what lurks in the shadows in this world."

"I want you to be strong enough to not be bullied but to be the bully. I got all this information all of a sudden so I want you to be prepared this town is like a beacon for supernatural.

So take what I teach you serious because there are 2000 year old immortals who are full of power and will turn you into their little solder if you are weaker than them. They will turn you into a little slave who only lives to serve.

I'll show you the possible future I saw for you where you turn into a vampire but it wasn't enough" I transfer the memories of him living as a shell of a man crazy about Katharina Petrova who did not care about him, then I showed him our feud with each other because of this Katherina and when he found out she actually wasn't in the tumb all along she was living her life outside.

I showed him Kai and how powerless he was when his lover was being tortured in front of him with him unable to help.

I showed him Kade and how Katharina came back for revenge and most of all I showed him the sirens and their was of life and how he was turned into a papet. That did it.he broke down and I gave him a gentle pat and hugged him slightly tighter.

"Mom was really leaving us and she would still forsake us for a new family" his eyes turn slightly cold but I hit him in the head.

"Mother is in there pregnant with twins, don't let what could have been distract you from what infront of you. Don't forget what would have become of me of us" I look at him.

"Katherina hasn't done anything to you or our town and thanks to my walls they are not coming if they do come they won't be able to stay, not because we will chase them away but because I put a little contingency inthe boundaries, if they stay they will start to getting sick they won't be able to keep anything down." I say with cold eyes.

"As an older brother I have to say. You have made me proud and I'm glad to have this chance to live again and do it with you. How are we going to counter the sirens?" He says in a small voice.

"Its simple actually, have more of the power they possess. That how the law of the jungle works when the opponent is stronger you bow your head. Right Up to my death the the most powerful we've faced is Kade so we should be at least twice as powerful."

I send him a soul cultivation technique on par with mine but made solely for him now he can be a God if he wants and after remembering his past life there's no way he can pass this chance to stick it to those who hurt him last time.

"Remember brother this is another life but it was supposed to go according to what you saw, take advantage of this and get ahead. Decide on your own who to forget and who to remember. But be warned brother those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it..however.." I look at him with a mischievous smirk.

"You loved Katherine so much why not use this God given chance to make her love you to death? And add Elana to the harem just for good measure." I say with mirth in my voice.

"That harem idea is pretty good but I'll need strength first. I'm surprised you'd encourage me to go after Elana after how she broke your heart I'll think you'd want to make her yours now that I can have Katherine" he ask with a curious smile.

"She was only a child and I was bringing all my problems into her life. A ripper who judges people for choosing vampirism. Truly a joke. Besides the love I had for her was painful and emernce that it made me lost wants she discarded me. I'd be a fool to ask for it the second time."

He looks guilty at my rant "Relex I was a men who did not accept who I was yet expected her a child to understand and accept me, how can anyone same love someone who is Half a man?" Damon became speechless again.

"What about Caroline?" Damon probes

"Perhaps I'll add her into my harem" and we both laugh at that.

"I'll use this technique wisely brother." He gets serious.

I give him the complete version of the golden body technique and the complete fist technique. "Good night brother work hard I trust that one you have a direction to go with on our business and personal?"

He nods with excitement. "There's so much work to do to improve the current service delivery and with these new memories I have innovative ideas for..everything. don't worry I won't forget my cultivation especially soul cultivation." I stop him.

"Start with completing the golden blood. There a couple of years left before Katherine comes try to have accomplished something significant in soul cultivation by then you don't want to be compelled do you?" I say with seriousness he nods. He was turning when he stopped and turned to me.

"Can I ask a favor from you brother?" I nod and he continues.

"I had thought you were different from before because of what mother did but now I think I understand a little. You have been having these memories hurting you even probably in your dreams having to make so many decisions and planning for instance mother and father's relationship hasn't been so good for so long and father's complete change must have something to do with you.

I am thankful for all of it from the bottom of my heart I thank you.

Now what i want you to do is to start courting someone even if you are not inlove. Just choose a person man or woman who is an ideal mate right now. The truth is I was worried about you before you revealed that just now. I was worried that you are isolating yourself from everyone, there seems to be a barrier around you that it takes a lot of courage to approach you." I cut in

"But now you know that I..." I couldn't finish

"Now in even more worried that you are currying such a heavy burden on your own and I can't help because I am also never around. Just please do this for me okay I am begging you"

"Is this about sex? You are worried I've sworn all women because of what Elana did? Are you thinking that my statement about liking men is my way of running from women?" I look at him and he slowly and  carefully nods his head. Then he continues when I rub my temple as if feeling a headache.

"Even if you actually do like men now just choose one and start courting them it will help to relax and when you continue to practice to increase your strength your life won't be so dull" I pose at those words.

"I barely have time to learn any of the knowledge I can learn how can my life be dull? There's Smiting I haven't even tried. Please don't make me have another thing on my schedule." I say pacing up and down now.

"Please brother, for me I'll be able to focus on cultivation knowing you aren't killing yourself trying to kill all the ghosts of our past future." Damn he pulled the big guns he knows I want him to get strong. In the end I relented.

"Fine I'll do it but my way and don't meddle. Also if I find your cultivation lacking I'll call the whole thing off." I warned.

He jumps in delight. I hope I don't regret this. I have work to do.


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