
The start

Just another day in the life of Muton, coming back home from college. Everything seemed as normal in this day and age, with the ever growing tension growing between most of the countries of the world.

After world war III in 2022, most of the natural resources of the world depleted, and most of the fresh water contaminated. The war had only left about 1 billion humans alive and not many places habitable, every new discovery of natural resources or clean water led to increase tension between the countries, no country wanted to be left out of the distribution of these resources.

Humanity didn't learn from its mistake, having thousands of nuclear bombs at each others throat's ready to end it all at any instance.

Its been 10 years since the war had ended, it lasted about 2 years bringing chaos and destruction in its wake. With the current year being 2031, most of the small villages and towns that had not been nuked or bombed the hell out of had developed quite considerately. The same could not be said about the technology. Technology had almost remained stale, and future tech like virtual reality, instinct.

Entering his home Muton took of his shoes and entered his house, the house was nothing special one story house with 3 rooms, 1 kitchen, 2 baths, 1 living room and a bunker. This was the standard house provided by the government to everyone who had survived.

Muton didn't linger in the house long, he immediately left after freshening up. Everyone was required to work irrespective of their age, even Muton being 16 years of age. Due to the shortage of workers adults had to work 12 hours a day and kids under 18 had to work 4 hours a day. The type of work was chosen by the selected field of study or randomly by the government. Muton parents both worked in the entertainment industry, specifically the restoration of the internet to its former glory.

Muton also worked in the entertainment industry, his work shift finished at about 7:00 PM, he arrived home in about half a hour. Coming back home he changed back to his sleeping attire and went into his room. His parent will be back at 9:00 PM so he had about one and a half hour before he had to cook dinner for his tired parents.

As he lay in bed reading his favorite web novels when suddenly an ear piercing siren started ringing outside. Upon understanding what this was he picked himself up and ran towards the bunker. He almost slipped multiple times on the stairs, it was as if the ground had been swept from under his feet. he felt extremely light headed almost ready to pass out.

upon reaching the bunker the door automatically closed. Muton immediately starting calling his parents to know where they were. His mother picked up immediately,

"Hi baby, stay inside the bunker and don't come out I and your father will be staying in the work place bunker for the meantime"

"Mom you should hurry back I don't want to be alone here" replied Muton.

"You know baby I cant, its …." Replied his mom before the call disconnected.

And a couple seconds later a loud boom was heard and then the ground shook including the bunker. The shaking was to much, making him fall over. He know this couldn't be anything else except a nuclear bomb or someone was air striking their city.

The shaking and the booms didn't stop for about 10 minutes. Muton didn't leave the bunker, he didn't even want to stand up. The bunker was cracked all over the place almost feeling ready to collapse. The bunker was filled with food and other daily necessaries, so Muton wasn't worried about being able to live, but was worried about his parents, who he didn't know were alright or not.

It was highly advised by the government not to leave the bunker until advised by the government by the local broadcast station on the radio or if possible the internet or news on the TV. Muton picked himself off the floor and sat on the couch and turned on the TV and radio, hoping to gain information about the recent events.

In his mind he know what was causing this, but he was hoping otherwise.