
Sorting things out

-Taban pov -

[two months later]

I didn't expect living inside the forest would be easy but, it was harder than expected, the fairies and sorcerers are hostile every time they see each other, the fairies don't like my people either, and Queen Elaine isn't helping in the matter, she is still bitter about me destroying the fountain of youth.

Luckily she and the fairies are slowly starting to warm up to us, the sorcerers and the fairies will probably take a long time to build a friendship. Since the sorcerers are now bound to the forest they are claiming the forest is just as much theirs as the fairies. Obviously, the fairies aren't happy about that. Poor Han is trying his best to build relations but, some of the sorcerers are really too prideful.

Funnily enough, since the sorcerers still have average human lifespans if they leave the forest they start to age normally causing them to refuse to leave. I think they might never leave even to adventure out.

Amun and Ezra are actually getting along nicely with the fairies, they train together and eat together all the time.

I on the other hand don't have time for all of that, I make it a point to socialize and build relationships with the fairies and sorcerers but I mainly spend my time training, my body heals faster than anything I have ever seen so I can constantly destroy and rebuild my muscles. This causes my training to be wildly effective.

Currently, I am relaxing in the forest drinking some tea, sitting on a burly branch, the feeling in the air was peaceful I could smell the earth and the calming scent of the trees around me.

I looked up when I heard the faint sound of wings flapping, I saw a small woman with blond flowing hair and white skin, she looked exactly like what one would imagine a fairy queen would.

"Elaine," I greeted her neutrally

"Taban," she greeted me and sat beside me on the branch

We enjoyed the silence of nature together, the soft blow of the wind would make the leaves flow slightly, the scenery was truly magical.

"What are you planning Taban?" she asked me suddenly

I kept my head forward and spoke softly almost as if my voice would break the peacefulness of the forest, "what do you mean?"

She narrowed her eyes and said, "I can feel it, you are planning something and it won't be a small matter,"

"Ah, always the curious mind are we?" I replied with a faint smile

She frowned and said in an annoyed tone, "will it harm my forest,"

"Don't worry so much Elaine," I said shaking my head at her antics

"How can I not worry? I have you of all people living in my forest!" she spoke up angrily

"Ah? What's so bad about me?" I asked my brows furrowing

She looked at me like I grew another head, "what's wrong with you? What's right with you!"

"Hahah! Elaine, you are one humorous Fairy I almost thought you were insulting me, you wouldn't do that right?" I said in a carefree manner

Her expression changed instantly fear flashed through her eyes, "nevermind just don't do anything to my forest," she then flew away

I watched her fly away her body becoming smaller and smaller in the distance. It was annoying, every woman I meet always cowers away from me, I'm not even that scary!

Though she was right I am planning something, when I was a child I once asked my dad 'who rules the mystical side of the world?' he looked at me like an idiot and replied, 'no one can, and no one ever will,' I accepted that as a fact at the time. But, my mind has changed the seed of my idea was planted in my head when Ezra first joined me, then when I met Han, and now when I met Elaine.

These people can be important to their respective races, they can be rulers, and they can be my allies. It won't happen anytime soon but, if I can encourage and promote the idea of building a court of different races then I might be able to help unite the mystical side of the world.

Eh, it's just a dream for now but, I will try to make it a reality.

I hopped off the branch and began to walk back to my camp when suddenly a person was in front of me, a person I knew extremely well.

"Arban?" I said in a confused tone

"Taban? You grew a lot since the last I saw you," Arban said with a brilliant smile

Arban was my father's best sorcerer and my teacher about the subject.

"I have grown many ways since the last I saw you," I replied with a natural smile

"I'm glad Taban, so you have found what you were looking for?" Arban asked in an excited tone

I nodded and said, "it took longer than I expected, is there a reason why you projected to me?" I asked curiously

He nodded and replied in a heavy tone, "yes Taban, it's not good the Shamans are telling your father that he has to battle Xi Xia as they are rebelling but, something seems wrong. This isn't a normal rebellion and the shamans seem to be planning something, but he doesn't heed my word,"

I furrowed my brows, I knew this day would come the Shamans were a tricky bunch, "when is he marching?" I asked in an emotionless tone

"In two days," Arban replied in a grave tone

"Go with him, I will ride tonight," I ordered him

I can't order Arban but he didn't complain.

"I will be fast Taban," he replied before fading away

I approached where I knew Amun was, I saw him sitting with my soldiers, Ezra, Han, and surprisingly Elaine.

They turned their heads and saw me, I could tell they were about to invite me to sit but stopped when they saw my expression.

"Amun, Ezra, Han, Elaine, I need to leave for Xi Xia," I said emotionlessly

Amun saw my expression and must have guessed I was heading there for father, "I will get ready," he said with a firm voice

"No, you need to stay here and keep everyone from fighting, I can't bring many soldiers they will slow me down," I commanded

He raised his brow at me and nodded.

"Xi Xia? Where have I heard of that place?" Han said aloud

I turned to him and asked, "do you know anything?"

Hitting his hand in his palm he exclaimed, "I remember! My sect was asked to help some other sects, and this new race kill some big tyrant, but we refused. They said Xi Xia was where it would happen,"

"New race?" I asked dangerously

"Yes, they suck the blood of their victims, very creepy if you ask me, apparently some sorcerers and Shamans are planning to take down some tyrant but they needed manpower so they convinced this new race to help them," Han replied in a joking tone but froze when he saw my face

Tyrant? Tyrant! They dare! Kill my father? MY FATHER!

"They dare," I said coldly

Some of my soldiers backed away in fear, Han saw this and inched away from me, Eliane looked concerned and Amun looked bloodthirsty.

"Change of plans, Amun you will ride with me we are going alone, Ezra when I come back if I hear about something bad I will be very displeased," I commanded

"I will command them to the best of my abilities General," Ezra replied confidently

"Han, I like you don't make me not like you," I told him

He nodded and said, "don't worry my sect is starting to warm up to this place, I wouldn't dare to disrupt the peace we have,"

"I share the same opinion," Elaine added

I nodded and turned to Amun he nodded to me and we started to leave.


After talking to my army we started to leave the forest.




I could hear their shouts from the distance it warmed my heart, there isn't much that I appreciate and love in my life but, my army is something I hold very close to me.

"General Khan, I want to tell you that during our journey together, I have witnessed your highs and your lows, and I can say for certain you will make a fine ruler one day," Amun said to me as we got onto our steads

He has never called me General before, I don't think I have ever felt happiness like this before I turned to Amun and said, "Thank you," my tone was one of great gratitude

He smiled back at me as we started to ride.


A/N: vampires are finally showing, someone we know will be shown next chapter! Got a comment on the last post about this still being Tvd(probably just a joke), yes it is, but I wanted to build on other races, and some cool stuff, but the cannon will function the same, until the mc shows of course. I have a perfect place for him to make an entrance already.

Next chapter