
Chapter 1

"Your such a nerd"


"Go jump of a cliff or something!"

The people saying all these are bullies. My name is Sakura , I just turned 16 last Wednesday. I love to draw clothing ,weird right? I live in a small town in China.

I get bullied alot for my intrest in Boy anime and supernatural love animes. My bullies are Mizuki, Yona, And Kai. I can't get a day without some sort of harassment .like physical or mental you'd say...

-Present time-

6:00 AM

"Beep" " Beep" "Beep"

Oh. My alarm. Maybe five more min-

"GET UP USELESS BRAT" yelled my step mother

Oh well I guess no 5 minutess for me

"Im up..." I said wanting her to leave so I can get changed.

She leaves and I change into my favorite black t-shirt and sweatpants .

I hurry down stairs , grab an apple and hurry to school on my skateboard .

As I get in my school to my locker I put my skateboard in the locker and hurry to class.

"Oooo look who the black cat drags in" Says Mizuki .

"Must be Holloween " Snared Kai.

"Yeah ,must if found those ugly clothes in. and dumpster "

"Ha. I know. I look ugly...Thanks " I mumbled

"You weirdo! "

I get grabed by the shoulder by Yona. Kai and Mizuki grab both of my wrist and pulls me up the stairs.

"The roof right kai?" Whipers Mizuki

"Yeah lets teach this goth a lesson" Kai says and opens my locker and grabs my bag

"Hey..Why do you need my bag!?"I said . Im getting kind worried I mean I decided to not take out thr sketches from yesterday .If they got them I bet they would rip them to shreds..

Kai grabs my bag , Closes my locker and they all walk up to the roof.

they then throw my bag of the roof

"why... did you do that"I sniffled . I won't cry . I won't cry . Who am I joking .... I'm not tough..

"now your turn..." Yona says

" Wait Yona ... Kai... that will kill her! " Mizuki says getting nervous.

Kai and yona laugh like they were etold a hysterical joke

"No please " I'm usless aren't I.

I'm just as stupid.

I Give up on life. I hate all of the people in life. Teachers. My step mom . class mates .

I jump the fence and I realise this would set me free from all this pain. I would be free from all the yelling... All the Abuse..

"I'm free " I scream crying and laughing

looking up at my bullies , they look terrfied and disturbed

As I hit the ground of the sidewalk, I hear suddle yelling and running. coming from the rooftop, I hear the beeps of the phone and Mizuki calling an emergency service known as 991.

As they came and I only saw blurry faces I closed my eyes for the final time...Atleast I thought..

"Lady Cho-Hee! "

Huh who is that? Wait I thought I died ...

I jump up to see a cute red haired girl with purple eyes, She looked scared of me for some reason.

"Who are you?!"

I look at her and she look at her feet not letting me have eye contact with her.

"My n-name is Yuki , My Lady" Yuki says as she likes more scared and worried.

"I'm her majesty's loyal maid"

Wait what I look at my hands and see they are not my hands..

I scream in shock and I run to the closest mirror.

" My loyal maid please give me some time to wake up"

"y-yes My Lady" She runs out and closes the the huge fancy doors on her way out.

"I have black hair and red eyes , My name isn Cho-Hee she says.." I talk to myself while looking in the mirror .

"Wait" I say looking terrified at my position right now

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