
Chapter 2

Henry, overwhelmed and disheartened by the intense encounter with Niklaus, didn't expect much, but it still hurt, so he decided to purchase another bus ticket, wanting to leave New Orleans. All he wanted to do now was return home, lay in bed, and visit his mother's grave.

With a few hours to spare before his departure, Henry decided to explore the vibrant streets of the French Quarter one last time. He indulged in local cuisine, savoring beignets and coffee, hoping to find solace in the simple pleasures.

Just as he was about to leave, Elijah approached, asking him to sit once again.

Frustrated and eager to catch his bus, he bluntly told Elijah, "Let me go. I have a bus to catch."

Elijah met Henry's gaze with a steady and understanding look. "My brother Klaus can be impulsive at times," he began, his tone gentle. "Attacking you was completely out of hand."

Henry's anger simmered as he replied, "I don't care about your brother's issues. I came here to tell him the truth, to share my story, and instead of listening, he attacked me."

Elijah nodded, acknowledging Henry's frustration. "I understand,"

"Why are you here, anyway?" Henry questioned

Elijah responded, "Well, you're a Mikaelson."

Henry shook his head. "I'm not a Mikaelson; I'm a Parker," he stated firmly. "The moment that man attacked me, he stopped being my father and became no-one to me. I don't want to see him or any of you."

With that, Henry paid his tab and walked away, heading back to his motel room.

Elijah couldn't help but feel disappointed as he stood and walked across the street to where Niklaus, Rebekah, and Hayley were gathered. He had hoped to convince Henry to stay and build a connection with his newfound family, but things had worsened.

"See what you did, Niklaus?" Elijah said, his voice tinged with frustration. "Now the boy wants to leave. Attacking him was a grave mistake."

With a regretful and concerned expression, Niklaus glanced at Elijah and admitted, "I didn't handle the situation as well as I should have. I let my anger get the best of me."

Rebekah, watching the exchange, chimed in casually, "We can't change what happened, but we can try to make amends and find a way to bring Henry back."


Word quickly got around among the witches of the Quarter when they learned that the son of Niklaus Mikaelson had arrived in town. It was the kind of gossip that spread like wildfire.

For the ancestors, Henry's presence was seen as an opportunity to bolster their power, which had dwindled over time. They started planning to get their hands on the boy and sacrifice him.

The witches had laid in wait at the end of the road, their intentions clear. "prohibited potentiam," they cast a spell to disable the bus's engine. The bus driver, perturbed, got out to confront them, but before he could move, they rendered him unconscious.

Sensing danger, Henry quickly gathered his belongings and made a break. However, the witches' chanting started once more, and he found himself writhing in pain on the ground, suffering from a terrible aneurysm. He screamed in agony and glared at the witches, warning them to stop.

Henry tapped into the magic within him when they ignored his pleas, casting "Motus" to send many witches flying backward, crashing onto the concrete. Some were knocked unconscious, while others staggered back to their feet.

But the witches were relentless, their chanting growing louder. Fed up with trying to be diplomatic, Henry chanted again, "Phasmatos sanguis morte moriens, iterum decider," siphoning the magic from his pendant. The witches fell to their knees, their eyes bleeding and ears ringing.

In that chaotic moment, the Mikaelson siblings moved precisely and ruthlessly. Rebekah swiftly snapped the necks of a few witches, silencing their tormenting chants. His expression is grim; Elijah tore out the hearts of a couple of others. Niklaus's eyes, gleaming with a predatory hunger, drained the life force from the remaining witches until they were left dry and lifeless.

Henry was ready to walk away, his frustration palpable, when Klaus inquired, "Where are you going?"

"Why do you care? Just a day ago, you tried to kill me. So, I'm out of here," Henry replied, his tone edged with bitterness.

Klaus, undeterred, challenged him further. "And how do you expect to head back home, huh? On foot? Don't be ridiculous."

"I'll figure it out, so don't worry," Henry retorted, leaving in the opposite direction.

But Klaus, ever confrontational, couldn't let it go. He appeared in front of Henry, blocking his path. "You will respond when I talk to you," he declared, his tone threatening.

Unimpressed and brimming with sarcasm, Henry said, "Oh, yeah? And what are you going to do?"

Before the situation could escalate further, Elijah stepped between the two, seeking to defuse the tension. "Relax, brother," he said calmly, addressing Klaus. Elijah then turned to Henry and offered an apology for Klaus's behavior.

Henry, still annoyed, pointed at Klaus and remarked, "Why do you apologize? It was him who was starting things."

Trying to reason with Henry, Elijah implored, "Forget about him. If you leave, you'll only be in more danger. Word spreads fast when it concerns our family."

Henry, fed up with the entire situation, couldn't hide his frustration any longer. "You," he said, addressing all three of them, "are not my family. My mom was my only family member, and she died last month. Her last request was for me to see you, and I did. So, I'm going back home."

"Believe what you want," Elijah began, his tone both empathetic and stern, "but the blood that flows through your veins is Mikaelson blood. And as long as that blood flows through your veins, you will be targeted and used against us."

Henry turned to Elijah, his face a cocktail of frustration and resignation. "I didn't choose this," he retorted, his voice laden with the weight of his words. "I don't want to be a part of your family. You know what I've heard about the Mikaelsons. You're all psychotic and dangerous. Everything you touch either dies or breaks. Your brother, my supposed father, has a stash of daggers to keep you all incapacitated when you annoy him or are of no use. Why on earth would I want to be a part of your family? Don't worry about me; worry about the werewolf girl carrying your child."

Elijah listened to Henry's words, understanding the weight of his concerns. He replied, calm and empathetic, "I can't deny that there's truth in what you've heard about our family. We have our flaws, our darkness. But we're also bound by something that goes beyond blood. We protect each other, even if we don't always show it correctly."

Rebekah added, "We're not asking you to join our family immediately, Henry. But consider this: we've survived for centuries because we stick together. Maybe, just maybe, we can offer you a sense of belonging and protection you won't find elsewhere."

Henry's skepticism was apparent as he continued questioning Rebekah: "Yes, your motto, 'Always and Forever,' extends to all of your family. Kol and Finn were a part of your family, and their deaths were... overlooked."

Henry's frustration and anger boiled over as he continued, his voice rising, "From my recollection, the teenagers that killed them are still alive, breathing, living the time of their lives, while both of your brothers are dead!"

Elijah, Rebekah, and Niklaus exchanged uneasy glances, fully aware of the painful truth behind Henry's words.

"Bloody hell, just accept the offer, kid; it's for your protection," Niklaus urged, frustration evident in his tone. Henry turned his gaze in Niklaus's direction, eyeing him warily. Before any further arguments could erupt, Rebekah, tired of the ongoing tension, took matters into her own hands and swiftly knocked Henry unconscious, ending the conversation.

Elijah turned to Rebekah, curious, and asked, "Why did you do that?"

Rebekah sighed, the weariness of the situation evident in her expression. "The back and forth was annoying, and we're all trying to do what's best for him, even if some of us can't properly show it," she explained, giving Niklaus a pointed look.

Niklaus, seemingly unfazed, grumbled, "Who cares?"

With Henry's unconscious form in his arms, Niklaus, followed by Elijah, who had his belongings, the three Mikaelson siblings returned home.


1400 words 

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