
2. Margy Dark Times

A 24-year-old young woman ran to avoid the raindrops, her tiny body tightly holding the long black coat that even covered her wrists. She entered the brown brick apartment located on 3rd Ave. New York City. The beautiful girl walked towards the elevator to take the elevator to the 14th floor. When she passed the apartment lobby, she walked slowly - looking around the room with natural nuances. A brown leather sofa combined with a legless white table and decorated with a vase of fresh flowers - looks lonely.

10 am in the city of New York which has been pouring rain since last night, making its citizens languish in their warm homes. The woman with shoulder-length dark brown hair, continued her journey towards the elevator. Her cell phone vibrated while she was at the elevator door, pausing for a moment to pick up a call from a woman willing to help her.

"Hello ...," the girl squeaked and looked around her.

"Where are you now?" Asked the woman's voice on the cellphone line, the voice sounded a little dominant and accusing.

"I was in the apartment lobby, wanted to go upstairs. Earlier I went to the coffee-shop next to the apartment, I need fresh air," she reasoned in a little whisper.

"Call me when you're upstairs .." replied the woman who was willing to lend her apartment to avoid annoying men who are very dominant. Jacob. The young woman hung up the phone. She put back the cell phone that woman gave her yesterday.

She walked into the elevator and pressed the button 14 to get to the apartment that had been lent to him temporarily. Heaved a sigh of relief when she arrived at the door of the apartment.

"No drama all morning, I hope so is the rest of the day," she thought to herself and opened the apartment door. Inside the apartment, which was floored with light brown wood paneling, she hung her long coat on a hanger not far from the entrance. She dropped her tiny body on a soft bed with a black and white floral themed bed cover, opened the latest cellphone that was lent to her. The young woman called back the lawyer who was willing to help her and had called her a few minutes ago.

"Hello, I'm at the room already, what's wrong?" Asked the young woman doubtfully. She announced that she had arrived in the room. Her voice was a little hoarse from crying all night.

"Jacob came to me! He will look for you, I bet you! Don't leave the room again or make any transactions," replied the woman on her cellphone.

"But Allison !! I'm bored in this room all day ..," she complained and whined like a spoiled child to the figure of Allison who was willing to help and hugged her like a big sister.

"Grow up a little Margy !! When Jacob found you, I couldn't do anything about it." The telephone network was cut off before the young woman who was lying lazily on the bed answered anything.

"Yes ... Mommy," she answered on the line that had been disconnected.

"Why does everyone think I'm immature?" Her mind was irritated and she closed her eyes. Jacob, the name sounded masculine to her ears, making her shiver warmly as she said his name. Jacob, the lawyer of Mr. Richardson, with whom she has been involved.

She met Jacob when the police surrounded her in the apartment where she was dating Greg Richardson. It was the darkest day of his life, she saw with his own eyes how Greg - her man was killed. Greg Richardson was a well-known politician in California, his name is hailed by Californians, maybe even as famous as "The Terminator".

Margy first met Greg about three months ago, at a fundraising event for a pediatric cancer foundation. Margy, as one of the foundation's sympathizers, offered her help to become an additional photographer for the grand event. When their eyes met for the first time, through the lens of her Nikon D3200 camera, Margy saw Greg who was smiling at his relatives, Greg's arms were hugged by his wife - the ex-supermodel blonde with unbeatable legs.

When Margy's camera aimed at Greg with a dazzling smile, their eyes met, Greg looked at the camera. Shocked-- Margy pulled her eyes away from the lens and looked directly at the god savior of the people of California, smiling intensely at her. Their eyes finally broke when his wife - Raline Richardson clung to his left arm spoiled.

The next day, Greg Richardson's secretary calls Margy and schedules Mr. Richard's meeting with Margy at a coffee shop.

"Mr. Richardson wants to see what your camera was shot at yesterday's fundraiser." That was the main reason for the meeting.

In the afternoon, according to what the secretary said - they met at the coffee shop located on St. Rita Road. A meeting that changed her life. The meeting brought Margy into a dark relationship with Greg Richardson, a well-known married politician. Blind her eyes and give her love to the man full of charm.

Love, that word is the reason for his blindness, and he is willing not to see the light as long as he is covered in love. Until a few days ago, as soon as Greg entered the apartment he gave Margy, he kissed Margy on the forehead and sat on the black leather sofa. Greg drank a paper-cup filled with his favorite Caramel Macchiato. The man in his forties with a fine beard on his face looked fresh and normal that day. In fact, he looks very enthusiastic about their planned meeting next week in Los Angeles.

"Unusual .. this smells funny," said Greg at that time, sipping his favorite drink that was bought from his regular shop.

"He's drunk," thought Margy at the time. Because sometimes high levels of alcohol make the senses of taste and smell chaotic. After drinking the coffee, he coughed violently. Greg stood up and went to the bathroom which was located in Margy's room. The brown-haired woman remained sitting quietly on the sofa waiting for her lover to return, the coughing sound was getting louder and there was no sound from inside the bathroom after 5 minutes.

"Honey ...? Is everything okay?" Margy asked at that time, because there was no sound from inside. One minute later there was no answer, Margy approached the bathroom teak wood door and tried to open the door. Unlocked. Inside the marble-floored bathroom, Margy saw the skin on Greg's face and neck flushed red like a burn.

He was lying on the marble floor holding his throat. Margy panicked and just froze where she stood, shocked, panicked and afraid of what she had witnessed. When she regained consciousness, Greg was lying stiff with burnt skin, clothes drenched in blood from his vomit as well as several parts of his skin burned with holes. Margy coughed violently as she breathed back in front of the bathroom door, she just realized there was a strange gas in the bathroom.

Margy closed the door and ran to the sofa where her phone was. Margy screamed hysterically and called the paramedics, recounting the events that had happened before her eyes minutes ago with a shaking voice and loud sobs from her mouth. Ten minutes later, 2 medical teams came into the apartment, 3 policemen and a man dressed formally with black glasses still attached came next. The medical team took Greg into the ambulance even though they could not find his pulse and breath.

"Greg is gone !!" Stunned by that statement, a man tapped her on the shoulder gently, he opened his sunglasses and looked very seriously into Margy's bead. He held out his hand.

"Jacob Tomàs Reyes, attorney for the Richardsons. We have to talk!" He said firmly while shaking Margy's hand. As if bewitched by her voice and the sharp eyes of the adonis, Margy managed to master her sadness of being left by her lover, and paid attention to her interlocutor.

"I didn't kill him!" Said Margy spontaneously. Is it possible that he will be accused of the tragic death of the political elite as well as his mistress? His mind squeaked in fear. What if the prohibited activities are exposed to the public? Her tears were flowing more profusely than before. She's going to jail!

"For God's sake !!! I never killed him! Or ... intend to .. harm him!"

"I never accused you, miss!" The handsome lawyer replied, watching the expression on the face of his interlocutor, "I just need your testimony!" The man named Jacob took him outside the apartment and headed for his firm office.

Margy was treated well and courteously. Several times Jacob offered a drink, to get rid of excessive anxiety, he said at that time. Margy told her story, then somehow she ended up drunk and woke up naked in the apartment room of the handsome lawyer.

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