
Chapter 1 - Getting Ready For Work


In summers dream she was surrounded by water and she was slowly sinking a silhouette was reaching out to summer to grab her hand saying "My love grab my hand" she didn't question who had said just that she needed to swim up to reach it but just as she was getting close to the silhouette she heard"Sweetie.....Sweetie wake up" is what she heard as she was shaken till she awoke. As she awoke she saw her mom how she normally looks with her long pink dress it wasn't anything fancy or anything we can't afford that plus their just clothes right? Her mom also had long red silky hair the same as summer. Is all Summer thought before her mother chimes in "Its time to get up you have work right?" Her mom says annoyedly since Summer still didn't wake up at a reasonable time just like she did with school. "Oh yes that's right my first day is today!" She exclaims hurriedly as she sees her mom walk out of the room to go cook Summer and her some breakfast.

Summer's POV

I looked around my room and everything was as it was when I went to bed yesterday. I still had that wooden dresser with all different sorts of things from my childhood on it with the pictures of our family vacations positioned next to the closet door. Across from my closet was my bed and night stand. My bed and night stand where both the same dark wood. My father had made those years ago but he did still make them. Honestly I can't tell personally that they were years old they still seem brand new. Next to the door was a clothes bin where I put my dirty clothes until I wash them. I also have a desk positioned underneath the window. On the desk I have some notebooks and pencils. Next to the stack of notebooks I have a sunflower that I have in a pot that I water ever so often. Of course I have the sunflower in a position where it can get sunlight other wise it would been shriveled up a long time ago. Oh right I need to get ready so I throw on some casual but not too causal red dress with a semi-short black skirt I put on my normal white socks and as I walk over to my shoes I slip and fall face first into the wooden floor. "Are you okay up their hun?" My mom yelled worriedly from downstairs. "My shirt fell." I say. "A shirt made that kind of noise?" She asked. I replied saying " yeah when your in the shirt" "Oh real funny Summer." Mom says sarcastically then proceeds to keep cooking breakfast. I then finally get off of the hard wooden tile and remind myself to not walk on this tile with socks again. I put on my shoes and tie them. I then brush my hair to make it looked like I semi cared about my appearance when I really didn't. I then head to the bathroom to brush my teeth. I proceed to wet my toothbrush then squirt some toothpaste on it and brush my teeth once I'm done I put the toothbrush back and walk downstairs. Once I get downstairs I get hit with the aroma of pancakes bacon and eggs. "Is that what I think it is?" I asked excitingly "Yes hunny I made your favorite foods for breakfast just the way you like them." My mom replied. "Did Dad already leave?" I ask. "Yes he left about two hours ago" She responds. "Aww man I really wanted to catch him before he left this time maybe tomorrow." I say disappointingly. "This time? Every day you try to catch him before he leaves." She says poking fun at me. Then I get out two cups and pour orange juice in both. "Dinners ready!" Mom says as she serves us both some pancakes bacon and scrambled eggs with a fork and a knife. I then go into the cabinet to get Maple Syrup and pour some on my pancakes and eggs. "Hey Mom do you want any?" I asked. "No I'm fine" She replied. "Oh okay then." I say as I go to put it back then I go sit down and eat my food

15 Minutes Later

"Hey summer do you hear that?" My mom asked "Oh it's just my alarm I set for when I have to head to work." I reply nonchalantly

"Oh wait that means I need to go!" I say as I hurry to grab everything and get out the door. "Let's see I have some coins (the currency of this world is copper silver and gold coins) that should cover lunch and a trip to the store wait where's my keys? Oh no!" I say hurriedly. " What's wrong?" Mom asks worriedly "I can't find the keys to the carriage oh wait never mind here they are! Are the horses already ready?" I ask "Yes I prepared them for you since I knew you were going to do this since you always do." Mom says reminding me of all the times I did something like this. "Thanks mom also I don't always do this..... only sometimes...okay maybe all the time but that's not the point!" I exclaim " Bye sweetie love you" mom says as you head out the door. " Love you too mom see you when I get home!" I exclaim as I head out the door and close it.

Mom's POV

After I hear her say that I hear horses galloping away


Please note that this is my first story if people don't like it I might change also when I get better at writing or be a better writer. I'm planning to release a chapter each Tuesday at 10:30 PM EST I uploaded this episode late though ummm that's all I can think of right now so buy guys Earth420 out

Chapter 1 END