
Today 21:34

< [GenderfluidSatan] has joined the chat >

[GenderfluidSatan] :


< [ManiacWithAGun] has joined the chat >

[ManiacWithAGun] :


< [PedoClown] has joined the chat >

[PedoClown] :


< [SpiderusTheShinobi] has joined the chat >

[SpiderusTheShinobi] :

Pfft ahaha

[GenderfluidSatan] :


[SpiderusTheShinobi] :

I just realized how ridiculous our usernames sound

[PedoClown] :


[ManiacWithAGun] :

their not as much hilarious as they are concerning… —> pedoclown <— *ahem*

[PedoClown] :

first of all shut it, second of all if you're gonna insult me use proper grammar

[GenderfluidSatan] :

yo it's even worse to think we pick these names based on characters we simp for

[ManiacWithAGun] :

your stupid ass simp for a pink-haired cradle-robber

[PedoClown] :

bishhh ass you simp for a horny and suicidal gambler

[SpiderusTheShinobi] :

Y'all chill

[ManiacWithAGun] :

don't but in

[PedoClown] :

Especially since you BEEN simpin for a pasty sex offender

[ManiacWithAGun] :

That pale mf is a snake that looks more like a spider from a kid's cartoon than he looks human

[PedoClown] :

No cap; his dusty ass could blend in better in a fresh patch of snow than in a crowd of people

[GenderfluidSatan] :

They meant to add no offense

[SpiderusTheShinobi] :

Not me getting grief from a blue-haired antisocial biatch and a red-haired amnesiac

But none taken

[GenderfluidSatan] :

🤣 yoooo chillll this gettin HELLA personal

[SpiderusTheShinobi] :

No offense…

[PedoClown] :


[GenderfluidSatan] :

You mad cause he roast ya'll so bad??

[PedoClown] :

( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°) what?? What you mean bad, that was nothin

[GenderfluidSatan] :

Stooooopppp be blasted your ass!

[ManiacWithAGun] :

Why you always defending him?

Both your white-haired asses must've formed some alliance

[GenderfluidSatan] :

Don't come after me just bc ur upset

[SpiderusTheShinobi] :

We do have an alliance…. It's only for people with brain cells tho

[ManiacWithAGun] :

Owwwie 😣 you almost hurt my feelings



[PedoClown] :


Anyway I gotta go

[ManiacWithAGun] :


[SpiderusTheShinobi] :

✌️ seeya

Srsly tho, I was joking

[PedoClown] :


[SpiderusTheShinobi] :


[PedoClown] :


[SpiderusTheShinobi] :

Ur right, I was dead serious (jk)

[GenderfluidSatan] :

Didn't you have to leave?

[PedoClown] :

Someone sure wants me gone

[GenderfluidSatan] :

If you don't leave I'm leaving first

Later losers…

< [GenderfluidSatan] has left the chat >

[PedoClown] :


He really left

< [SpiderusTheShinobi] has left the chat >

< [ManiacWithAGun] has left the chat >

[PedoClown] :

Ya'll motherfu—


< [PedoClown] has left the chat >

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